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That Other Cars and Coffee Group


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Just saw on facebook that that "other" CCC, the ones with all the exotics and stuff is having their "season opener" party at the Columbus Zoo. I clicked through the link and the tickets are $150 per ticket for a 6:30 to 10pm event at the Zoo.


Not sure how I feel about this. On the one hand renting out the zoo for a party is expensive, but on the other $150 entry fee kinda defeats the purpose of cars and coffee events which are by their nature supposed to be free and open.


Also not sure how this is a "season opener" since they have an even scheduled at Byers Imports this Saturday. Also they now have "Cars and Coffee Signature Events" which just makes me want to throw up in my mouth a little.



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Not sure how I feel about this. On the one hand renting out the zoo for a party is expensive, but on the other $150 entry fee kinda defeats the purpose of cars and coffee events which are by their nature supposed to be free and open.



Unless they are getting to drive and park IN the zoo, then it is technically free and open to everyone to get into the parking lot no? I don't remember if they gate it. Us peasants could just go walk the lot?

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Unless they are getting to drive and park IN the zoo, then it is technically free and open to everyone to get into the parking lot no? I don't remember if they gate it. Us peasants could just go walk the lot?


unless you are a Zoo member the Zoo charges for parking, but it's not $150.


I honestly don't know where they are going to park the cars. The "party" is in the Africa Event Center and has an open bar, food, some sort of fashion show, gift bag, and something called "exotic cars display".



Is it just me or is this trying too hard?

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This has been discussed before hence why Dayton's C&C is much more enticing to attended then any of the Columbus events. I applaud Clay for establishing the right mindset but the other group which pulls a certain type is about buying friends or checkbook stroking than being car enthusiasts.


In the end it's a gathering and not a business venture like Paul believes.

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Paul has been able to cultivate a group focused around hypercars first, and everyone else who wants to pay-to-play second. It's working for him. One could draw a similar parallel to other social events around town...music/fashion shows (FMMF in Columbus) come to mind: not everyone in attendance plays an instrument or can even fit into the clothes that the models are wearing, but they will still pay money and show up just to be seen. THAT is the other Cars and Coffee group, and ultimately is the only issue I have with Milligan: he's so far away from "Cars and Coffee" that he should just own it and call it something else, like "Columbus Exotics" or something like that.


Kenny Brightman does a heck of a job with Dayton C&C - I've chatted with him and we'll be doing a cruise or two this season. I'd like to think we could've had something similar in Columbus if Paul didn't create such a fractile car community - he's definitely got his IG fanbois running around town trying to spot exotics and brand social media, and you're either with them or you're against them. It's all so silly.

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I registered this week. The events are top notch, quality stuff, they really take care of their patrons. I was well received when I first attended an event with them and I wouldn't consider myself "the 1%"


Well they are in it to try and make it a success...you don't get there by being a dick to people. To be honest for something this "commercial" to last as long as it has they have to be doing something right.


I attended a couple of their "cars and coffee" events at byers and here is my impression:


- There is a lot of jackassery coming into and leaving the events that goes unchecked. At one point there was a crowd at the entrance of Byers to see if people leaving would hoon.


- Some of the "exotic" people are unfriendly. Adds to the zero chill vibe that it has. They tend to gather in cliques and if you want to talk cars with them they aren't that receptive.


- The music is too loud. All events I went to had a DJ and it was just blasting. If you were within 100 feet of the DJ it was difficult to carry on a conversation.


- Sponsorship. I haven't felt this too much at the event but it seems to drive a lot of the activity. There was a nationwide table setup at one of them but it was easily avoided. The communications mention it a lot and there are banners, and if you follow the facebook feed they are always offering discounts with their partners.


- All of their online photos and marketing focus on exotic cars and almost nothing else. I've been to their shows where people have brought some really interesting vintage stuff and it generally gets snubbed and you don't see photos of it on their site/fb.


Honestly it's a different thing, and think it's fine that it exists, but having an event that feels like a carnival and is run like a business feels like it should be called something else. I've been to Cars and Coffee events in Seattle, Long Island, LA, and Newark, DE. All felt like the Lenox Cars and Coffee.


I'd like to think we could've had something similar in Columbus if Paul didn't create such a fractile car community - he's definitely got his IG fanbois running around town trying to spot exotics and brand social media, and you're either with them or you're against them. It's all so silly.


It's literally a "branding" dispute. If he just branded it as something else it feels like it would all go away. He could do his thing and still cover the exotics stuff and then people wouldn't feel so torn about it.

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I bought a hoonigan license plate frame because it was funny. But I might grind the "hoonigan" part off of it.


I'll give you a pass. Judging by your car, I don't think you're the type that prides themselves in being a "Hoonigan"

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Anytime I see a car with a "Hoonigan" sticker on it, I have the urge to swerve into their lane and force them into the ditch


considering the activity, hoon is the appropriate word. One of the ones I was at there was a guy who tried to slide sideways out of the byers lot (I'm old so I call it a fishtail, but others might call it a drift). He ended up running wide on the grass shoulder. In my head the car was a mustang, but that might be just media bias effing with my memory.

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