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Will/Estate Planning Referral

Fiji ST

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This might be a dumbass question, but what is the difference between a will and estate planning?


I have a will that leaves all my shit to my ex wife...I should probably have that updated. But at 28, unmarried with no kids, do I need an estate plan?

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unless you have something very complicates...do free a one online...basic will that you have notarized will be good for most people. or pay rocket lawyer if don't trust the free ones


I disagree. The last thing you want to do is leave a mess in probate because you were too cheap to pay a real attorney with real experience to do the job right the first time.


It's not about just having a will, it's about having a document/directive for surviving relatives that prevents as much conflict as possible. Self-styled legal documents can be more harmful than helpful.

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Thanks for the recommendations everyone. I'll be reaching out to them this week.



I disagree. The last thing you want to do is leave a mess in probate because you were too cheap to pay a real attorney with real experience to do the job right the first time.


It's not about just having a will, it's about having a document/directive for surviving relatives that prevents as much conflict as possible. Self-styled legal documents can be more harmful than helpful.


This. I've got a wife and daughter, house, investments, cars, etc. If something happens to me and/or my wife, everything is laid out and goes to my kid without incident. I don't want to do it myself and screw something up for her.

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