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Political Fart Noise Part II


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  greg said:
Nope, no victim mentality here.



You guys are just reaching now. Even if it is true that straight white males are the most hated people in this country, have I let it stop me? Nope. Just got a nice raise a few weeks ago. No victim here. I just continue to push forward. I'm not looking for a handout or sympathy. So yeah, you're right. No victim here.

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Mark my words, if the stock market doesn't gain back most of this loss by November 6th, it's going to negatively affect GOP results in the mid-terms.


Whether that's a good thing or bad thing...I'll leave up to you Political Thread regulators to debate. :)

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  zeitgeist57 said:


Mark my words, if the stock market doesn't gain back most of this loss by November 6th, it's going to negatively affect GOP results in the mid-terms.


Whether that's a good thing or bad thing...I'll leave up to you Political Thread regulators to debate. :)


Did you say time to buy?! :p

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Not sure who brought up the charity idea but I think that is a GREAT idea. Let those that want to help do so and those that do not stop.

Yes, I saw the thread, charities are bad (paraphrasing) but then make them more efficient.. Why should those of us who'd rather select who we wish to help be forced to put out monies wherever. We just put our money into a big pot and throw it where the government wants to put it. How effective is that??

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It's a bad sign if Anthony Scaramucci says you need to scale back the rhetoric. :lol:


I am not blaming Trump for Saturday's Tree of Life shooting, but I cannot look at that man and feel like he genuinely cares about those Americans that lost and are grieving. When knives are thrown, he goes to guns. When bullets fly, he hits the nuke button. It's getting old...


A leader without morals cannot provide moral leadership...

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  zeitgeist57 said:


It's a bad sign if Anthony Scaramucci says you need to scale back the rhetoric. :lol:


I am not blaming Trump for Saturday's Tree of Life shooting, but I cannot look at that man and feel like he genuinely cares about those Americans that lost and are grieving. When knives are thrown, he goes to guns. When bullets fly, he hits the nuke button. It's getting old...


A leader without morals cannot provide moral leadership...



New York Post? K.

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I have voted Democrate in the past believe it or not. This is my view point on any political party.... if your going to use the moral card then it needs to be consistent for calling out your own party or atleast be consistent.


My issue with the Republican party is that they allow businesses to gut pensions or retirement when a company bails and declares bankruptcy.


At this point, African American inner cities have been failed under Democratic leadership for far too long and are pushed to the back on the line to promote open boarders. At some point, regardless of where immigrants are coming from, we can't afford to bring in more when we continually fail the lower income in our country.

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  10phone2 said:
I have voted Democrate in the past believe it or not. This is my view point on any political party.... if your going to use the moral card then it needs to be consistent for calling out your own party or atleast be consistent.


My issue with the Republican party is that they allow businesses to gut pensions or retirement when a company bails and declares bankruptcy.


At this point, African American inner cities have been failed under Democratic leadership for far too long and are pushed to the back on the line to promote open boarders. At some point, regardless of where immigrants are coming from, we can't afford to bring in more when we continually fail the lower income in our country.


Both parties are inconsistent and annoying but the left more recently have been extremely annoying with their inconsistencies and hypocrisies

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  BStowers023 said:
Both parties are inconsistent and annoying but the left more recently have been extremely annoying with their inconsistencies and hypocrisies


Here's a few curve ball questions. What if party differences was nothing more than a ploy to get consumers to ignore their financial peril to have them continue to spend themselves into oblivion or that adding a 1-2 mile jog a day to schools curriculum would solve most our health issues down the road.

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  10phone2 said:


Here's a few curve ball questions. What if party differences was nothing more than a ploy to get consumers to ignore their financial peril to have them continue to spend themselves into oblivion or that adding a 1-2 mile jog a day to schools curriculum would solve most our health issues down the road.


Both parties need each other. They need to dislike each other and the more they can get the citizens to hate each side the more they win. The more you feel the Government is important to your success as an individual. If they liked each other there might be enough logical citizens in our country for a Libertarian to swoop in and steal an election. I mean who the fuck doesn't like freedom and liberty?

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That's a good hot take from Jon Stewart: less of mainstream America cares about facts rather than believing that the President is doing well by them. As long as Trump keeps denouncing medial as being bad people who are getting it wrong, there will always be a concentration of the U.S. population that will agree with him.


Scary realization.

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  zeitgeist57 said:


That's a good hot take from Jon Stewart: less of mainstream America cares about facts rather than believing that the President is doing well by them. As long as Trump keeps denouncing medial as being bad people who are getting it wrong, there will always be a concentration of the U.S. population that will agree with him.


Scary realization.



Are you saying it's scary that there are people who believe Trump over CNN?

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  BStowers023 said:
Are you saying it's scary that there are people who believe Trump over CNN?


I think it's scary that Trump's war on the media

1) clouds the ability for people to properly digest and understand what "the news" is because of all the noise he brings, and

2) the media is falling right into the trap. (Jon's comments in the video) Many journalists are baited by Trump's hate rhetoric and can't stop themselves from being unbiased.

^^^If that's Trump's fault, or members of the media, I'll leave that up to your opinion.


The U.S. government is too powerful of a global democracy to be controlled by just one man. In addition to the different levels of government we enjoy to help provide balance, the purpose of non-government-controlled media is to provide facts and perspectives of the world around us to make us better informed citizens.


That above should stand on it's own. It's not scary that people believe the President over media outlets, especially biased sources like FoxNews or CNN.


