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Tax Reform


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Forcing people to buy insurance and having Uncle Sam fund it through the rest of us isn't lowering premiums. Why would a company selling a service lower costs when the customers coming to them are being handed money to spend? Did we not learn our lesson by funding any dumb fuck with a heartbeat their college money or home loan?


Time to stop taking in people from around the world who suck our system dry and put a strain on our systems that are already fucked. Time to focus on our own people and quit pretending that taking more tax dollars is going to fix us. The debt we have isn't going anywhere fast if we think taxing people higher to pay for it is going to fix it. It's time we get the economy going so we can earn more to pay for it. We don't need to be creating more dependents or more entitlement programs.

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I dunno, for decades Republicans have been arguing that we can't afford things like subsidized health insurance for poor people while at the same time pretending like they genuinely do care about their plight. Frankly, that's hard to square with this recent tax bill.


Things Republicans will borrow against our future for: tax cuts for the wealthy, defense spending, pointless wars. Things we can't afford to borrow against our future for: helping poor Americans get medical care.


What's been revealed here is that the drum that Republicans have been beating for the past 20 years about fiscal responsibility is nothing more than a fig leaf for social retribution. What we've seen here, through the actions of congress and the words of (presumably) Republican voters in this thread, is, to quote Brandon upthread, "Who gives a shit about the national debt, honestly." Indeed. Never again will Republicans be able to claim that we can't afford something because of the deficit and national debt with any integrity. Even Rand Paul, deficit hawk numero uno, has revealed himself to be a fucking fraud.


No, the actual message here is simple: we can afford to subsidize health care for poor people but we shouldn't, because they don't deserve it. It absolutely is about empathy here. This isn't about, "Oh, why should I be forced to pay taxes to pay for shit that I don't use," because even if you say, "Fine, no taxes, we'll just borrow the money like we do for everything else that you don't seem to mind," and the answer is still no.


/thread right here.

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This is a country who’s success as a world power is dwindling. That success was brought about through hard work and innovation. Hard work and innovation were rewarded with money, success, and an overall better life quality than was present where our immigrants came from. My grandfather was one of these men who came here from Greece and enjoyed the success of his hard work. Even better, his children were successful and grandchildren even more so.


That concept has escaped the previous/current generation. Money is spent on the less fortunate, Ill equipped. This sounds horrible, but it is the exact opposite of what has made this country successful. It is the opposite of the law of nature, and thus reversing evolution. No amount of taxes I pay will change this. My money is better served enriching the lives of my children, ensuring they will have every advantage they need to succeed. Both monetarily and through doing my best to raise them right.


Bottom line::: If I can save $30k in taxes, that money will be better served spent how I see fit as opposed to some fuckstick in Washington. I wish I had ways of paying less taxes, but i don’t. I have no fancy deductions, and no shelter from the careless spending of my hard earned money.

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This is a country who’s success as a world power is dwindling. That success was brought about through hard work and innovation. Hard work and innovation were rewarded with money, success, and an overall better life quality than was present where our immigrants came from. My grandfather was one of these men who came here from Greece and enjoyed the success of his hard work. Even better, his children were successful and grandchildren even more so.


That concept has escaped the previous/current generation. Money is spent on the less fortunate, Ill equipped. This sounds horrible, but it is the exact opposite of what has made this country successful. It is the opposite of the law of nature, and thus reversing evolution. No amount of taxes I pay will change this. My money is better served enriching the lives of my children, ensuring they will have every advantage they need to succeed. Both monetarily and through doing my best to raise them right.


Bottom line::: If I can save $30k in taxes, that money will be better served spent how I see fit as opposed to some fuckstick in Washington. I wish I had ways of paying less taxes, but i don’t. I have no fancy deductions, and no shelter from the careless spending of my hard earned money.


/thread right here

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Let me say it again. The fucksticks in Washington are still spending the money that you don't think they know how to spend, but now they're borrowing it so your kids can pay it back. What a great dad.


