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Political Fart Noise Part II


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  kickass said:
I just copied them straight from the article. I also mentioned that let's just assume each attack was by a different person.


I don't know what the number is, but the Islamic number needs to be pretty low to equal the white %.


If it was 1 out of 3.5 million, I still think that's more per capita. Where the math guys at?


But 7 guys in 15 years doesn't mean we have an Islamist terrorism problem either, even if it's a higher % than the white number.


You don't need a math guy, you need a stats guy. Can you control for some simple factors? Like, are the 3.5m Muslims in the country most similar to a certain subset of white people? And if you control for those factors, does the percentage of radicalized people who commit murder fall closer in line? I dunno. But looking at raw numbers might not be that useful, especially when you make a big assumption like "Let's assume each attack was by a different person" when it ends up that that was a terrible assumption :)


I mean, I guess Islamist terrorists are trying to terrorize me because I'm an American, and death to America and all that, but I don't feel terrorized generally. I don't feel terrorized by white supremacists either but I don't got to black churches or synagogues. I'm not exactly their target audience.

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  greg said:
our response to Islamist terrorism is to lose our collective shit, give our freedom over to the government that we claim to hate, and generally light a pile of money on fire.


Different conversation, but I agree, shit doesn't get dealt with properly.


  Geeto67 said:
Show me legislation against white supremacist terrorism the same way the Muslim ban was sold on the back of Islamic terrorism or gun control on the back of Black Nationalism and I'll agree with you. I'll wait while you look for that, might take a while.


This doesn't really have anything to do blaming whitey for terrorism. Kinda smells like an aboutism. I wasn't a fan of the muslim ban, in my eyes it's a waste of time with a sprinkle of bigotry. I say a sprinkle because as we've discussed, muslims do like to commit terror against western nations.

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  kickass said:
Different conversation, but I agree, shit doesn't get dealt with properly.


It's not though. It was the heart of Don's point, even if his words were less than eloquent.



  kickass said:

This doesn't really have anything to do blaming whitey for terrorism. Kinda smells like an aboutism. I wasn't a fan of the muslim ban, in my eyes it's a waste of time with a sprinkle of bigotry. I say a sprinkle because as we've discussed, muslims do like to commit terror against western nations.


This smacks a little bit of a double standard. Lemon's point is pretty clear - white men commit the most domestic terrorist acts, and yet we hear all but naught about efforts to curtail that.


The exact reason you didn't like the muslim ban is the same one as why he is upset that nothing is done to curtail domestic terrorism from white nationalists. and yet you are ready to condemn him because he points it out. Come on man pick a lane, here - if you are in favor of a race neutral approach to terrorism, then that means addressing the blind spot in white nationalist terrorism.


You don't have to like the way he said it (I really don't), but in the context he isn't wrong.

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Shit! I forgot about identity politics. K I’ll play. Per capita means nothing in regards to Islamic terrorism in this country. What about Cops killing black people? So total numbers or per capita matter? Just want to make sure we’re consistent when it comes to identity politics here.
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  greg said:
Calls Kerry a white apologist.


Complains about identity politics.



Plays the numbers game whichever way works for his agenda. Yeah, you're pretty credible, Greg.



Liberals: Don't judge people by their skin color, that's racist.

Also Liberals: The white man is EVIL!

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  BStowers023 said:
Liberals: Don't judge people by their skin color, that's racist.



everyone is racist to some degree. in the case of the border, it's not about race, especially with Trump. no one cares about their race. I wouldn't want a 4k white people doing this shit either. In general, I feel people are tired of what's happening or really, what's NOT happening. there's no reason we should be getting over-run with illegal aliens. running from the fact that their country is an economic shit hole doesn't magically mean they can come live off our people....and yes, every one of them is going to be looking to live off the system. they aren't even bashful about telling the reporters down their when they ask them.



there's a process to follow and they need to do just that. catch and retain is key vs catch and release.

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  TTQ B4U said:
everyone is racist to some degree. in the case of the border, it's not about race, especially with Trump. no one cares about their race. I wouldn't want a 4k white people doing this shit either. In general, I feel people are tired of what's happening or really, what's NOT happening. there's no reason we should be getting over-run with illegal aliens. running from the fact that their country is an economic shit hole doesn't magically mean they can come live off our people....and yes, every one of them is going to be looking to live off the system. they aren't even bashful about telling the reporters down their when they ask them.



there's a process to follow and they need to do just that. catch and retain is key vs catch and release.


Exactly. I mean it's working out great over in Europe taking in all the stray cats.

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  BStowers023 said:
Plays the numbers game whichever way works for his agenda. Yeah, you're pretty credible, Greg.



Liberals: Don't judge people by their skin color, that's racist.

Also Liberals: The white man is EVIL!


The alt-right: Jews will not replace us!

Also the alt-right: Why do you hate freedom?

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  TTQ B4U said:
everyone is racist to some degree. in the case of the border, it's not about race, especially with Trump. no one cares about their race. I wouldn't want a 4k white people doing this shit either. In general, I feel people are tired of what's happening or really, what's NOT happening. there's no reason we should be getting over-run with illegal aliens. running from the fact that their country is an economic shit hole doesn't magically mean they can come live off our people....and yes, every one of them is going to be looking to live off the system. they aren't even bashful about telling the reporters down their when they ask them.



there's a process to follow and they need to do just that. catch and retain is key vs catch and release.


Tim, if George Soros agreed to take in every single one of these refugees and agree to pay any and all costs associated with their stay *for life* in exchange for the US granting immediate citizenship, would you be cool with that?

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  BStowers023 said:
Uh huh. And you consider anyone who doesn't agree with your socialist views a part of the "alt right." Again, very credible.




But if someone shares white nationalist propaganda and uses the language of the alt-right (white apologist? seriously?), yes, I consider them part of the alt-right.

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  greg said:
Keep calling me a beta soy boy cuck though, that's super helpful for your credibility that you're not steeped in alt-right nonsense.



Awe are you offended you little bitch boy? Maybe get off your vegan diet. It should help lower your estrogen levels which have plagued this country with mass amounts of weak little soyboy cucks. It's okay. I'll fuck your wife for you since I'm sure she hasn't gotten fucked by a real man in years. I'll whisper in her ear, MAGA right as she gets off.

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