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School Shootings...Can We Fix It!?!


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My wife and I are huge Howard fans.


If you want a "choke point", the first stop is putting schools on lockdown so you can only go inside through 1-2 doors during school hours. Put a call button with a buzzer lock, and make sure everyone - from parents to guardians to kids - states why they need to get in.


I'm for this as a first line of defense. I don't understand why this would be so difficult. Yea, it would be pricey, but not outrageous. What are your kids worth to you?


inb4 Some sort of mandate is passed by Congress for this and the supplies/install are done by a company affiliated with.........a member of the .gov #Halliburton

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I think one issue with all of this talk is this:


This stuff doesn't just happen at schools. Vegas, churches, malls, etc. Mass shootings in general are a huge issue in the US, not just at schools.


What is the root cause of all this? Mental health. None of these cats shooting places up are right in the head. Ban guns? They drive through crowded areas in a Home Depot van (yes I know that was more religious based).


Here is my point:


I personally am on depression medication. I go on it for 3-4 months a year during the winter. I have NEVER had an issue with my background check and I own multiple guns. I get approved the same day, no issues, etc. Why? I've always questioned that. Why is it that someone who is on depression medication and has a history of mental health stemming back to 2012, is able to get a gun so easily?




PS: for the record, I take the lowest dosage of anxiety/depression medication known to man, usually from Dec-March because of the lack of sun. I don't have actual depression, just seasonal. But my point remains- it's never once come up on a background check.


Which is whats scary.

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I don't necessarily agree with argument that everyone with any mental illness should have to be scrutinized. There are obviously varying levels of mental illness. Some Seasonal Affective Disorder hardly means you're the next school shooter. A history of violence? Well, that's probably a little more in line with what we should be watching for.


And if you're mad about medical records not interlacing with the NICS system; thank HIPAA.

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Which is whats scary.


Thats because any psych evaluation information is not stored in a database that the FBI has access to. The problem is that the line of mental illness can be skewed to not allow more normal functioning people to not have fire arms. It's either were 100% hands off and let who ever have a weapon or databases are allowed to collect information on legitimate psych issues to ensure they do not own firearms. catch 22

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I've been involved in IT field service for over 20 years and many of my clients are school systems so I have spent a lot of time entering schools, and government sites from local to federal/military bases. In my years I've seen security increase in every type of government facility and corporate buildings have been at least a little bit hardened.


The first line of defence at most government and large buildings is concrete barriers or some type of landscaping that makes a van loaded with explosives difficult to get to the building.


Second line of defence is secured doors or at least an entrance area where a person(s) and even armed guards question you for access. (Just go try to get inside the Ohio State Teachers Retirement Board buildings downtown.) They have a very expensive looking professional security firm working that place and they don't mess around.


Schools do have the second one to some degree in Ohio and here in South Carolina as well. All outside doors are locked at all times and the only entrance is the front doors via a buzzer and intercomm system. That brings up an interesting question. When mass shootings occur why do we not hear about the school receptionist, principles, office staff ever getting killed? Do these schools that get targeted not have this very basic system in place? I just think maybe if a guy with a rifle is at the door you don't open it. He'd then have to shoot or smash the "glass" door to get into the lobby.


The next system in place should be a hold up alarm system to tell the school there's a danger and its going on lock down along with firewall doors that close. Officers, teachers whatever grab your weapons and secure your areas.


If a few basic things where implemented it would be much harder for any crazy person to do damage. Its never going to be 100%, but we can learn from past failures.


Its my belief that I'm not some genius on security, just a guy who gets around to a lot of places. Its also my belief that the left wing side of this argument doesn't want to protect the children and instead use the children to remove the second amendment and that is sick. The local teachers, administrators, and decision makers at the schools may or may not be a part of this, but I'm just surprised that they do not have at least a good foundation of security to enter the school buildings where OUR MOST VALUABLE ASSETS ,our children are trying to learn in safety.

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My wife attended this last night while I went to the CBJ game...and she got home after I did! Props to the Police and Schools as they answered. every. question. that. was. submitted. (except for a few that may have named specific people, out of respect for privacy)


With two kids in school, I'm hoping some good comes out of this public dialogue. FUCK any kids that call in and make threats; I've heard a couple school districts have been closed due to "credible threats".

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