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I’m curious about the plan to tax firearms and ammo to fund mental health services. I don’t necessarily hate the idea but why would we tax recreational shooters as a way to “help” the real underlying cause? Whatever tax may be implied would not be substantial enough to be a deterrent against violence. It’s like admitting mental health is the real issue while continuing to demonize firearm ownership in the name of “justice”.
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Yeah and if shit starts going south in Norway, guess who will come save them? Who's coming to save us if shit starts going down hill?


I feel like I've brought South Africa up too many times in this thread, but it's where I'm from, and shit is happening there that the world tends to overlook, but shouldn't.


First thing they did was make it harder for you to own a gun. You have get a license to own a firearm. In order to get a license, you need to prove that you need a gun. That's apparently where a lot of people get denied.



A proper motivation indicating the reasons for the need for the firearm.


So if you can't get a license, you need to surrender your firearm. Hundreds of thousands of firearms were surrendered. Where do you think these ended up? A lot of them were destroyed, but a lot of them disappeared and ended up on the streets.


Then farmers start getting tortured and murdered at an alarming rate. You're 4.5 times more likely to get murdered if you're a farmer compared to non-farmers in SA.



And as of yesterday, during the new President's State of the Nation speech...


The expropriation of land without compensation is envisaged as one of the measures that we will use to accelerate redistribution of land to black South Africans.


No one saved the farmers in Zimbabwe, no one will save the farmers in SA. This is why you don't give up your arms.

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Yeah and if shit starts going south in Norway, guess who will come save them? Who's coming to save us if shit starts going down hill?


The Norwegians, who else?


Have you seen the Norwegians? There is a reason why the word Norse is usually followed by the word god.

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I feel like I've brought South Africa up too many times in this thread, but it's where I'm from, and shit is happening there that the world tends to overlook, but shouldn't.


First thing they did was make it harder for you to own a gun. You have get a license to own a firearm. In order to get a license, you need to prove that you need a gun. That's apparently where a lot of people get denied.





So if you can't get a license, you need to surrender your firearm. Hundreds of thousands of firearms were surrendered. Where do you think these ended up? A lot of them were destroyed, but a lot of them disappeared and ended up on the streets.


Then farmers start getting tortured and murdered at an alarming rate. You're 4.5 times more likely to get murdered if you're a farmer compared to non-farmers in SA.



And as of yesterday, during the new President's State of the Nation speech...




No one saved the farmers in Zimbabwe, no one will save the farmers in SA. This is why you don't give up your arms.



Good input. Sorry to hear about your home country... Maybe Greg can move there and be a farmer? I would say Kerry too but he wouldn't be a very effective farmer for a lot of reasons.

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I’m curious about the plan to tax firearms and ammo to fund mental health services. I don’t necessarily hate the idea but why would we tax recreational shooters as a way to “help” the real underlying cause? Whatever tax may be implied would not be substantial enough to be a deterrent against violence. It’s like admitting mental health is the real issue while continuing to demonize firearm ownership in the name of “justice”.


Since we can't get universal health care and gun lovers say it's not the guns but mental health the compromise is keeping the guns while funding mental health.


It's demonizing guns the same way the gas guzzler tax demonizes v8's. Could go further and pick only certain kinds of guns or ammo to tax for example, Hunting riffles & ammo are excluded.

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That's where it loses me. If you ban AR's now it's only a matter of time before other rifles get added then shotguns then pistols. Everyone wants to add the "except hunting guns" clause to the ban to get the hunters on the ban side but the truth is hunting calibers will get added. A properly motivated individual could do just as much damage with a 30-06 or 30-30 as an AR. Hell....a .22 and pocket full of magazines even. So when these whack jobs can't get an AR but can get something else what are they gonna use? How long before another gun gets banned....then another....ECT ECT. That's why I can never support the banning of any firearm. Personally I have no use for an AR because I can't hunt with it but just because I don't doesn't mean someone else shouldn't have one. For every nut that uses one to kill someone there are thousands of people that get enjoyment from just target shooting with one.
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Was Obama blamed for the attacks on police during the height of BLM?


I ain't justifying blaming Trump here but don't act all Hugh and mighty on this one. Dude was a white nationalist, people are going to make the connection.


I'm just bringing up the point of how twisted this has all become. I didn't hear the shooter was a white nationalist, last I saw he was a socialist/ANTIFA member.


It's hard to find legitimate reporting on this shitshow, sort of like the whole Vegas thing.


I did see a story about how the resource officer did nothing, that's kind of jacked up.

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I did see a story about how the resource officer did nothing, that's kind of jacked up.


Yeah, he's being called a coward.




The sheriff said Peterson remained outside for at least four minutes during the six minutes that Nikolas Cruz opened fire inside the school...


Surveillance video showed that, despite being armed, Peterson stood outside the west side of the freshman building where the shootings occurred and remained there during the incident, the sheriff said.

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Was Clinton blamed for Columbine, was Obama blamed for Sandy Hook? So why is Trump being blamed for Parkland?


Wow, so you get all your thoughts directly from garbage memes that float around facebook? Seriously, I saw this meme on Facebook yesterday.


