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Political Fart Noise Part II


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Me too. He was being shafted and while she was compelling, I saw no more back up to her claims tonight than I did this morning. Tomorrow however is just a vote to move to a confirmation vote. I doubt that will happen until Monday or Tuesday.


Totally forgot they go to the full senate after he passes tomorrow. That’s what I meant.

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Totally forgot they go to the full senate after he passes tomorrow. That’s what I meant.


My guess is they will get 1-2 dems to vote for him and I bet at least one of the repubs will not vote for him but in the end he will be confirmed.


The optics here for them to delay and obstruct are so very clear it's not funny. I feel bad for the woman as I truly think she has issues and something did happen to her but who knows if it was him. I doubt it seriously. If he was a sicko chances are he'd have something in his professional life that would show it.


The FBI investigated the hell out of him as he held the highest position within the Bush admin. and even through all that they found nothing even remotely close to this shit.


The dems used her and could give two fucks about her situation. They just see that he is about to change the court for generations and they can't stand to lose that power. We'll see if her name is even mentioned again once he's confirmed. I bet they drop her like a rock.

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It's hard to believe these two posts were made by the same person.


I talked with my wife about this during the day. Me arriving at him being innocent has gone back and forth. Me thinking she’s telling the truth went back and forth. After seeing his testimony I could no longer believe she is talking about the same person that sat there. I don’t believe he did any of it.


I guess this is where each person chooses a side. We are all seeing what we want in this situation.


I hope they confirm him tomorrow.


So you waffled over a confusing situation involving a plausible accusation. This is normal, human behavior. Ultimately, you picked a side. I mean, you didn't need to pick a side, you could just say "I don't know." But I get it, humans don't like not to know, so you picked a side. You didn't need to pick a side, this isn't like an election where you have to pick the lesser of two evils, but whatever, picking sides is reasonable, normal behavior.


The dems are seriously evil for weaponizing this movement. They created this smoke and tried to start a bonfire at the expense of a decent man and his family. His incredible record supports his testimony and does nothing but convince me that this was the dems nuke if they needed to use it to prevent his confirmation. This was embarrassing for them. He's been through more FBI background checks than he can count. He's spent a majority of his life in the public eye at the highest level and none of these allegations have been brought up until now, which JUST so happens to be one of the most important SC nominations in the last and future 30 years. I can now see the clear motivation of this bullshit.


I suspect Im not alone in this conclusion....


And then at this point you say that anyone who waffled the other direction and picked the other side is "seriously evil" and has "weaponized" plausible accusations of misconduct. Whoa. For waffling the other way? This is culture war rhetoric, not reasonable human behavior.


Absent the culture war, I can't see why you'd go to bat for Brett Kavanaugh. He's a prep school kid, aside from liking beer I hardly see you two having much in common or thinking that he'd represent your point of view on the court. And it's not him or nothing. Can you even name any of the other candidates on Trump's short list? I can't name any, let alone tell you anything about any of their backgrounds. I bet if you and I sat down over some beers and read their resumes, we'd probably find someone we could both agree on. I just can't imagine at this point that Brett Kavanaugh is the best human our country can muster to sit on the supreme court.


Confirming him, to you and Republican partisans, isn't about putting the best candidate possible on the supreme court though, is it? It's not. It's about not losing a battle in this culture war. Take a step back and think about what we're doing here, we're not putting country first, we're putting winning first. I just don't get it.

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I caught most of her testimony and some of his. That being said, was there any actual evidence whatsoever submitted to support her claims?


I don't doubt something happened to her in the past, but from him? I just think that if I am going to accuse someone of something, especially something that can ruin the lives of them and their family, I should have to provide evidence.

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I caught most of her testimony and some of his. That being said, was there any actual evidence whatsoever submitted to support her claims?


I don't doubt something happened to her in the past, but from him? I just think that if I am going to accuse someone of something, especially something that can ruin the lives of them and their family, I should have to provide evidence.


We've talked about this in this thread, but what do you mean by "evidence"? Because her own eyewitness testimony is evidence...


Do you mean corroborating evidence? She named 3 of the 4 other people in the house, witnesses who have released statements but AFAIK have not been interviewed by any investigatory body, and were definitely not called to testify under oath like Ford and Kavanaugh were. Those eyewitness accounts, had they been requested, would have been the sort of corroborating evidence you're asking for. But Republicans weren't interested. Strange.


She also presented her therapists notes from 6 years ago, which doesn't corroborate the act but at least corroborates her story that this has been something she's carried with her for a long time.


So it's unclear what you're saying here. If you were pinned down and someone stuck a finger in your butt, and you knew exactly who it was, but you didn't have any corroborating physical evidence, you should just keep your mouth shut? That's sorta the entire national debate right now, women are tired of being molested and not being able to get justice because their word against his isn't good enough. And I'm not saying it should always be good enough, but it's a shitty situation all around.


Pun intended? Maybe. Butt jokes.


If this were a court of law, it would be a very weak case. I doubt any prosecutor would bring charges. But this isn't a court of law, it's an interview for one of the most important positions in the country, a lifetime appointment. You don't really have to believe that it happened 100% like she said it did to move on to someone else. It's OK to say, "Hmm, I don't know. He might be getting fucked, but people get fucked all the time in this country. Poor guy, but let's nominate someone else."

