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El Karacho1647545492

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Don't. Just picked up my Note 8 and I am so glad that the temptation to move to iOS didn't last long. Instead I picked up two on a BOGO offer through AT&T and converted my son. He's 14 and a total tech geek and is blown away. My guess is he'll be showing me stuff soon.
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Don't. Just picked up my Note 8 and I am so glad that the temptation to move to iOS didn't last long. Instead I picked up two on a BOGO offer through AT&T and converted my son. He's 14 and a total tech geek and is blown away. My guess is he'll be showing me stuff soon.


Already fiddled with GS8+ and Note 8, I don't like them at all. The other brands have those gimmicky squeeze sides that I hate too.


What's getting me to convert is wireless charging plus it seems Apple finally saw the light and implemented a file system for iOS11.

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Already fiddled with GS8+ and Note 8, I don't like them at all. The other brands have those gimmicky squeeze sides that I hate too.


Squeeze sides?


On the Note, the side app drawer is great. I have my screen configured with Nova Launcher Prime and nearly every app I use is either a simple gesture or a swipe away.


I'm blown away by the screen too. Color, clarity and brightness are off the charts even at 60% which is where I usually keep it. I put the phone on Medium Power Saver which is 70% speed and it still flies and I got more than enough time. 6am to 11pm and still had 20% battery left with medium usage that day.


Good luck with the iPhone. They are nice too. Not sure if the new iOS allows custom configs but I love being able to use gestures to call open apps. Swipe up and my dialer/contacts appear. Double tap and text messages opens, swipe up on work email opens my work calendar, swipe up on a folder can open my favorite app in that folder, long press on email offers me the options to create new, etc. Even the new Bixby can macro into the phones menu, etc. So when I'm at the office I can tell Bixby, "I'm at work" and she'll forward my phone to my desk, turn off GPS, connect my phone to the PC via WiFi and put my phone on vibrate, etc. with one simple command. Very convenient. When I go to bed it can flip on my flashlight so I don't break my foot tripping on a dog, set my alarm clock, etc. with one command.




Edited by TTQ B4U
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Squeeze sides?


On the Note, the side app drawer is great. I have my screen configured with Nova Launcher Prime and nearly every app I use is either a simple gesture or a swipe away.


I'm blown away by the screen too. Color, clarity and brightness are off the charts even at 60% which is where I usually keep it. I put the phone on Medium Power Saver which is 70% speed and it still flies and I got more than enough time. 6am to 11pm and still had 20% battery left with medium usage that day.


Good luck with the iPhone. They are nice too. Not sure if the new iOS allows custom configs but I love being able to use gestures to call open apps. Swipe up and my dialer/contacts appear. Double tap and text messages opens, swipe up on work email opens my work calendar, swipe up on a folder can open my favorite app in that folder, long press on email offers me the options to create new, etc. Even the new Bixby can macro into the phones menu, etc. So when I'm at the office I can tell Bixby, "I'm at work" and she'll forward my phone to my desk, turn off GPS, connect my phone to the PC via WiFi and put my phone on vibrate, etc. with one simple command. Very convenient. When I go to bed it can flip on my flashlight so I don't break my foot tripping on a dog, set my alarm clock, etc. with one command.





Good writeup.


Squeeze sides on HTC U11: https://www.theverge.com/2017/5/16/15643668/htc-wants-you-to-squeeze-its-new-phone


on HTC-built Pixel 2: https://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2017/8/15/16152770/google-pixel-2-htc-fcc-filing-features-squeeze-active-edge


For me, configurability has become less important over time. I used to fuck with my phones endlessly, when I got the Galaxy S6 I found myself eliminating features. The split screen thing is something that I always found totally gimmicky. I don't like multitasking, I think it just results in 2 half-assed jobs instead of one whole-ass one. I primarily use my phone for calls, emails, SMS, and occasionaly web browsing. My main concern with moving to Apple is the lack of Google dominance in the OS, but it's not enough to keep me from stopping. I used to use Google Now/Assistant all the time when it first was getting refined, but I now find it intrusive and annoying rather than useful. I think the article Mike posted mentioned that iOS is a much more linear experience, which to me actually is valuable. It's not that I have disdain for flexibility of Android, I just don't care enough about it to deal with a phone whose hardware I find to be a bad fit for me.


I used to be an iPhone hater. I got sick of the back and forth silly arguments. There are many solid objective arguments to be made for each side, which seem to be the content of this thread. I've just found that most new phones are, objectively, pretty identical in how they address my main needs, and so coming to subjective wants/needs I find myself gravitating towards the iOS experience as it's evolved.


