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Geeto67's Political Playground


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There is none. Has my extreme pessimism about America's ability to deal with this not been obvious? School shootings are an unsolvable problem without a sweeping cultural change. I doubt it will happen in my lifetime.




Seems to work out OK for most of the world.


So the article you posted that was satire is your actual opinion.


Let's say realistically there is a way to disarm citizens. Okay, how?

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So the article you posted that was satire is your actual opinion.


There's always some truth to good satire.


Let's say realistically there is a way to disarm citizens. Okay, how?


I'm confused. My position is that there is no realistic way to disarm citizens. But you want me to pretend that there is, and then tell you what that magical way is?


OK. Laser cats.


Any other games you want to play?

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So the article you posted that was satire is your actual opinion.


Let's say realistically there is a way to disarm citizens. Okay, how?


Why does this conversation always drift to "Disarm ALL citizens".


you know there are other options right?


I don't think you fully fathom the crazytown that is the NRA's "shall not infringe" message. They don't think anybody should be restricted access by the government to firearms: Children, crazy people, convicted criminals, people who oppose the federal government and advocate killing it's officers (but they refuse to call terrorists), some household pets that act human (ok that one is a joke) should all have unrestricted unfettered access. We, our spouses, our parents, our children, our pets, need to pay the cost of that lack of restriction with our lives, whether we want to or not. That's the culture - it's a "simple" message that attracts people who can't really understand the complexity of the issue. "Gun control means using two hands" is satire but it is the creepy kind of satire that is more true than joke.


If you think I am kidding, remember those times 20+ years ago when the NRA advocated killing federal agents (Hint: they rhyme with Ruby Ridge and Branch Davidians).


If you think some people shouldn't have access to firearms like, I dunno the mentally unstable or felons, you are already off message and an enemy as far as the NRA's political agenda is concerned. Never mind that their own constituents and members probably don't have nearly the same extremist view, as long as they continue to promote that the liberals are going to take your guns, the membership dues and donations are going to keep rolling in.


One of the most effective campaigns the NRA has waged is de-funding research in this area. It doesn't cost them a lot, but the effects are profound. The resultant gun controls laws that get passed seem nonsensical because there isn't data and information to drive intelligent legislation. They run disinformation campaigns to convince people that research isn't needed because gun control isn't needed, and the belivers of this (let's call them morons) willingly hand over money to an organization that spends that money to insure they remain ignorant.


So how about this as reasonable? Start funding gun violence based research again. Let's get some good old fashioned data and root cause analysis that will allow us to make meaningful legislation that will stem the problem and lead to a uniform set of control laws? If you are a healthy individual, well adjusted, and not a felon then it shouldn't affect your access in anyway. But if you have self harm issues, or a felon, let's put up some roadblocks so that access is much harder and discouraging. And the net positive result is that with the focus on effective controls, you can relax some of the carry and conceal laws that make things such a pain to travel interstate.


But we won't. The Culture is that part of the "deal" of being an American citizen is you have to be ready to die so a crazy person can own a gun. Your children have to be ready to die because you, or your neighbor, or the guy working at 7/11, is repeatedly careless with fire arms. That culture is in power right now, and isn't going anywhere. So unless it changes (which Greg is right, won't happen in our lifetimes) here is where we will stay.

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I've already stated what I'd like to see happen. You've correctly pointed out that America as a whole won't get on board with my plan. I don't think any other strategies will work. So I don't think there's any way to prevent future mass shootings. They will just keep happening as long as American gun culture doesn't change.


Clear enough for you?




"I've already stated what I'd like to see happen."

K. What?


"You've correctly pointed out that America as a whole won't get on board with my plan."

What plan?


"I don't think any other strategies will work."

Implying there is a strategy that will work. K, what?

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"I've already stated what I'd like to see happen."

K. What?


"You've correctly pointed out that America as a whole won't get on board with my plan."

What plan?


