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Individual turbos on each cylinder


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1st thought, the energy it takes to spin up 3 small turbos would be equal to or great than just spinning up 1 turbo. This might be negated because they will be much closer to the head and allow more energy closer to the turbo, but its hard to say.


2nd thought, article says 3 small turbos might be cheaper than 1 large turbo. I call BS on this since a 76mm turbo is the same price new as a 53mm turbo. So in my theory I think it would cost 3x as much to just buy the turbos.


Plus all the points mentioned above.

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Complexity of the system would be a manufacturing nightmare (juice wouldn't be worth the squeeze). Not to mention once you get past the set up tuning would be a nightmare as well. Not so much for the factory base tune but the upkeep of the tune as the car ages. That many moving parts, plus the addition of upkeep to keep each individual cylinder equal to its counterparts would be such a headache. Bank style turbos at least give you an equal amount of pressure per cylinder as the turbo ages/starts to wear.
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I think it's a cool concept and would be interested in seeing a built prototype and the resulting numbers. When I read Grudes post I thought of an intercooler with like 6 tubes going into it and a spaghetti monster under the hood.


What I saw using that casting to connect all the turbos into 1 charge pipe was actually pretty clever.

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If all components weight the same (shaft/wheel ect) and have the same wheel flow efficiencies, a single turbo is the most efficient way to compress air in any system. This is straight from the mouth of as garret engineer. In lay terms, you can get the tightest tolerances between the wheel/housing, and more turbos just augment that loss. Most twin systems are done for packaging in the OEM world, or sillay airflow needs int he aftermarket that make a single not an option.


And besides- its been done before.



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If that gimmicky diaper heap ever comes to life off a showroom floor it'll be wasted on a 0.7 liter 3-cylinder 120hp shitfuck car that costs $30,000. TV shows and Youtube videos will be littered with commercials of said shitfuck car with genderfluid hipsters laughing over pumpkin spice lattes, followed by them hopping into their parents-bought said shitfuck car with I'M WITH HER stickers on it and they'll be driving down the highway acting all happy and omg there's so much whorespowers! Triple zooms! This planet sucks.
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