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Tax Reform


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I'm just going to reply to this statement because the other ones we will just keep going back and forth but I want to make sure we're clear here.


I believe if you are raped and become pregnant, you should be able to have an abortion for free. If the Government doesn't pay for it, I'm willing to bet a charity would pop up and offer it.


I've never had to pay for sex and I certainly have never forced myself on a girl. Nice assumption though. Weren't you just insulting me about stereotyping, yet here you are.


The Evangelicals will never ever let the .Gov pay for an abortion.

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I'm just going to reply to this statement because the other ones we will just keep going back and forth but I want to make sure we're clear here.


I believe if you are raped and become pregnant, you should be able to have an abortion for free. If the Government doesn't pay for it, I'm willing to bet a charity would pop up and offer it.


That will never happen. But until Hobby Lobby if you had insurance at least you had a choice and because of the ACA there was a good chance you had insurance.


I've never had to pay for sex and I certainly have never forced myself on a girl. Nice assumption though. Weren't you just insulting me about stereotyping, yet here you are.


I'm sure you think that, but whether that's true or not is not up to you to certify, it's up to those people you have had encounters with. Pressure is not always physical.


Here's my point: the ACA was not the government paying for birth control, it was just them regulating the insurance marketplace to make it accessible to everyone. your tax payer money didn't go to anybody's abortion, or making contraceptives accessible. The free market wasn't fixing this situation because a for profit model will never make not for profit considerations a priority.


Allowing "FOR PROFIT" companies to object to certain aspects of healthcare because of a "religious" objections was not good for the public in general, not good for public policy, and not a solution to some real problems the government was looking to solve for.


There is literally no argument you have made to this point that speaks to any interest you possibly have, so why? why are you against this? my money is on the fact that you read so much garbage propaganda you don't even know what's the truth anymore. I mean you called a pretty good analysis of how to measure the president's performance against the deficit "excuses". I mean how is anybody supposed to take you seriously?

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I'm sure you think that, but whether that's true or not is not up to you to certify, it's up to those people you have had encounters with. Pressure is not always physical.


Lmao. I guess every dude who's ever fucked a girl should just be locked away because who the hell knows! Maybe that guy spit some game, got the girl to like him, she spread her legs willingly then he stopped talking to her, therefore rape :lolguy: you've said a lot of ridiculous things, but this might top them all.

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After the Hobby Lobby decision all the above companies could discriminate in women's healthcare for "religious" reasons. Also so could any number of other companies because the Hobby Lobby decision did not just apply to hobby lobby but ALL employers.


Americans need to be responsibile for at least one fucking thing in their life and that's the price of a Condom or at least simply giving a blow job.


Every logical argument aside, we need to agree on this. If you can't afford a kid, jerk off or get a give your dude a blow job. /this dumb fucking topic already.

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I'm really interested in the dialogue on this....based on the fact that I have a business (real estate investment) and a W2 job, I'm wondering how much it'll impact me. I did pay my personal property taxes yesterday for the next 12 months- apparently it's significantly more advantageous to do so in 2017.
Is that what PM is calling about? Haha


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Birth Control pills =/= condoms. IUD's =/= condoms. Plan B =/= condoms. Seriously, it's amazing any woman has ever let you guys inside them, ever, with some of the shit you say.


Condoms do not have a 100% effectiveness rate. Actually it's more like 83% if it is even used. That's roughly 15 people out of every 100 - which when you talk about a population in the billions is a lot of kids. Just because you buy them doesn't mean you use them. Also, rapists don't usually care for condom use, including date rapists and marital rape (yes that is a thing, you aren't allowed to rape someone you are married to).


Also, condoms aren't cheap. If you are a minimum wage earner there are other priorities than a $4-$14 box of dick bags. And certainly other priorities than an expensive medical procedure. If you had a choice between paying rent and an abortion, which are you going to choose?

How about keeping your dick in your pants, that’s 100% effective, like your dad should have done.

You seriously need to take your nasty rhetoric back to the east coast where you and it belong.

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The major plan numbers look good up front. There has been a lot of discussion about the tax deductions for dependents. What about other deductions that are going away that will impact people more than savings helps? These are a few that I have found/heard about.


Alimony will not be deductible (doesn't hurt me, but I'll bet there are people here that it will)


Deductions for property tax will now be capped at $10,000 (I'm below that, but not that much)


You can only claim a personal loss if it is in a disaster declared by the president.


Moving expenses no longer a deduction. (if you changed jobs and had to move they were a deduction)


Tax preparation is no longer a deduction.


There was a bunch of noise about tuition, but looks like that has been cut out.


Does anyone know of any more of the little items? I know there is more hidden stuff in there that probably makes any benefits a wash for me.

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The major plan numbers look good up front. There has been a lot of discussion about the tax deductions for dependents. What about other deductions that are going away that will impact people more than savings helps? These are a few that I have found/heard about.


