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Geeto67's Political Playground


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  greg said:
You pissed at Trump today then?


Pissed? Meh. I can do the same thing with my belt loop...I think they're stupid anyways.


My point is that they are going to take little pieces of our freedoms away until they are gone. I could be way off base but its how I feel.


I will ride it out and see what happens.


I am curious to see what steps he takes next.


Kasich is on my shit list though.

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  greg said:
I dunno Brandon and Tim, seems like you're going to get some push back from your "government bans guns from people on a secret watch list" plan. That sure sounds like an inch or two to me!


There's already a secret watch list. Someone by the name of Nikolas Cruz (maybe not him but too weird of a coincidence said the following on a YouTube video) "I'm going to be a famous school shooter." The FBI was even notified. The FBI dropped the ball on this one. If they do their job, this doesn't happen.

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  BStowers023 said:
Maybe after gun control we could compromise on abortions. You know, the leading killer.




  BStowers023 said:
There's already a secret watch list. Someone by the name of Nikolas Cruz (maybe not him but too weird of a coincidence said the following on a YouTube video) "I'm going to be a famous school shooter." The FBI was even notified. The FBI dropped the ball on this one. If they do their job, this doesn't happen.


Sounds pretty big brother/big government to me, but hey, you do you there chief.

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  greg said:
I dunno Brandon and Tim, seems like you're going to get some push back from your "government bans guns from people on a secret watch list" plan. That sure sounds like an inch or two to me!


I'm for banning stupid not gun or to infringe on the smart. Bump stocks are stupid. Same with burnouts. Not acting on a series of events is stupid. We have the capability to identify a trouble making student. Add to that if they have been suspended or expelled for violence, we have the ability to add 1+1. Add to it that he has had several visits by police for various things now we're up to 1+1+1, etc.....


Until we start acting on what's right in front of us it's going to bring more harm to lawful gun owners like me and many here. I have an AR, several other rifles, handguns, and large magazines, etc. I however don't have any of the above issues thus I have no reason to be seen as a threat. This dude did.


Others can feel free to push back.

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  l36tols1 said:
Question for the Parents: Would you be okay letting your children attend schools with armed teachers?


Yes but we really don't have a need as my daughters school has two full time cops and the high school has 3-4 at any given time, one is a K9 unit that is there often too. They were all there today as they were supposed to have a student "walk out" at lunch. My son said the high school had maybe 4 kids walk out at lunch. Most of the others, including him, were inside discussing "the other side" which supports guns.

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  Furloaf said:
Feel the exact same way but I'm at zero "compromise." Not one inch.


This man gets it. If a person decides, I am willing to spend the next 20 years of my life in jail to fuck someone up, the time it takes for the police to arrive, there is plenty of time for them to do what they want. During those critical moments of having to defend yourself, no laws help, the gun free zone don't help, and the round limits don't help. The police and military are not guaranteed to be there. There are no precautions that can be taken to stop them. If it's not guns, it be another avenue to inflict pain. Giving an inch will lead to a mile and then you will lose the ability to legally defend yourself.

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These are easy.


  RedRocket said:
I want to know how many dead children per shooting is acceptable?




  BStowers023 said:
I want to know how many abortions per year are acceptable.


As many as needed.


My question is:


How much longer are we going to allow people to camp in the left lane going 10+ miles under the speed limit cause they want to be cautious cause it's raining but don't turn their fucking lights on.

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  kickass said:
These are easy.






Then why aren't we going after everything? Ban everything. I hear all this rhetoric about assault weapons, and magazine capacity, and devices that make you fire faster; so we reduce the amount of dead kids, but we still have dead kids.


A 30 round magazine might kill 30 kids. Let's reduce that to 10 rounds. So then 10 kids is still OK?


My point being, let's address the real issue; the person. Let's get past this nonsense, feel-good legislature that still doesn't address our end goal; no dead kids.

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  RedRocket said:
My point being, let's address the real issue; the person. Let's get past this nonsense, feel-good legislature that still doesn't address our end goal; no dead kids.


Gun restrictions don't work because criminals don't care about following the law and will always be able to get guns.


Also, we should create new gun restrictions so mentally ill people and people with troubled backgrounds can't buy guns.



Is that the conservative position now?

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  RedRocket said:
My point being, let's address the real issue; the person. Let's get past this nonsense, feel-good legislature that still doesn't address our end goal; no dead kids.


That's right. I do still however think that there should be an age restriction (21). This prevents the person, in this case, under developed minds, from purchasing firearms. Along with stricter background checks.


Offtopic: I'd like to see them raise the driving age to 18 while they're in there.

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  BStowers023 said:
What deems an abortion as needed?


I have to ask, do you think incest, rape, and ambush insemination are things that only happen in the porn you watch and not real life?


How about this - the person whose body it is gets to make that call, mmmkay.

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  Geeto67 said:
I have to ask, do you think incest, rape, and ambush insemination are things that only happen in the porn you watch and not real life?


How about this - the person whose body it is gets to make that call, mmmkay.


Get out of here with your libertarian ideas about abortion, Brandon's not interested.

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  kickass said:
That's right. I do still however think that there should be an age restriction (21). This prevents the person, in this case, under developed minds, from purchasing firearms. Along with stricter background checks.


Offtopic: I'd like to see them raise the driving age to 18 while they're in there.


A sick mind at 18 is probably still gonna be a sick mind at 21. Let's fix that.


I'm still of the opinion that if you can join the military at 18 and die for your country, you should be able to do everything else at that age. At 18, you're considered an adult and with that comes adult responsibilities. Make it 18 for everything. If we've decided that 21 is the new age of adulthood, then make it 21 for everything. I fail to see how you can be responsible for some things at one age, but not other things. You're either a grown up, or you are not; or your mind is sick and your age really doesn't matter.

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