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Selling A House Without A Realtor


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Has anybody ever sold their own home?


We're trying to sell our place soon and might have stumbled into an opportunity where someone wants to buy it that my wife knows.


If there's issues with the house can the sue us after the sale of the home?

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If you have a buyer, a Real Estate Attorney can do everything you need.


Realtors are for marketing and handing everything that goes along with it (showings, offers, etc).

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Has anybody ever sold their own home?


We're trying to sell our place soon and might have stumbled into an opportunity where someone wants to buy it that my wife knows.


If there's issues with the house can the sue us after the sale of the home?


My understanding is yes. If there are issues that you knew about and didn't disclose. Like you had plumbing work done and you had incorrect pipe/not up to code materials used and then the homeowner then has serious issues with the house down the road. Though I don't think it matter if you go through a realtor or not.

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If you have a buyer, a Real Estate Attorney can do everything you need.


Realtors are for marketing and handing everything that goes along with it (showings, offers, etc).


When I worked in the legal field I did a lot of real property work and know how sketchy stuff can get, so that makes sense.

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We're trying to sell our place soon and might have stumbled into an opportunity where someone wants to buy it that my wife knows.


I can help you facilitate the deal. No charge. The paperwork aspect is very easy. Title does the "heavy lifting" anyways so no big deal. I have bought and sold several FSBO. Being int he industrial helps with understanding the process though. ;)



I tried to sell without a realtor... it never sold, I ended up hiring a realtor and paid out the ass but had the house in contract in like a week...



There is indeed great value in using a real state agent if you have no industry experience. In this situation when there is a buyer lined up however- your literally flushing 6% down the toilet.

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In this situation when there is a buyer lined up however- your literally flushing 6% down the toilet.


I sold a house without a realtor, attorney, etc. Was very straightforward and easy

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Just my 0.02, but engaging in any large dollar figure transaction without a lawyer who has played the game before is a bad idea. Lots of people will tell you some variant of, "I've done it and it was fine." And that's true, as long as nothing goes wrong, you can do any deal, no matter how huge, on a handshake and the back of a napkin.


But in contract law (and particularly where real property is concerned) there are many traps for the unwary which, if someone has a problem with the deal later, can come back to bite you for huge money. I see cases all the time where, if people had spent a few bucks on a lawyer in the first place, they wouldn't have wasted years and hundreds of thousands of dollars in litigation later.


In a nutshell, going unrepresented in a big transaction is like driving your car without insurance. You may get away with it 100 times. But if it goes wrong once, it is REALLY going to hurt.

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Just my 0.02, but engaging in any large dollar figure transaction without a lawyer who has played the game before is a bad idea. Lots of people will tell you some variant of, "I've done it and it was fine." And that's true, as long as nothing goes wrong, you can do any deal, no matter how huge, on a handshake and the back of a napkin.


But in contract law (and particularly where real property is concerned) there are many traps for the unwary which, if someone has a problem with the deal later, can come back to bite you for huge money. I see cases all the time where, if people had spent a few bucks on a lawyer in the first place, they wouldn't have wasted years and hundreds of thousands of dollars in litigation later.


In a nutshell, going unrepresented in a big transaction is like driving your car without insurance. You may get away with it 100 times. But if it goes wrong once, it is REALLY going to hurt.


Trust me I know, I've had to clean up messes in the past where someone didn't hire a lawyer the first time in a real property transaction. I've seen some big dollar deals collapse because someone tried to save a few bucks before lol.


If I go this route Marc has me covered with an attorney to use. I will have everything locked and loaded for this deal where I won't step on any landmines...

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My understanding is yes. If there are issues that you knew about and didn't disclose. Like you had plumbing work done and you had incorrect pipe/not up to code materials used and then the homeowner then has serious issues with the house down the road. Though I don't think it matter if you go through a realtor or not.


It’s a lot fucking harder to sue for this than people think.

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