Alimony will not be deductible (doesn't hurt me, but I'll bet there are people here that it will)


Deductions for property tax will now be capped at $10,000 (I'm below that, but not that much)


You can only claim a personal loss if it is in a disaster declared by the president.


Moving expenses no longer a deduction. (if you changed jobs and had to move they were a deduction)


Tax preparation is no longer a deduction.


There was a bunch of noise about tuition, but looks like that has been cut out.


Does anyone know of any more of the little items? I know there is more hidden stuff in there that probably makes any benefits a wash for me.


Property tax, state tax, and local tax is capped at $10k. This will affect more people than realize it. All the tax prep software automatically combined all your taxes paid when you itemized. My property tax was $3900 last year but my total SALT deduction was like 10500.

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Property tax, state tax, and local tax is capped at $10k. This will affect more people than realize it. All the tax prep software automatically combined all your taxes paid when you itemized. My property tax was $3900 last year but my total SALT deduction was like 10500.



If this is accurate, thats pretty brutal for middle america.

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If this is accurate, thats pretty brutal for middle america.


Luckily the drop in brackets helps offset. I think i read that $135k married with 2 kids is the last of any real benefit for W2 workers.

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I only came to this thread to post that according to the chart on the first page, my wife and I will be paying 37% this year. That is all.



















. I wish..


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It sure would be great if we could have political discussions without delving into personal insults.


Lower taxes are great, provided that they are met with cutting excess spending in areas where it can be cut. The problem is, we aren't cutting enough spending to offset that. Personally, I have a significant amount of deductions under our current system which provide me with some relief. I have a bit of a problem with a system that is cutting taxes for people who have more disposable income than I do (which is why we allow deductions for things like children and business expenses in the first place), while increasing my burden.


Also currently we have several corporations who would be allowed deductions for increasing pay to their employees. FULLY deductible under current law. Still, corporations increase salaries for their higher employees while complaining that an increase on minimum wage will kill their profits. Why would corporations continue to increase payouts as opposed to keeping profits for cash on hand? Which has more value to shareholders? Money back to lower level employees? Probably not. Let's revisit this thread in two years and find out what everyone's bonus and raise structure look like. most employers currently cap raises around 3% unless there's a promotion, usually they try and keep it closer to 2%. I am not optimistic that things will change. I hope that you all are right.

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I'm saying an administration that blocks access to birth control and abortion and then PENALIZES people who have more than two kids is scamming the American public.


Tell me, how does a government keep someone from keeping their legs closed or their d*ck in their pants?


I must be superhuman, because it worked for me and my wife.


Ohh wait, heaven forbid people actually being responsible and making responsible choices.

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Tell me, how does a government keep someone from keeping their legs closed or their d*ck in their pants?


I must be superhuman, because it worked for me and my wife.


Ohh wait, heaven forbid people actually being responsible and making responsible choices.


Don't be silly. Responsibility is only for the productive members of society. The lazy poors get a pass because their life sucks enough already, let alone adding responsibility on top of their daily struggles.

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Tell me, how does a government keep someone from keeping their legs closed or their d*ck in their pants?


I must be superhuman, because it worked for me and my wife.


Ohh wait, heaven forbid people actually being responsible and making responsible choices.


If businesses are the ones providing healthcare, they shouldn't have any say in the coverage provided outside of "prescription coverage yes or no".

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Why do you want to increase the national debt?


because I don't really care about the national debt. the tax cut helps me more than it hurts the rest of the country. isn't that the American way? paying more taxes is not the way this country is going to get out of debt. I pay enough taxes each year. and now that I'm married to someone who is also in one of the higher brackets, its even more. not complaining, I just don't want more of my hard earned money being pissed away.

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because I don't really care about the national debt. the tax cut helps me more than it hurts the rest of the country. isn't that the American way? paying more taxes is not the way this country is going to get out of debt. I pay enough taxes each year. and now that I'm married to someone who is also in one of the higher brackets, its even more. not complaining, I just don't want more of my hard earned money being pissed away.



Yep. If I knew our tax dollars were being well spent and utilized properly, I could understand. The Federal Government is careless and wreckless with our money and if we increased taxes, I can almost guarantee our national debt wouldn't decrease, they'd find a way to piss it away.


All the sudden Democrats are concerned about the national debt :lolguy:

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because I don't really care about the national debt. the tax cut helps me more than it hurts the rest of the country. isn't that the American way? paying more taxes is not the way this country is going to get out of debt. I pay enough taxes each year. and now that I'm married to someone who is also in one of the higher brackets, its even more. not complaining, I just don't want more of my hard earned money being pissed away.


You married a tinder girl? You're doing it wrong.

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You married a tinder girl? You're doing it wrong.


crazy, right? two years later and things are pretty awesome. she works her ass off, and makes serious bank, not that that is the end-all. but I certainly have a lot more respect for someone with a masters level education who can support herself, her kids, and probably me and my kids if I had to stop working. :fuckyeah:


I'm not used to someone paying for shit, whether its for dinner, or a brand new Lincoln navigator. it is, what it is.

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