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Bumpstocks: So it begins


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CINCINNATI (WKRC) - Cincinnati has become the first city in Ohio to pass an official ban on bump stocks.


The Cincinnati City Council voted 7-2 to pass legislation banning the sale, possession and use of bump stocks Wednesday.


Bump stocks are attachments that can make semi-automatic weapons fire nearly as fast as fully-automatic weapons. The device came under scrutiny following the massacre in Las Vegas where 58 people were killed and hundreds more injured at a music festival. Police said the shooter used bump stocks.


The legislation was proposed by council member P.G. Sittenfeld.


"There comes a time when people need to decide if some perverted interpretation of the 2nd Amendment granting anyone the right to own what's basically a machine gun overrides the right of people to stay alive and not be gunned down by a weapon of war," Sittenfeld said in a statement Wednesday.


"No city should tacitly condone a device which is specifically intended to maximize carnage. I'm proud that Cincinnati has stepped up to lead the charge on this common sense reform, joining just a few other cities across the country."



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It's still a semi automatic. It's a stupid law. It won't do anything. And criminals won't give a shit anyways. Feel-good legislation is just that.


Should we be banning Jerry Miculek's finger as well? That dude can outrun any bumpstock equipped rifle AND do it accurately.

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I think things like bumpstocks and pistol braces are bad for the 2A. People harp on enforcing laws better as the solution, but then go out and try to find their away AROUND laws.
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Should we be banning Jerry Miculek's finger as well? That dude can outrun any bumpstock equipped rifle AND do it accurately.


Agreed. Really, we need to ban anyone that can hit what they're aiming at so even if someone WANTED to use lead-spitters for nefarious purposes, they couldn't.


That damn Jerry Miculek is a menace!

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Agreed. Really, we need to ban anyone that can hit what they're aiming at so even if someone WANTED to use lead-spitters for nefarious purposes, they couldn't.


That damn Jerry Miculek is a menace!


The world would only be left with storm troopers.



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It's still a semi automatic. It's a stupid law. It won't do anything. And criminals won't give a shit anyways. Feel-good legislation is just that.


ok, so what would be meaningful legislation? What do you think needs to happen for it to be more than "feel-good"?

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Any more info on this? Are the "current owners" in Cinci now going to own an illegal item or are they grandfathered in? Really want to know how they are going to enforce this as well considering there is obviously no registration for these not to mention you can pretty much make them in your home with a 3-D Printer.


Be interesting to see how cities or even state/federal restrict an item like this and how well that works. Could be a sign for any farther gun control they try to shove out.

Edited by jerrodh
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Preemption lol. Just needs challenged.


And "maximum carnage" lol. Bumpstocks are for fucking around and nothing else. Vegas shooter would have injured and killed more by taking deliberate aimed shots.


Riiiight...because shooting into that crowd at the rate of fire that was occurring is far less damaging than aiming and taking single shots every few seconds.


Not to mention, I don't think "fucking around" is a term that should be used when it comes to firearms.

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Lawmakers: These are bad so you can't have them anymore.

Law abiding firearm owners: O...ok...I never wanted one anyway..



Not to mention, I don't think "fucking around" is a term that should be used when it comes to firearms.




And really-





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To say that you are okay with banning bumpstocks is naive. Granted, I’ll never buy one. You must/should consider the more broad implications and possibilities. You all know that I’m not a “from muh cold dead hannnnds” kinda guy. But jesus people... to sit there and say you are fine with it is the sign of small-thinking...
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I'm a gun owner also, I also think it's feel good legislation.

I don't own one but have always thought it would be fun to take it to a range or outside and shoot one just to see how inaccurate it would be.

And it's a good question, what DOES happen to the current owners??

On another issue, i'm ok with an increase background check as I have nothing to hide.


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To say that you are okay with banning bumpstocks is naive. Granted, I’ll never buy one. You must/should consider the more broad implications and possibilities. You all know that I’m not a “from muh cold dead hannnnds” kinda guy. But jesus people... to sit there and say you are fine with it is the sign of small-thinking...


I'm not saying I'm FINE with it. I'm simply saying that it changes nothing. My post was more along the lines of, "the legislation is BS and trumped up propaganda aimed at nothing more than grabbing power where they can."


I know the implications, and I agree. All I was stating is that literally every single firearms owner I know doesn't give a rip either way about bumpstocks.

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Another gun owner here who is fine with this. When I first saw bumpstocks years ago, I couldn't believe they were legal even at the time.


Besides, I have a Yugo SKS that can randomly malfunction and turn itself full auto at any time as it is.

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Another gun owner here who is fine with this. When I first saw bumpstocks years ago, I couldn't believe they were legal even at the time.


Besides, I have a Yugo SKS that can randomly malfunction and turn itself full auto at any time as it is.


Sounds like you have a poorly maintained rifle and should torn down cleaned and fixed.

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"There comes a time when people need to decide if some perverted interpretation of the 2nd Amendment granting anyone the right to own what's basically a machine gun overrides the right of people to stay alive and not be gunned down by a weapon of war," Sittenfeld said in a statement Wednesday.


I've got a huge problem with that statement. Guy equates owning of guns as intent to deny people life. Huge anti-gun rhetoric behind this, and sadly it is just the first of more to come. Give an inch, they'll take a mile.

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I've got a huge problem with that statement. Guy equates owning of guns as intent to deny people life. Huge anti-gun rhetoric behind this, and sadly it is just the first of more to come. Give an inch, they'll take a mile.


I'll give an inch if that inch makes sense. This inch doesn't do a damn thing.

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