EDIT: Oh, and the phone that would likely keep me away from iOS would be the Pixel 2XL or LG V30. Not a fan of the print scanner location. Samsung has started to remind me more of what Apple used to be when they were more annoying to me, such as with their Bixby button and the IMO ridiculous decision to place a fingerprint scanner adjacent to the camera lens.

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Good writeup.For me, configurability has become less important over time. I used to fuck with my phones endlessly, when I got the Galaxy S6 I found myself eliminating features. The split screen thing is something that I always found totally gimmicky. I don't like multitasking, I think it just results in 2 half-assed jobs instead of one whole-ass one.


Gotcha. Where I use it is say in the car. I'll have the GPS on top and a multitude of things below. For the sake of criticism here I'll say a music app. On airplanes I tend to watch movies and surf at the same time. Now we can even launch both simultaneously. Silly but makes sense. I also like being able to text message someone like my wife on her iPhone and copy my son who tends to use other apps for messaging as now the OS gives the ability to send the same message through two apps at the same time. There too, at least they recognize people tend to have families using two different ecosystems or means of communicating and now they have addressed that in a good way.


I primarily use my phone for calls, emails, SMS, and occasionaly web browsing. My main concern with moving to Apple is the lack of Google dominance in the OS, but it's not enough to keep me from stopping. I used to use Google Now/Assistant all the time when it first was getting refined, but I now find it intrusive and annoying rather than useful. I think the article Mike posted mentioned that iOS is a much more linear experience, which to me actually is valuable. It's not that I have disdain for flexibility of Android, I just don't care enough about it to deal with a phone whose hardware I find to be a bad fit for me.
Fair enough. I"m more of a power user I guess.


Samsung has started to remind me more of what Apple used to be when they were more annoying to me, such as with their Bixby button and the IMO ridiculous decision to place a fingerprint scanner adjacent to the camera lens.
I don't mind Bixby. Stupid name, etc. but it does what I want it to do. Fingerprint wise, it's not bad. Ensures I have a great grip on the phone and a simply swipe up with my index finger opens Samsung Pay, then with the same finger and positioning, I can authorize the payment. Being next to the camera doesn't bother me as I always wipe off the lens before taking a photo. Wouldn't matter where the print reader was at. On the back is actually way better IMO than the home button.


Again, both are fast and great. 1st world problems for sure. Kinda like deciding between a low 14 second sedan today. Lots of choices.

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Converted about a year ago simply because I was sick and tired of my family going "Didn't you see the pictures????" Well, of course not. I'm on Droid, you're using all that iPhone-exclusive stuff. For the most part, if there's an app for one OS, there's an equivalent app for the other, often by the same developers. The only exceptions I've found to this so far that I really cared about are WiFi Analyzer (which would be so incredibly helpful in figuring out why my home network sometimes works flawlessly, and sometimes sucks rotting monkey nuts), and Google's SkyMap (wonderful astronomy tool).
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I want to summarize things before yall kill each other.



  • Open OS: free for the user the change how he/she wants
  • Google: A company who makes the OS, not the hardware. This can cause comparability issues with some devices.
  • Google Now: It's ok, does cool stuff, has zero personality
  • Hardware: differs from device to device



  • Closed OS: Apple handles everything for you. want to change something? FUCK YOU!
  • Apple: Makes the OS and the Phone for maximum compatability with other apple devices
  • Siri: more personality, can be turned off completely if you don't want her.
  • Hardware: Planed Obsolescence: Apple will almost force you to get a new phone eventually to stay current in their ecosystem.


Hope this clears some stuff up. I am personally a Windows/Android fan because I enjoy the thrill of customizing my devices to fit me. Unlike in Apple's world, YOU the user have to play by their rules and live with their products as they are. Don't like Samsung phones? Awesome! there are 10 other companies that make android phones. Don't like the iPhone? FUCK YOU! love the iPhone!


That's basically how it is... to each their own. You love the idea of an apple product, then please enjoy it. Each side has its strengths and weaknesses. Android folks tend to customize to the point where their screen looks like a Jackson Pollock Painting... just saying.

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I'd switch from iPhone to Android, but I've been on Sprint for 14+ years and get a free iPhone upgrade every 2 years. Plus, we are an Apple family, with Mac at home and most of my family/friends on iPhones for Air Drop, FaceTime, group texts...


I'm not saying Apple is better! But, I would be "divorcing" my family/friends if I abandoned and I don't really know what I would gain from the transition aside from battery life (I'm not tech-savvy nor big into apps outside of mainstream stuff).

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