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Political Fart Noise Part II


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Geeto fucked this thread up already with a gigantic picture.


I didn't want you to miss all that stunning forehead detail, lol.



Anyway, switching gears - anybody want to talk about some car related politics?




how recent tariffs can still hurt Americans in America:


Daimler thinks Chinese customers will buy fewer SUVs, many of which are built in Alabama, after China puts big tariffs on U.S. auto imports, and SUVs are the thing right now. There’s a good chance other companies will follow soon, too, if the outlook stays the same about a potential trade war.
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So much winning.


Harley-Davidson says it plans to move production of motorcycles it sells in Europe overseas in response to growing trade friction between the United States and Europe.


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I hate to say it, but although the US is the largest market for motorcycles, Europe seems to be the only place where HD's brand is showing any signs of growing (or even maintaining consistent sales). They have to play to their strength at the moment, and with the tarrifs that means more overseas production and loss of American Jobs. But it's kind of what the japanese automakers have been doing since the 1970's (or did we forget Honda made motorcycles in Marysville from 1975 to 2012?).


Maybe the new Tarriffs will cause Honda to re-open their Marysville motorcycle division to offset the loss of HD jobs.



In other news....



Can somebody get this schmuck a 7th grade civics lesson?

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Justice Kennedy retiring.


I expect Trump to try to appoint a super conservative and they are going to go after Roe V Wade


Kennedy was a surprisingly excellent judge. I was hoping his presence would swing Gorsich more centrist and moderate. I guess fuck that, now.


I don't know that their strategy will change. They would have to shop pretty hard for a case that would directly overturn RvW, and even then it would take literal truck loads of money to get it through the lower courts on an appeal-able issue. More likely they will keep doing what they are doing but increase the frequency: funding smaller existing cases that challenge small pieces of RvW to continue to erode the impact of the ruling till it has minimal impact.


Super Conservative? Hopefully.


Because you don't feel oppressed enough? You understand that the overwhelming "conservative" view of the supreme court is not Libertarian but evangelical christian conservative, right? It's not a position of "de-regulation" but one of "the law prevents me from pushing my christian beliefs on everyone by taking prayer out of schools and having the government pay for 10 commandment monuments so I am going to say they are anti-religion". Don't believe me? read this:



Edited by Geeto67
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Justice Kennedy retiring. I expect Trump to try to appoint a super conservative and they are going to go after Roe V Wade





You think? I don't see them going after Roe V Wade. Just my opinion.



I liked Kennedy. Did a solid job. We need someone who will stick to the law and constitution.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Trump's diplomacy skills continue to impress. We've managed to give in to North Korean demands for nothing in return, piss off our long-standing NATO and EU allies, start damaging trade wars with... the world? And now apparently put an authoritarian dictator's word about an attack on US democracy over the established consensus of the entire US intelligence community.


But hey, we got that tax break that my kids will have to pay back, so it's all worth it, eh comrades?

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being a silver lining type of guy, I will say this positive thing about the Current Administration: If there are 2 things we can take as a positive on the whole from the Trump administration it is:


1) Corruption is actually quite difficult to hide in national politics. We are currently looking at the most corrupt administration in modern history and it's all pretty much out on front street. Pruitt, Ross, Minuchen, and Carson's abuse of public resources for private gain and insider trading are not able to be kept secret no matter how much each of those individuals wanted them to be hidden. I mean, we really didn't need this lesson because we learned it with Bill Clinton's bj, Reagan's Contra Arms Deal, and basically everything Nixon did in office, but I guess every generation needs a refresher since there are so many people that still don't believe it.


2) The government is really ill equipped to deal with executive branch corruption. It's funny, but there are all these rules, and clauses, and actual federal laws about what the executive branch is within its power to do - and yet so many of them lack any penalty to actually punish a violation. It's staggering to think that for the longest time this country got by on basically the honor system and the penalty of negative public opinion.


That being said, It's all pretty much a raging grease fie inside a dumpster fire on top of a high rise fire. God Bless America.


but please...tell me how literally anybody else would have been worse than this. I dare you.

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Listening/reading a variety of news sources...I am really disappointed with the way Trump handled a Summit that he had requested (as opposed to him being brought into a global situation).


It's clear to me that he's just trying to posture with no plans or regards to a strategy. Spaghetti on the wall.

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I just laughed so hard a piece of carrot came out my nose.


The nerve of her! how dare the US actually maintain it's position as an alpha world power, it's time to give someone else, like Russia a turn. How dare we hog all the top of the chain diplomacy.


now I am just waiting on a triggered Tim rant full of sweaty machismo projected on the country.


seriously though, where is this derailed international train heading? Up until this point he has merely been paying back the governments (China, Russia) that have loaned his enterprises money and made very favorable one sided deals in his favor. I am not worried about our European Allies, they basically have chosen to ignore him and will probably just wait it out to deal with someone more reasonable in the next election. But China, DRNK, and Russia, now have footholds that the US specifically denied them for decades, and what does that future look like?

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Listening/reading a variety of news sources...I am really disappointed with the way Trump handled a Summit that he had requested (as opposed to him being brought into a global situation).


It's clear to me that he's just trying to posture with no plans or regards to a strategy. Spaghetti on the wall.


What did you expect him to do really? I mean he requested the Russian Summit but what did you think he was going to actually do with it? I have just gotten used to anything he requests being the most self serving opportunistic move he can make in any situatuion so I have no hope and low expectations. But genuinely, I want to know what someone who seems like they have hope was expecting and let down on?




I have to say, I love all the republican hate toward Trump post meeting but honestly - they created this monster so even if sincere, it's too little and too late.



Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Arizona tweeted that the president's press conference was "shameful", adding that he never thought he'd see a day when the president "would stand on the stage with the Russian President and place blame on the United States for Russian aggression."


House Speaker Paul Ryan said in a statement that there's "no question" Russia interfered in the U.S. elections, citing the findings of U.S. intelligence community and separate Congressional committee investigations.


"The president must appreciate that Russia is not our ally. There is no moral equivalence between the United States and Russia, which remains hostile to our most basic values and ideals. The United States must be focused on holding Russia accountable and putting an end to its vile attacks on democracy," Ryan added.


Trump ally Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, called the meeting a "missed opportunity to firmly hold Russia accountable for 2016 meddling and deliver a strong warning regarding future elections."


Donald Trump's press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of "high crimes & misdemeanors." It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump's comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???

— John O. Brennan (@JohnBrennan) July 16, 2018



Former CIA Director John Brennan meanwhile took a much harsher route, tweeting that the president's performance in Helsinki was "nothing short of treasonous."


Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Nebraska, said in a statement that Mr. Trump's blame of the U.S. for the deterioration of relations with Russia was "bizarre and flat-out wrong."


"The United States is not to blame. America wants a good relationship with the Russian people but Vladimir Putin and his thugs are responsible for Soviet-style aggression. When the President plays these moral equivalence games, he gives Putin a propaganda win he desperately needs," Sasse added.

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