"I don't think any other strategies will work."

Implying there is a strategy that will work. K, what?


Voluntary disarmament by an American population that no longer sees any value in being armed.

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Voluntary disarmament by an American population that no longer sees any value in being armed.


Completely unrealistic. Let's say it's possible though. Do citizens turn their weapons in for free? Do you think Joe Blow from Alabama is gonna turn his gun collection worth more than his car for nothing? Since you're extremely concerned about our national debt, do we add to it? Roughly 360 million guns in the country, how much for each gun is fair? Or are we literally assuming people will just hand in their guns for nothing?

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You serious, Clark?


Sure. Since I guess it's not obvious. We're basing this off the assumption that citizens aren't allowed to own guns? So you would be okay with only police and military having guns? You see no potential issue there?


I was, and this is the negatives? So we'll be like every other first world country? sounds terrible. Maybe they can throw in universal healthcare too and make our lives a living hell.

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I can't.... I don't even know how to talk to you.


You say you have solutions then give me completely unrealistic solutions and then admit they're unrealistic so really, you're just babbling. Gotcha


I was, and this is the negatives? So we'll be like every other first world country? sounds terrible. Maybe they can throw in universal healthcare too and make our lives a living hell.


Give me a solution on how to get 360 million guns out of American citizens hands.


You can donate to the free healthcare cause, I'll take my lower taxes. I don't think Kerrys triple bypass surgery is my responsibility to pay for but I'm sure he appreciates that you do.

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You say you have solutions then give me completely unrealistic solutions and then admit they're unrealistic so really, you're just babbling. Gotcha


When did I say I have solutions? I said I wanted something to happen, I admitted multiple times that the thing I wanted wasn't realistic and would never happen in my lifetime, and then I said repeatedly that there are no solutions. Are you retarded? Can I make it simpler for you?


In order to reduce gun violence in this country,

People need to want to get rid of their guns,

But people don't want to get rid of their guns,

Therefore there's no way to reduce gun violence in this country

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When did I say I have solutions? I said I wanted something to happen, I admitted multiple times that the thing I wanted wasn't realistic and would never happen in my lifetime, and then I said repeatedly that there are no solutions. Are you retarded? Can I make it simpler for you?


In order to reduce gun violence in this country,

People need to want to get rid of their guns,

But people don't want to get rid of their guns,

Therefore there's no way to reduce gun violence in this country


You said you have a plan. Aren't plans intended to create solutions?

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No. You're calling me retarded while saying you have a plan then saying there is no solution. Which is it? Or is your plan retarded?


I have a plan. It's not a realistic one. Ergo, it is not a solution. I have been entirely consistent over the last 3 pages in explaining my viewpoint. You've been entirely consistent in being retarded.

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Being called retarded by a guy who presents a retarded plan :lolguy:


There are ways to have sensible discussions about these topics without name calling. Have you tried to say less stupid antagonistic stuff?


Are you literally butt hurt because greg won't internet fight with you?

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To be fair, I tend to start the name calling.


not really. Read back. And even if you do I forgive you because his combination of ignorance and smugness is epic-ly frustrating. Also he's really bad at it. Half the time I am responding to him I feel like I am kicking a retarded puppy.

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not really. Read back. And even if you do I forgive you because his combination of ignorance and smugness is epic-ly frustrating. Also he's really bad at it. Half the time I am responding to him I feel like I am kicking a retarded puppy.


And here we have the pot calling the kettle black

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Maybe gun owners could just voluntarily get rid of their guns, putting the greater good over their own personal fears and self-interest, thus prompting a massive cultural shift in American attitudes towards private ownership of AR-15s and similar rifles, tanking the market for civilian ownership of such rifles, and thereby reducing the odds of a mentally ill person having access to one.



Why would I do that? None of what you Describe applies to anyone with access to my guns.


Sent from my Galaxy Note 8 using Tapatalk

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