Let's get one thing clear: Clinton and Obama didn't repeal any gun control laws during their administrations. In fact Clinton passed two major GC bills prior to columbine. Obama the same thing, although people were critical that Obama had not been pushing hard enough for control measures prior to sandy hook so in a way people were blaming him for not doing enough. In response he put forth several proposals, which the republican congress immediately shot down (pun intended) in favor of doing nothing. People were very critical of him not being able to move the needle in this area in the press, and it is often one of the things his oponents point to when they try to show he was ineffective (despite managing to pass other things in other areas while working with the most hostile republican stragety any president had seen before). You must not remember all this because that rock you were under did a good job shielding you from it.


Let's clear up something else: nobody is blaming trump for not specifically stopping Nicholas Cruz. However, he did repeal one of the measures Obama was actually able to put in place in the wake of sandy hook:




(It is important to note that he actually rescinded it before it was set to take effect so it is unknown if the measure would have actually stopped Parkland from happening).


In light of this, can you say that Trump isn't adding to the problem? Again it is stupid to blame politicians for not being able to stop one incident, but Trump and his policies and his actions aren't helping the situation.


If you want to sit there and say stupid things like "nobody blamed Obama and Clinton so why blame trump" to protect your precious conservative bubble go right ahead, but understand that this type of rhetoric adds nothing to the discourse and only reveals that you to miss the point entirely. Trump made a choice to rescind something that speaks to this very issue, he deserves every inch of grief he gets for it.

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Wow, so you get all your thoughts directly from garbage memes that float around facebook? Seriously, I saw this meme on Facebook yesterday.


Let's get one thing clear: Clinton and Obama didn't repeal any gun control laws during their administrations. In fact Clinton passed two major GC bills prior to columbine. Obama the same thing, although people were critical that Obama had not been pushing hard enough for control measures prior to sandy hook so in a way people were blaming him for not doing enough. In response he put forth several proposals, which the republican congress immediately shot down (pun intended) in favor of doing nothing. People were very critical of him not being able to move the needle in this area in the press, and it is often one of the things his oponents point to when they try to show he was ineffective (despite managing to pass other things in other areas while working with the most hostile republican stragety any president had seen before). You must not remember all this because that rock you were under did a good job shielding you from it.


Let's clear up something else: nobody is blaming trump for not specifically stopping Nicholas Cruz. However, he did repeal one of the measures Obama was actually able to put in place in the wake of sandy hook:




(It is important to note that he actually rescinded it before it was set to take effect so it is unknown if the measure would have actually stopped Parkland from happening).


In light of this, can you say that Trump isn't adding to the problem? Again it is stupid to blame politicians for not being able to stop one incident, but Trump and his policies and his actions aren't helping the situation.


If you want to sit there and say stupid things like "nobody blamed Obama and Clinton so why blame trump" to protect your precious conservative bubble go right ahead, but understand that this type of rhetoric adds nothing to the discourse and only reveals that you to miss the point entirely. Trump made a choice to rescind something that speaks to this very issue, he deserves every inch of grief he gets for it.


When you assume you only make an ass out of you, not me...

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Only Kerry can insult someone by assuming they get their information from Facebook and make a reference about a facebook meme directly after


Oh I saw that shit on Facebook and thought it was mildly interesting and pointed out just how slanted the garbage of the mainstream media is. He assumes that I take it into my heart and soul as the truth and that I'm a conservative living in a bubble.


Hands down the easiest person to troll/exploit on CR in years. Just toss the grenade and what for him to jump on it with all his keyboard might :)


I'll go back to my hole now and watch this shitshow from a distance again.


Another question, remember when statues, the Confederate flag, and "white nationalists" were about to destroy America? Well the media sure doesn't :lolguy:

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When you assume you only make an ass out of you, not me...


assume what? you said something word for word that is a meme on facebook. It could be a coincidence, or.....


Another question, remember when statues, the Confederate flag, and "white nationalists" were about to destroy America? Well the media sure doesn't :lolguy:


Care to back this up? cause I still see plenty of reporting on it. Then again, I don't have the attention span of a goldfish.


He assumes that I take it into my heart and soul as the truth and that I'm a conservative living in a bubble.


No the other things you say do that, not just one comment. You do say a lot of ignorant unfounded shit - if you are presenting it as something that is not your opinion you sure do a lousy job of making that clear.

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No the other things you say do that, not just one comment. You do say a lot of ignorant unfounded shit - if you are presenting it as something that is not your opinion you sure do a lousy job of making that clear.


So much irony in one statement :lolguy:


It's like a flashback to when I had to deal with the lawyers from NYC in a previous career all over again.


Just keep on trucking my friend in your own little world.


I guess to spell things out I should put a disclaimer stating it's my real opinion, to help the slower kids out.




The gun control crap that is floating around in the toilet of the main stream media is just that, crap. The right won't give an inch and doesn't realize something needs to be done, like real gun control. The left just lets their talking heads run wild and say stupid stuff that makes the right go crazy and stops any real progress.


I'm all for some more gun control, but that is USELESS unless you fix the underlying issues in this country. Just keep letting the foundation rot while you try to keep adding more stories, it's the American way.




Fart noise

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The gun control crap that is floating around in the toilet of the main stream media is just that, crap. The right won't give an inch and doesn't realize something needs to be done, like real gun control. The left just lets their talking heads run wild and say stupid stuff that makes the right go crazy and stops any real progress.


I'm all for some more gun control, but that is USELESS unless you fix the underlying issues in this country. Just keep letting the foundation rot while you try to keep adding more stories, it's the American way.






Now, was that so fucking hard?



Why do people on the left type out novels and always make sure to get in the personal attacks? It's a common thing I see from most every liberal.


Sport. Seriously, it's fun. You should try it sometime.

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