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I don't know guys, I feel like I'm being pretty fair in my analysis here, am I coming off that way or does this seem like a blindly partisan position?


Conservationism in this country has pulled every political conversation so far right, even the reasonable centrist views and objective analysis looks leftist and partisan.


I'd say you are being completely fair, and looking at what's being said I'd say the others are being partisan, but that's the new dynamic isn't it - you call me partisan so I call you partisan and the whole thing falls apart. Look at how often I get called a screaming liberal and I'm a registered independent who has voted both Republican and Democrat since I was 18.


Here are the obnoxious contradictions that I can't stand in this general conversion:


- Accusing the democrats of being obstructionist and stalling for a few extra days so something in Kavanaugh's background can be fully vetted when the republicans delayed merrick garlands confirmation for 293 days for LITERALLY NO CREDIBLE REASON. Garland was even suggested as a supreme court pick by Republican Orrin Hatch, and the majority republican congress refused to even hold the confirmation hearing just because he was Obama's pick.


- Accusing the democrats of obstruction at all when it was the clear and admitted strategy of the republicans when they took control of the senate.


- Failing to understand how this ties back to Trump. The CIC has currently 19 allegations of sexual misconduct pending against him, but the republican party as a whole said - it was more important for them to get the supreme court seat that to worry about installing a sentient piece of shit in the white house. Trumps actions contributed to the #meetoo movement which is culminating in there hearings. If you lie down with dogs you get fleas, and in this case #meetoo is the flea shampoo.


- willingness to ignore signs in Kavanaugh's past because. Tim said it before if he was such a creep this would have come up before but it didn't. Except it has - he's a known creep to anybody applying to a law clerk position with him, the people he has worked for were brought down by sexual misconduct scandals, and we are now starting to see people come forward with other allegations. Is he as bad as some of the others? no, probably not - but he ain't no saint.


- ignoring that it was republicans (and some of them on this very same panel) that called for the FBI to investigate the Anita Hill claims, saying it was absolutely the right thing to do. Here they are saying it isn't necessary. So in the two times we have faced this issue, how did those same people go from it being the concrete right thing to do to not being the right thing to do? Timing. They don't really care when timing is at stake and they are trying to beat the midterm election. The right thing to do isn't the thing to do when it is convenient or you only do it when political party is not at stake. It's an all or nothing proposition - if you care about clearing the air, have the FBI investigate it, if you don't then admit that you don't really care and stop putting on a show and take a vote.

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I don’t see a ton of problems with the FBI doing a week of digging into these claims. That will support Kavanaugh I believe. I’m sorry for BK that this confirmation will take a week longer, but it’ll be worth it


OMFG that's all anyone's been asking for for like the last 2 weeks to which conservatives lost their fucking minds, yelling "WEAPONIZED METOO" and now you're all just gonna ask like it's NBD.


Jesus christ, you're a bunch of inconsistent motherfuckers.


Was that short enough for you?

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OMFG that's all anyone's been asking for for like the last 2 weeks to which conservatives lost their fucking minds, yelling "WEAPONIZED METOO" and now you're all just gonna ask like it's NBD.


Jesus christ, you're a bunch of inconsistent motherfuckers.


Was that short enough for you?


You’re getting there young grasshopper!


I think the FBI investigation with the timeline and scope being honored is okay given the current climate. It’s not ideal, but the dems have churned this up so much that it forced the reps. What’s going to happen next is they will dig, they will get additional testimony that we all already know and then Kavanaugh is going to be confirmed by next week.


I believe they are delaying the inevitable any way they can in hopes of something catastrophic happening. I don’t trust the dems at all. I think they will take this olive branch and shit all over it. We will see -

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OMFG that's all anyone's been asking for for like the last 2 weeks to which conservatives lost their fucking minds, yelling "WEAPONIZED METOO" and now you're all just gonna ask like it's NBD.


Jesus christ, you're a bunch of inconsistent motherfuckers.


Was that short enough for you?


They have weaponized the me too movement at the expense of those they claim to care so much about.


It’s sick

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I don't know guys, I feel like I'm being pretty fair in my analysis here, am I coming off that way or does this seem like a blindly partisan position?


I just read most of the comments in this thread for the last few days - I respect your perspective, Greg.:thumbup:


Kavanaugh’s frat-boy antics being brought to light makes me wonder what SC candidates exist out there that are women...but fat fucking chance of that happening under a Trump presidency. :lol:

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I’m laughing out loud at you folks whining about Democrats delaying Kavanaugh. Oh the fucking irony.....


It’s not the delay that struck a cord - it’s the way they are delaying it. Taking something very serious that needed to be investigated confidecially when it was brought up months ago. They did not do that. Dems turned it into their own “nuclear option”.


I don’t think it will work, but it sure has made people talk about this process. I think their goal was to get the nomination dropped and make the Repubs look like complete assholes to woman voters in the midterms. The frustrating part for Dems now is that he will likely be confirmed with the FBI saying the claims are not corroborate and they look terrible for the midterms to the independent voter base they need to sway.

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