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The Arnold


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i'll be the giant guy in the corner giving out protein shakes to all the fitness model chicks.



seriously, its cool to see columbus attract something like this, but in no way, shape, or form do i have a fraction of the patience for all the 'bros' that this event attracts.

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I always thought MP products were shit


Most supplements are really... I take a pre-workout, some BCAA's and everyone in a while I will throw a protein shake in to hold me over between training and dinner. I don't take them thinking they will make me buff like most people do though.

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Looks like I might be going tomorrow or Sunday after all. I saw some woman walking around last night at the Jackets game and I literally couldn't tell if she was 30 or 70. She had so much surgery and botox done to her face she looked like an alien. The entertainment factor of going to the Arnold will hopefully be worth it enough to deal with the insane crowds.
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Looks like I might be going tomorrow or Sunday after all. I saw some woman walking around last night at the Jackets game and I literally couldn't tell if she was 30 or 70. She had so much surgery and botox done to her face she looked like an alien. The entertainment factor of going to the Arnold will hopefully be worth it enough to deal with the insane crowds.




Look at her hands. Hands always tell a ladies age

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It was a great day for me. Clay Guida is probably the coolest dude I have ever met and hung out with. I could seriously hang with that guy every day, I am just blessed to be able to do so the next 2 days. Travis Browne is also a cool mother fucker. Aside from those two, I was lucky enough to meet some other "celebs" while working.


Mark Bell (power lifter) walked up to our booth and began talking to me as if we were best friends of 20 years. I took the opportunity and ran with it haha. Got to spend 10-15 minutes just discussing life, business and training. Was a really nice guy.


I was in the back grabbing a couple boxes of our shirts and met Randy Couture. It took everything in me not to be "that guy" while wanting to be that guy haha. I didn't snap a pic with him, but did shake hands and say hello's. The next guy I met back stage was Mark Henry aka The Worlds Strongest Man and WWE wrestler. He was in the back working with the strong men as I came walking by. Knowing he was busy I again passed up a photo up and chose to go the "Hey nice to meet you" route instead.


On a smaller celeb scale I hung out with Logan Stiebler, who is a former OSU wrestler and world champion. Tyler Everett who played football for Ohio State and Steve Weatherford who was the punter for the NY Giants during their superbowl.


Tomorrow the plan is to venture over to CT Fletchers booth with my boss/buddy and talk to him for a while and hopefully meet Arnold.

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Went to it the first few years when it was only body building and contained at Vets. Then took my son probably 8-10 years ago a few times but it's way too crowded to enjoy.

My son is home from college to go to it.

It is great for the city.





Yep. First few years I went it was still at Vets. They gave away a ton of stuff and it was no where near as crowded as it is now. I liken the mentality of the people going to how people act at a sporting event when they are fighting over a $5 t-shirt. It's just dumb.

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Most supplements are really... I take a pre-workout, some BCAA's and everyone in a while I will throw a protein shake in to hold me over between training and dinner. I don't take them thinking they will make me buff like most people do though.




Most of the supplements become expensive urine.

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Clay is a super cool dude. I met him at UFC Chicago, i guess he is my wife's best friends cousin. Super down to earth guy.


A few years ago at a meet and greet my wife and I did shots with Clay and his brother.


Good times.

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A few years ago at a meet and greet my wife and I did shots with Clay and his brother.


Good times.


I looooved watching that guy fight. He didn't always win, but he was a fucking savage. The dude literally never slowed down; was constantly on the attack.

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Just left there. Pretty busy but not as bad as last year since the expansion of the convention center. Got a pic with Rich Piana. Spent most of the time just trying to squeeze between people to walk anywhere


That line was absolutely retarded, at one time I was told 3hrs just to meet a guy full of synthol... I guess that's what moves the needle these days for people though. While I respect Rich for being an honest doucher, I don't think would ever wait in line that long to meet the guy. I did sneak over there to see check things out and man he looks really bad in person. He looks bad on youtube but in person it's even worse.


Today wasn't as exciting as yesterday, but I was able to visit CT Fletcher with Cory and talk to him for 10 minutes, which was rad!


Clay and I are going to link up over the summer for a visit to my gym and then to catch a few ball games as we're both big baseball fans and fans of the Cubs. As others have said, super down to earth guy, he was handing out samples of product today for gods sake.

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Spent a few hours there today checking out the sites. Buddy and I had a good time and I probably over spent on some misc crap but it was good times. Agree on the number of women there that have had cosmetic crap done to their face and more. Lots of crazy good looking butts though. Yoga pants on the right chicks are the best creations in the fashion industry. :p
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By buddy and I always hang out at the Hilton. In past years Arnold has been there a time or two and its a cool people watching area. So last night we wondered down and found some seats in the bar area as always. There was a large table in front of us with some average looking people. I look a little closer at a guy in a hat. Oh hey, its Randy Couture. Him and his wife/gf with some other people I didn't recognize. Just hanging out having drinks like everyone else. I was a pretty big fan of his back in the day (like everyone else I suppose) I restrained from bothering for a picture as much as I wanted too. Fun night.
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That line was absolutely retarded, at one time I was told 3hrs just to meet a guy full of synthol... I guess that's what moves the needle these days for people though. While I respect Rich for being an honest doucher, I don't think would ever wait in line that long to meet the guy. I did sneak over there to see check things out and man he looks really bad in person. He looks bad on youtube but in person it's even worse.


Today wasn't as exciting as yesterday, but I was able to visit CT Fletcher with Cory and talk to him for 10 minutes, which was rad!


Clay and I are going to link up over the summer for a visit to my gym and then to catch a few ball games as we're both big baseball fans and fans of the Cubs. As others have said, super down to earth guy, he was handing out samples of product today for gods sake.



Yeah I only stood in line because my buddy really wanted to meet him. The only guy I'd consider waiting an hour to meet is Arnold

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Just left there. Pretty busy but not as bad as last year since the expansion of the convention center. Got a pic with Rich Piana. Spent most of the time just trying to squeeze between people to walk anywhere


Post rich pic. He was really the only reason i was even half interested in going.

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Think guy with balloon arms and really stretched looking skin. I will give the guy all the credit in the world for being honest and a smart business man, however, he really looks bad in person. All the steroid use is catching up to him.


As for Guida he hit me up today checking on my son since he knew he was wrestling in a district qualifier (which he took 2nd) and discussed our baseball trip this summer. I could legitimately see myself getting in trouble with that guy if we were to hang out for too long of a time haha.

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