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Please support me in the 2018 Rally North America Event


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Doc, thanks for your participation in this. As a son of a police officer, it's a cause that resonates strongly with me. I'm proud to contribute and sponsor your very noble efforts. Best of luck, and safe travels. I'm envious of what you'll see and experience.


Thank you very much, John, for your generous contribution to the charity. I also have relatives in blue and they attested to the important work that C.O.P.S. does for the friends and families of fallen officers. Your kind gift put me over my goal. :thumbup:

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I'm late to the party but I sent what I could from SmokeOut BBQ. Go get em Doc!


No donation to this deserving charity is late, Derek. Thanks so much for your unselfish giving to causes such as this. Best wishes to you and success to your new business. :D

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> 100%. Yay.


Thanks for following the progress of Team Mercedes. I kicked-in a bit, too, to match the big-hearted giving of the members and sponsors of CR. You always come through for the Rally North America charities. You're my heroes!

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Thanks for following the progress of Team Mercedes. I kicked-in a bit, too, to match the big-hearted giving of the members and sponsors of CR. You always come through for the Rally North America charities. You're my heroes!


I think you're being slightly modest by saying you kicked in a "bit." And by slightly, I mean incredibly. You just took it to over 190% of your goal! :eek::cool:

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Two big thank you's to Anthony (MrMeanGreen):


one for your kind donation to C.O.P.S.


and one for all you do for CR.


I've said it before -- experiencing the people and events of CR enriches my life. Without the work of you and the other admins, mods, and members of CR, so much that we enjoy in this community would not be happening. Thanks! :thumbup:

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Here's what is probably my wrap-up on fundraising, as I'm leaving tomorrow for Pueblo, Colorado.


Team Mercedes is in a solid 7th place overall in fundraising at $3,925 for our charity. The top three teams in fundraising really blew it out of the water, with totals of 17k, 13k, and 11k. Rally North America has raised 117k so far for Concerns of Police Survivors, and there are still a few days left in fundraising plus a charity auction to go.


Thank you again to the members and sponsors of CR for your generosity. The last of the stickers to go on the Benz today was Columbus Racing across the rear window:




When I return in a few weeks, I'll try to get my threads made for the last two RNA Drives events, the James Bay Expedition, and US 50 West Rally. I guess I've gotten a little behind. :(

Edited by Mitch
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Thanks, Austin.


A big thanks to Clay (zeitgeist57) for putting me over 200% this morning. You're the best!


Mike (ShowHBK), thank you for your generosity. All donations are important, because they all go directly to the charity and provide real benefit to the family and co-workers off fallen officers.


I'll be leaving Ohio as soon as the packing is finished today. It's a big car weekend in central Ohio and I hate to miss it, but I can't say that I'm not stoked. :woowoo:

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It was bugging me that you were leaving without being an even 200% of goal ;)


I've shared my appreciation with you before, for what you've done with promoting CC&C as well as all the CR support.....even my cheap butt needs to reciprocate. Have a great time, Doc.

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