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And yet stuff like this keeps happening. Oh well! As long as you're happy.




I am generally a very happy guy living the dream like most of us here. I hope you are too. The reality is more people are killed every year by drunk drivers but I'm not going around touting prohibition or melting down cars and trucks. Subtract all the suicides and rats killing rats in gangs and drug deals, etc. and the real number of true "innocent" victims like you or me is much smaller than the total 32k-36k killed by a gun every year. Most are suicides and the vast majority the remaining are just thugs and trash.


In the end, this isn't a gun-issue, it's a "why are kids/people like this doing these things" issue. Until society addresses the root cause, the issue will remain.


IMO all of these mass shooting fuck-sticks are not people that we want walking in society with or without a firearm. I mean the reality is this kid is mental and just removing his gun doesn't fix that or limit his tendencies to do harm.


I think the issue has been slow brewing for decades. Lack of faith and general decline of morality in society, breakdown of the family unit, huge drop in socialization among many - general human interaction and interpersonal skills, increase willingness for society to accept all of those things, kids today and even a decade ago are conditioned differently that say me at age 48 and when I was growing up. I got in plenty of fights but I never even remotely thought of taking my dads gun - and I knew right were it was, and using it. Never. Some will disagree but I was also not playing first person shooter or reality games like grand theft auto from age 8-15 where it was drilled into my head I could pick up a hooker beater her and toss her out of a car while running over her pimp to score points.


I don't have the solution but I do firmly believe the more we focus on guns as the root of it all the more injustice we're doing ourselves. I have a safe full of guns that have never been pointed at anyone let alone fired themselves. My kids are in a stable home, have a strong sense of family, parents that have been married for over 25yrs, are raised with morals and faith and don't participate in dumb ass games. Proud papa to very social and engaging kids which IMO is hugely a key to success in life.

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So how about this as reasonable? Start funding gun violence based research again. Let's get some good old fashioned data and root cause analysis that will allow us to make meaningful legislation that will stem the problem and lead to a uniform set of control laws? If you are a healthy individual, well adjusted, and not a felon then it shouldn't affect your access in anyway.


Serious question. What type of research or studies are you looking for?


as long as they continue to promote that the liberals are going to take your guns.


Have you watched any of the liberal news stations today? 100% of them today and after every shooting tout disarming the population. I had my fill of them today shaking my head in disbelief of those fools who think that's the solution.


But if you have self harm issues, or a felon, let's put up some roadblocks so that access is much harder and discouraging.


what's our current legislation around felons and guns now? I'm fine with making it more difficult for someone on mental meds to buy a gun. That said, I'm more for medical studies and regulations around our doctors writing scripts as much as they do. There's no reason so many in our society should be on mental meds. people think taking pills is the answer is about as dumb as those that thing removing the gun is the answer. The diet and weight loss industry is a shining example and the mental health field just followed their lead. It's all about making money. You know that.


The Culture is that part of the "deal" of being an American citizen is you have to be ready to die so a crazy person can own a gun.


We need to stop the madness and start actually holding people accountable and people themselves need to be more responsible. How many of these whack jobs have shitty lives in general and that starts at home when they are young. Parents need to start parenting and that's one area of the family unit that has greatly diminished over the past 30 years.

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Cue large block of text of Tim talking about how superior he is and offers no real solution.


If you actually believed in root cause analysis then you would support funding for research that actaually collects data. You don’t. Because you are ok with the death of children being the cost of freedom.


Moral decline is one of those stupid things that conservatives and religious zealots bitch and moan about to no end. It’s a lie. If there is a moral decline it isn’t due to crime (which has fallen dramatically over the last 30years), or abortion (which is also in decline), or divorce (which is also at a 30 year low). Even teenage pregnancy is at an all time low. It can’t be because of people not caring about their common man because charitable giving is up.


The only metric that corresponds to “moral decline” is the then number of people that associate themselves with a religion is declining. So Moral decay is really a fiction people try to scare you with to either to get you to vote for their religious morality agenda or recruit you to their cult. But keep peddling that lie Tim, maybe someday it will actually be true.

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Cue large block of text of Tim talking about how superior he is and offers no real solution.


Guess I'm a turd for being the only one here who can't fix the world. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm good with that and you shouldn't be disappointed as you've never given anyone here credit for a good idea ever as your bar for everyone else but yourself is on the floor. In return, you always have answers and are more than willing to tell others about them. FWIW, I'm sure you're a good parent too Kerry. Feel free to be proud. You've spouted off about your morality and pride of intelligence on far worse subjects than your kids. Many of us are still waiting for it to be on a car though.


