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Tax Reform


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because I don't really care about the national debt. the tax cut helps me more than it hurts the rest of the country. isn't that the American way? paying more taxes is not the way this country is going to get out of debt. I pay enough taxes each year. and now that I'm married to someone who is also in one of the higher brackets, its even more. not complaining, I just don't want more of my hard earned money being pissed away.


Yep. If I knew our tax dollars were being well spent and utilized properly, I could understand. The Federal Government is careless and wreckless with our money and if we increased taxes, I can almost guarantee our national debt wouldn't decrease, they'd find a way to piss it away.


All the sudden Democrats are concerned about the national debt :lolguy:


Did the new tax bill reduce the amount of money we're spending? Did it reduce the amount of money we're borrowing to piss away on the spending that you guys hate so much?


If so, just as many dollars are being "pissed away" after the tax bill as before it. The only difference is, you know, it's our kids' dollars or something. Whatever. Problem for another day, amiright?


All the sudden Republicans aren't concerned about the national debt :lolguy:

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Did the new tax bill reduce the amount of money we're spending? Did it reduce the amount of money we're borrowing to piss away on the spending that you guys hate so much?


If so, just as many dollars are being "pissed away" after the tax bill as before it. The only difference is, you know, it's our kids' dollars or something. Whatever. Problem for another day, amiright?


All the sudden Republicans aren't concerned about the national debt :lolguy:


I promise to spend the tax savings on a new car, and a bunch of other shit I don’t need to help “stimulate” the economy and help the overall financial situation here in the states.

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I promise to spend the tax savings on a new car, and a bunch of other shit I don’t need to help “stimulate” the economy and help the overall financial situation here in the states.


^^ this.


I get and support less spending. Been hoping to see less for decades now. Doesn't appear to have been in cards for all that time under democrats either say why are we surprised there are no more fucks given today than over the past 8 years?


I can only hope we get there soon but don't mind us starting with lower taxes. It's overdue and about dang time. As already noted, next up I hope will be some entitlement and spending reform to lower said outlays.

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crazy, right? two years later and things are pretty awesome. she works her ass off, and makes serious bank, not that that is the end-all. but I certainly have a lot more respect for someone with a masters level education who can support herself, her kids, and probably me and my kids if I had to stop working. :fuckyeah:


I'm not used to someone paying for shit, whether its for dinner, or a brand new Lincoln navigator. it is, what it is.



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I promise to spend the tax savings on a new car, and a bunch of other shit I don’t need to help “stimulate” the economy and help the overall financial situation here in the states.


^^ this.


Hopefully it won't be another Audi or Nissan...or pretty much any car.



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Hopefully it won't be another Audi or Nissan...or pretty much any car.




Traded in my vette for a Chevy ss. Owned the ss for 4 months and it wasn’t for me. I traded it in about a month ago for a hellcat charger. I was only able to get about 300 miles on the charger before putting it away for the winter, but pretty sure it’s a keeper. My wife and I ordered an ‘18 navigator, loaded. Should be here within the next 6 weeks.


Might trade my gtr in this summer for something more exotic. Trying my best to boost the economy :dumb:

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Who gives a shit about the national debt, honestly. You cant effect it, the less energy you spend worrying or complaining about it the better you are. It is not going away, and is not going down. I will say the "model" has some pretty odd assumptions I do not believe this will be as big of a burden as thought in the long run, by any stretch. But hate on, because the rich get richer, and over 80% of the rest of America. . .


Our government spending is so large that over a billion dollars can be rounding errors. As in whoops I goofed, poof billion. So when you really want to affect change we need to talk 100's of billions, otherwise its not going to move the needle, even a little. But its a cute talking point that you cut spending for the un for 285 million, thats NOTHING, seriously, nothing. Real change has to have real pain.



I am with Kirk, worry about yourself. The cuts are good for me, and I know for a fact I will reinvest my savings to boost jobs (as and employer) and or invest in goods.

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What didn't you like about the SS? They've been on my radar for a while (G8 owner).