The money I save for my kids will offset any increased amount they will have to pay in the future, to pay back the government. Some may see this as selfish, but at this point I just don’t give a fuck what others think. I’ve paid more into the pool than 99.9% of people. Empathy and charity are great, but at some point self preservation trumps the touchy feely sensation I get when I see someone argue about paying $10 for their Obamacare bill, carrying a $1000 iPhone 60. I’m not going to wait around and celebrate throwing 40% of my money down the drain. My kids will be fine. When they come back and complain that I should have paid more taxes into the system instead of saving for their education/future, then I’ll come back and bump this thread to tell you that you were right.

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Let me say it again. The fucksticks in Washington are still spending the money that you don't think they know how to spend, but now they're borrowing it so your kids can pay it back. What a great dad.


It's like taking a lower paying job and telling your family that life will be better, but having to put your mortgage on your credit card every month.

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It's like taking a lower paying job and telling your family that life will be better, but having to put your mortgage on your credit card every month.


I wish I could pay my mortgage with a credit card. I want the points. lulz

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Forcing people to buy insurance and having Uncle Sam fund it through the rest of us isn't lowering premiums. Why would a company selling a service lower costs when the customers coming to them are being handed money to spend? Did we not learn our lesson by funding any dumb fuck with a heartbeat their college money or home loan?


Time to stop taking in people from around the world who suck our system dry and put a strain on our systems that are already fucked. Time to focus on our own people and quit pretending that taking more tax dollars is going to fix us. The debt we have isn't going anywhere fast if we think taxing people higher to pay for it is going to fix it. It's time we get the economy going so we can earn more to pay for it. We don't need to be creating more dependents or more entitlement programs.


I am 100% for going back to isolationism. :cool:


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It's like taking a lower paying job and telling your family that life will be better, but having to put your mortgage on your credit card every month.


valid statement. I was once told at work that people stay at the company because of the close personal relationships. My response was, I can't write warm and fuzzy feelings on a check and pay my mortgage with it.

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valid statement. I was once told at work that people stay at the company because of the close personal relationships. My response was, I can't write warm and fuzzy feelings on a check and pay my mortgage with it.


You're looking at it all wrong. When you're happy you're productive, and so by earning less and fostering these personal relationships you're actually going to earn more.


You just need to convince your bank of that the same way that Republicans have convinced their gullible voters. Less revenue means more revenue!

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Let me say it again. The fucksticks in Washington are still spending the money that you don't think they know how to spend, but now they're borrowing it so your kids can pay it back. What a great dad.


Like borrowing from Social security is a new thing, since Kennedy that has been happening.


Do something unique for your kids and show them that SS is not a retirement plan. It is awful the government defrauded us with a defunct program, but that was FDR's plan all along.


Additionally all that spending, much of which I will agree with you is ridiculous (800 billion in defense is a bit much, although what % off that is generating the economy?), it is just a stimulus to keep our economy equation growing, it is calculated to grow with a deficit, not the other way. Not saying I agree to that but that is the way it works.

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Dude, don’t waste your time. I’m pretty sure Brandon has swallowed so much republican semen that even his sky is red.

Why is it that you don't return to your beloved New York? Taxes too high, too many people, too many rules, maybe it's just less expensive here to live? I wonder how it got that way? I would be willing to bet that you definately have had more than a beer bottle in your mouth, many times. With that being said , a virus like you can even ruin a forum for car discussion, just think what you will do for Ohio.

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Republicans have convinced their gullible voters. Less revenue means more revenue!


We know it's less revenue. Good! Time for the Washington elite to begin operating on less. People do it all the time. Perhaps decisions will now be looked at a little differently now that the people aren't being forced to fund so much bull shit.


Handing over more tax dollars did nothing but feed the beast. Fuck that!


Sent from my Galaxy Note 8 using Tapatalk

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We know it's less revenue. Good! Time for the Washington elite to begin operating on less. People do it all the time. Perhaps decisions will now be looked at a little differently now that the people aren't being forced to fund so much bull shit.


Handing over more tax dollars did nothing but feed the beast. Fuck that!


Sent from my Galaxy Note 8 using Tapatalk


Ah yes, I remember how decisions were looked at differently after the last big tax cut and spending went down. Totally starved the beast. Well done Republicans.


You're a gullible twat.

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