If you actually believed in root cause analysis then you would support funding for research that actually collects data. You don’t. Because you are ok with the death of children being the cost of freedom.
Freedom isn't free and children have been dying across the planet for far longer than you and I have been alive in the hopes of having what we have here in the US. Even with our flaws, we are a destination for many. Not sure what research you're looking for but it doesn't take much to figure out the root-cause isn't a firearm.

Moral decline is one of those stupid things that conservatives and religious zealots bitch and moan about to no end. It’s a lie. If there is a moral decline it isn’t due to crime (which has fallen dramatically over the last 30years), or abortion (which is also in decline), or divorce (which is also at a 30 year low). Even teenage pregnancy is at an all time low. It can’t be because of people not caring about their common man because charitable giving is up.

marriages in the use are what 6.9 per 1,000 total population? with a corresponding divorce rate: of 3.2 per 1,000 population. declining or not, my wife had a hell of a family law practice for many years. It's sad in a way to see my kids have friends over, many of whom only have one parent or in many cases four.


teen pregnancies may be dropping but do you associate morality with fertility or safe sex practices or perhaps the act of teens fucking in the first place? YMMV but I don't think you're going to be a proud papa if your 14 year old daughter is fucking and using a condom or blowing a dude in your basement vs having the moral courage and common sense to not fuck at at all because she had a good upbringing. Who knows, maybe you don't care. But hey, if she gets knocked up, maybe you'll be good with getting her an abortion. In fact go get it done at planned parenthood and support the cause and show your kids first-hand the righteous way to live. They can treat herpes of the mouth too so she'll be fine either way.


The only metric that corresponds to “moral decline” is the then number of people that associate themselves with a religion is declining.
I agree. I don't know if you give a crap about the Jewish faith so I can't comment. I grew up Catholic and while I'm not an avid practitioner, I do believe there's a moral value that my family and my wife and I instill in our kids that has helped prepare them and provide them some guidance as they go through life. YMMV. Good luck to your and yours just the same. In the mean time you can keep telling yourself all the give-a-fuck meters in today's world aren't at all related to any type of faith or upbringing and are mainly because so many of us lack a liberal view or our social programs just aren't enough. Edited by TTQ B4U
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Cue large block of text of Tim talking about how superior he is and offers no real solution.


This is great. Kerry is on a roll describing everyone else as himself :lolguy:


What's your plan, Kerry? You don't want anyone with a mental illness to be able to purchase or possess a firearm, okay I agree, how do you do that? You mentioned Hippa in a previous post, so do we release those records? I think I can get on board with those records being released upon request to licensed gun dealers and police.

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Here's a video of Jimmy Kimmel crying during his show blaming Trump for the school shooting. Does anyone have any clips of him blaming or calling out Obama for the shootings that happened during his Presidency?




Do you want clips of conservative commentators blaming Obama for police violence? Because I'm sure I can find those.



Trump has been accused of inflaming and emboldening white nationalists, a dangerous and violent movement of which this shooter is associated with.


Obama, likewise, was accused of emboldening and inflaming divisive black activism, which some police shooters were associated with.



Is it ridiculous to blame one and not the other? Your gut reactions to both of those probably reveal your biases more than whether or not those accusations make any logical sense. Maybe reflect on that.

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Do you want clips of conservative commentators blaming Obama for police violence? Because I'm sure I can find those.



Trump has been accused of inflaming and emboldening white nationalists, a dangerous and violent movement of which this shooter is associated with.


Obama, likewise, was accused of emboldening and inflaming divisive black activism, which some police shooters were associated with.



Is it ridiculous to blame one and not the other? Your gut reactions to both of those probably reveal your biases more than whether or not those accusations make any logical sense. Maybe reflect on that.



So you are saying Jimmy Kimmel is ridiculous?

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So you are saying Jimmy Kimmel is ridiculous?


Does that need to be said? Of course he is. But my bias is such that when Jimmy Kimmel is ridiculous, I just roll my eyes and ignore it. Your bias is such that you come here and tell us all about it to score internet points. Don't fret though, were the situation reversed I'd be here trying to score internet points too. Pretty gay right? We should strive to be better than this.

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Does that need to be said? Of course he is. But my bias is such that when Jimmy Kimmel is ridiculous, I just roll my eyes and ignore it. Your bias is such that you come here and tell us all about it to score internet points. Don't fret though, were the situation reversed I'd be here trying to score internet points too. Pretty gay right? We should strive to be better than this.


Wait, you're insulting me for "scoring internet points" a term you just made up but rolling your eyes at a national public figure for literally crying on national TV to get claps from his audience and the rest of the country? My fucking god man, try harder, please.