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It just wasn’t fast enough. I thought I would like totally flying under the radar, but it just wasn’t for me. I don’t drive long distances for work, so I don’t really care about a super nice, comfortable daily, that is relatively quick. That’s the ss. The interior is very nicely done. The mag ride is simply amazing. No lie, on touring mode this car was more comfortable than my Audi. It also sounded pretty good with the dual mode exhaust. Stereo sucked, and I hate chevys infotainment set up. But the car handles very well for a four door and feels much smaller than a 4 door should.


In the end, I wanted 200 more hp. Sounds crazy, but that’s what the car needs. I couldn’t even get the car to do a decent burnout. With the charger, I got 300 more hp. With the option for more

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Hopefully it won't be another Audi or Nissan...or pretty much any car.





I can no longer worry about where our cars are made. The entire auto industry is whack. In the end, I worry about what's in my control and that impacts my life, family and our future and that again, is in my control.


I'm happy to see Trump putting the bullshit policies of Obama aside and bringing back a sense of America First and yeah, a little middle finger to everyone else. None of the other countries have given much shit for us but they are happy to take what we have to offer. Focus on US is where we need to be for a while. Obama was a pussy and IMO a Muslim sympathizer who worried more about about immigration and opening up our country to the poor to make himself look good and thus stroke his ego. Anyone who puts restrictions on the military engaged on the front line like he did is a total fuck up IMO. He was a very well spoken liar who tried to hide it. I'd much rather come across a snake in plain sight than one trying to hide.

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The thing that separates humans from other animals is the ability to empathize. There is this study that took human and chimp babies, and eventually at a certain age (2 or 3 years old maybe) the human child is able to imagine itself in another person's shoes.


Then there this theory as to why some cultures are so much more advanced and successful than others. Like why was Europe going through the industrial revolution, yet Africa is barely in the iron age and still no wheel. Well the theory goes that it's because of climate. Harsh climates (particularly winter) forced those cultures to plan ahead. Waking up, feeling hungry then going to pick some berries or hunt for food everyday might be possible in a climate that's mild year round, but good luck not dying during the winter.


So being able to put yourself in shoes of someone else and being able to plan ahead for the future, is really what not only makes us human, but advanced, intelligent humans.


All this "I only live in the now and think about myself" shit...is just further proof that some people haven't evolved as far as others yet. And that the US as a culture, cannot survive.



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The thing that separates humans from other animals is the ability to empathize. There is this study that took human and chimp babies, and eventually at a certain age (2 or 3 years old maybe) the human child is able to imagine itself in another person's shoes.


Then there this theory as to why some cultures are so much more advanced and successful than others. Like why was Europe going through the industrial revolution, yet Africa is barely in the iron age and still no wheel. Well the theory goes that it's because of climate. Harsh climates (particularly winter) forced those cultures to plan ahead. Waking up, feeling hungry then going to pick some berries or hunt for food everyday might be possible in a climate that's mild year round, but good luck not dying during the winter.


So being able to put yourself in shoes of someone else and being able to plan ahead for the future, is really what not only makes us human, but advanced, intelligent humans.


All this "I only live in the now and think about myself" shit...is just further proof that some people haven't evolved as far as others yet. And that the US as a culture, cannot survive.





Dude, socialism doesn't work. Get over it

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I think the ability to empathize is still alive and well...it's that many of us advanced, intelligent humans know that resources available to us - like money, time, raw materials, etc - are best utilized where we deem them to be most efficient.


I loathe people making blanket statements about our inability to empathize because we don't support causes important to others who don't put their own "skin in the game", or fail in their ability to clean up their own house before throwing stones at others.

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Dude, socialism doesn't work. Get over it


You should just unplug your keyboard and save face. I'm afraid it might be too late.


I think the ability to empathize is still alive and well...it's that many of us advanced, intelligent humans know that resources available to us - like money, time, raw materials, etc - are best utilized where we deem them to be most efficient.


I loathe people making blanket statements about our inability to empathize because we don't support causes important to others who don't put their own "skin in the game", or fail in their ability to clean up their own house before throwing stones at others.




Utilizing materials where they are most efficient...can't disagree there. I think we all agree that our tax money isn't being spent in the most efficient ways. Passing over greater debt and an environment worse than what we received it in over to our kids isn't cool.

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You should just unplug your keyboard and save face. I'm afraid it might be too late.


I'm not the one that's crying about rich people being the root cause of the worlds problems. I can take care of myself, maybe you should do the same and stop playing victim.

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