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  zeitgeist57 said:
I think it's scary that Trump's war on the media

1) clouds the ability for people to properly digest and understand what "the news" is because of all the noise he brings, and

2) the media is falling right into the trap. (Jon's comments in the video)


The U.S. government is too powerful of a global democracy to be controlled by just one man. In addition to the different levels of government we enjoy to help provide balance, the purpose of non-government-controlled media is to provide facts and perspectives of the world around us to make us better informed citizens.


That above should stand on it's own. It's not scary that people believe the President over media outlets, especially biased sources like FoxNews or CNN.



I think you have it backwards. I think the media started the war on the President. I do think it's important to have free press like we do. I think it's also important that the media be held accountable for some of the BS they spew. Just like with free speech, you can say whatever you want but that doesn't mean society isn't free to bash you for it. I think a large portion of the media have become so obsessed with bashing Trump and looking for any little thing to come down on him that a lot of people like myself have nearly given up on them as "credible" news sources. Both sides have become too much us versus them that there aren't many places to look for unbiased opinions on actual events. I feel like everything that happens now has some sort of underlying political message associated with it from whatever news source you're going to. I'm not defending Trump, he's done nothing to better the situation but the media has become a complete joke.


Just like what Chris said above. Don Lemon said White men are the biggest terror threat to this nation. He's one of CNN's biggest talking heads and he's saying racist remarks like that. This is the same network that says Trump is dividing the country. Well what the fuck do you think making a comment like that does?

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The last article I posted shows that groups of the media have always gone against presidents in the past (there's part of the public balance in play, regardless of GOP/Dem Prez). Trump IS the first one in our lifetimes to openly declare the media as evil and "enemy of the people".


We agree on this topic...but I didn't get it backwards. :) Trumps actions are stoking the fire to a level never seen before in modern history. It's going to leave the media irreparably damaged in reputation for generations to come.

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  zeitgeist57 said:
Trumps actions are stoking the fire to a level never seen before in modern history. It's going to leave the media irreparably damaged in reputation for generations to come.





They've mostly done that shit to themselves. People don't hate the media because Trump hates the media; they hate the media because of what they've become. It's become so blatantly obvious that they are out to hang him for anything that they can that it's become nauseating to watch.


I thought about playing a drinking game with myself wherein, I would get home from work, flip on the news, and then have a beer if I heard them say the word 'Trump' or saw it scrolling in anyway across the screen. My liver thru up a white flag rather quickly with that criteria on the table. Its ALL THEY EVER TALK ABOUT. And its never anything positive. The guy's a moron, I'll give you that, but every single thing he does isn't a negative. Not to mention, is there nothing else going on anywhere in the world? I rarely see any worldly news. The rest of the world could be burning to the ground and all I'd know about is what Trumps latest shenanigans are.


It's old.

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  BStowers023 said:
Just like what Chris said above. Don Lemon said White men are the biggest terror threat to this nation. He's one of CNN's biggest talking heads and he's saying racist remarks like that. This is the same network that says Trump is dividing the country. Well what the fuck do you think making a comment like that does?


CNN Folks have spewed that white-man crap for months if not longer. Ever since the election and the whole "white-lash" dumb ass comment I've seen it over and over from them. I LOL as they usually have some old white dude on screen next to them when they say it too and they just sit there. Don's comment had Chris Cuomo on when he said it. Zero credibility and complete dicks IMO.


Remarks like that don't put a racial divide in me but it absolutely firms-up the divide about the person who said it and the network as a whole. I don't think I've ever heard nuetral or positive story about Trump or his doings on CNN.


Trump is 100% that the media for the most part is against him. Even the Wash. Post headlines about the shooter last week had a Trump slant to it by putting his name in the headline vs nothing when similar instances happened to others in the past. There is no un-biased news. We're on our own.

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  zeitgeist57 said:
Trump IS the first one in our lifetimes to openly declare the media as evil and "enemy of the people".


They absolutely are the enemy of nearly half of our people.


Trumps actions are stoking the fire to a level never seen before in modern history.

call it stoking the fire which puts a negative slant on it but I call it well justified and overdue.


It's going to leave the media irreparably damaged in reputation for generations to come.

The media has brought this upon themselves. They are absolutely beside themselves that they are no longer in as much control as they used to be and pissed off to no end that he comes at them like he does. LOL that they don't know how to react to his baiting and trolling of them either.

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  RedRocket said:
It's become so blatantly obvious that they are out to hang him for anything that they can that it's become nauseating to watch.


spot-on. it's laughable at times and completely sad to watch the body language of them on shows where there are most typically 5-8 people sitting around listening to one whack job make their point.


I rarely see any worldly news. The rest of the world could be burning to the ground and all I'd know about is what Trumps latest shenanigans are.

The media has given Trump the biggest platform for his most widely viewed reality TV Show. That's exactly what he thrives off of too.

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  BStowers023 said:
. Don Lemon said White men are the biggest terror threat to this nation. He's one of CNN's biggest talking heads and he's saying racist remarks like that. This is the same network that says Trump is dividing the country. Well what the fuck do you think making a comment like that does?


He's not factually wrong though. However blunt he put it, the context of the conversation was on domestic terrorism and you can't ignore that there is this knee jerk reaction to ascribe a certain ethnic bias when one hears the word terrorism, when in reality that particular ethnicity isn't the biggest terrorist threat to Americans.





I am not thrilled with the inelegance of his statements, but he isn't staying all white men - just those who are radicalized far right and who have historically killed people in furthering their beliefs. If you feel attacked by these statements, maybe...I dunno....try to make an effort to understand why he is saying what he is saying. But I have a feeling, esp when it comes to you Brandon, that maybe you feel attacked because he is talking about you - and considering your history of making threats against people on this board he's not wrong.

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