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Wait, you're insulting me for "scoring internet points" a term you just made up but rolling your eyes at a national public figure for literally crying on national TV to get claps from his audience and the rest of the country? My fucking god man, try harder, please.


3 points, nice job!

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Ugh, morons coming out of the woodwork again. On the radio this morning


"Well, AR in AR-15 stands for Assault Rifle"


Uh, no, it doesn't.


Gotta love it.


Assault rifle and semi-automatic are the 2 buzz words that people who don't know what it means like to bring up. Throw in clips when they meant magazine and you have a complete trifecta of you don't know wtf you're talking about.



One thing that I find interesting in this last shooting is the fact that he purchased the rifle legally, but if he went next door to try to buy some Natty light...DENIED. I know it kind of sounds cliche, but we as a country seem to think that someone under 21 isn't mentally and physically mature/responsible enough to be given the power to purchase a beverage that makes you feel funny if you consume enough, but we feel perfectly fine with them purchasing a tool that can kill others or themselves.


Now I understand the history there, we want our sons to be able to arm themselves against tyranny and whatnot, but time's have changed. The US has a military now who will defend against foreign armies.


What about being able to protect and defend yourself from others in everyday situations? Well, as some like to say that school shootings are so rare, the same can be said for the actual chance that you will be in a situation where you will need to defend yourself. FYI, I own firearms and have my CCL, I enjoy them very much but they should not be accessible to the irresponsible, unstable and dumb.


It's waaayyy too easy here to get 1) A driver's license and 2) Firearms. It's waayyyy to difficult to just have a fucking beer. Perhaps if the kid could have gone to the bar and get a buzz, he wouldn't be shooting up a school...probably not though :lol:


That's muh rant, for now.

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One more thing. Haven't seen it being mentioned on here yet, but it's a fucking joke how Trump tweeted about mental health after the shooting, when you'll find his signature on the piece of paper that repeals an Obama bill to make it harder for the mentally ill to obtain firearms




The Obama rule would have prevented an estimated 75,000 people with mental disorders from being able to purchase a firearm. It was crafted as part of Obama’s efforts to strengthen the federal background check system in the wake of the 2012 massacre of 20 young students and six staff at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.
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Gotta love it.


Assault rifle and semi-automatic are the 2 buzz words that people who don't know what it means like to bring up. Throw in clips when they meant magazine and you have a complete trifecta of you don't know wtf you're talking about.



One thing that I find interesting in this last shooting is the fact that he purchased the rifle legally, but if he went next door to try to buy some Natty light...DENIED. I know it kind of sounds cliche, but we as a country seem to think that someone under 21 isn't mentally and physically mature/responsible enough to be given the power to purchase a beverage that makes you feel funny if you consume enough, but we feel perfectly fine with them purchasing a tool that can kill others or themselves.


Now I understand the history there, we want our sons to be able to arm themselves against tyranny and whatnot, but time's have changed. The US has a military now who will defend against foreign armies.


What about being able to protect and defend yourself from others in everyday situations? Well, as some like to say that school shootings are so rare, the same can be said for the actual chance that you will be in a situation where you will need to defend yourself. FYI, I own firearms and have my CCL, I enjoy them very much but they should not be accessible to the irresponsible, unstable and dumb.


It's waaayyy too easy here to get 1) A driver's license and 2) Firearms. It's waayyyy to difficult to just have a fucking beer. Perhaps if the kid could have gone to the bar and get a buzz, he wouldn't be shooting up a school...probably not though :lol:


That's muh rant, for now.


Our age laws are all fucked up. Join the military and go to war? Sure! Just need to be 18. I was 19 when I deployed to Afghanistan. Came home and couldn't go to a bar and buy a beer legally. Either 18 is a responsible age or it isn't. Everyone matures differently. I think 21 for almost everything is more reasonable.

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All the countries where this doesn't happen must be great at parenting. Are you saying America sucks?




I've noticed in other countries that kids just behave better in general. Out in public or in school is where I've had first hand experience here and in other countries.


Here they are taught freedom and how great they are and they can do/be whatever they want to a fault.


When I moved here at age 15, I was shocked at how kids spoke to teachers. Never in my life had I heard such disrespect for an adult.


I've said it before, and I really feel like having school uniforms, and rules on personal hygiene and upkeep (like not being able to come to school with purple hair) is important for discipline. How many of you here, or your children had to learn to put on a tie and shine their shoes in first grade? I know 2nd graders here who don't even know how to tie their fucking shoes, but they boss their parents around and get their way.


South Africa has some of if not the highest crime rate in the world, yet I don't even think there has ever been a school shooting there? How is this possible?


There is a cultural problem here. It's not just one thing, it's a bunch of little things that might not seem like it could be related, but I think it all adds up.

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