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Political Fart Noise Part II


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Troops are fairly useless for processing asylum applications. Wouldn't it be great if he sent a bunch of state department employees and immigration lawyers instead?


I'd like to see state employees and lawyers fend off a crowd of 4000. I'd imagine a scene that hasn't been seen since the Romans witnessed Christians fighting off lions and bears in the Colosseum all those years ago.

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Tim here is telling lies here about how the caravan wants to circumvent the process.



They aren't lies. I'm sure you tube has the run of videos from CNN and other networks. The stories I referenced were from this week and as the reporter talked to the people through translators, the admitted that if they are denied or turned away that they would have to cross illegally. The one guy admitted he had already been deported but gave himself a 30% chance of getting in illegally. He further admitted that many are in the same boat and are tagging along with the caravan because of safety in numbers.



Believe what you want, it's your vote, I'll do the same.

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I'm ok with the troops being there. There is a lot of people storming the border, they need to be there. They've been warned too, throw a rock, you eat lead.


This is a pretty bold statement to make in a state famous for an event where the military killed people for the very same thing:






I mean, if you wanted me to lose respect for you, devaluing human life is a pretty good shortcut to it. I guess the good news was, it was on the decline anyway.


If you are advocating the military open fire against unarmed civilians, you are pretty much on the wrong side of history, regardless of national status. I should also point out that using the military to intentionally kill unarmed civilians is considered a war crime under the Geneva Convention. As much as I hate the guy even I don't want to see him tried as a war criminal, but because the massive loss of life it would take for that to happen.

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Greatest country on earth, can't take in 4000 people. MAGA!


I think you should take some of these less fortunate people and invite them to live in your house. When you do that please let me know. Won’t cost you much and you can write it off on your taxes. Maybe you should concentrate on the less fortunate people that are already here?

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They aren't lies. I'm sure you tube has the run of videos from CNN and other networks. The stories I referenced were from this week and as the reporter talked to the people through translators, the admitted that if they are denied or turned away that they would have to cross illegally. The one guy admitted he had already been deported but gave himself a 30% chance of getting in illegally. He further admitted that many are in the same boat and are tagging along with the caravan because of safety in numbers.



Believe what you want, it's your vote, I'll do the same.


nope they pretty much are lies, and let's not forget they are still like 2 months away also.


Tim you can vote based on lies and fiction and fear all you want, but don't expect any of us to respect a position grounded in fiction and your own closet racism. Also, you'd have to be pretty stupid to put those viewpoints out into the public discourse (like sharing on a message board) and not expect someone to point it out.


honestly, I do worry about your mental health sometimes, the combination of living in fear of being a cultural outsider, and being gullible can't be good for your psyche.

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This is a pretty bold statement to make in a state famous for an event where the military killed people for the very same thing:






I mean, if you wanted me to lose respect for you, devaluing human life is a pretty good shortcut to it. I guess the good news was, it was on the decline anyway.


If you are advocating the military open fire against unarmed civilians, you are pretty much on the wrong side of history, regardless of national status.

Why is it you left New York City again?

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Maybe you should concentrate on the less fortunate people that are already here?


If you have advocated against social programs like welfare at any point, then you can't make this argument without being thought a hypocrite. So, tell me how you feel about welfare again?


Why is it you left New York City again?

I wanted to live in a state where people defend the military killing unarmed civilians. you know, like Diane Fossey lived with the gorillas.

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nope they pretty much are lies, and let's not forget they are still like 2 months away also.


so the people in the caravan lie about what they intend to do? dude....


Tim you can vote based on lies and fiction and fear all you want, but don't expect any of us to respect a position grounded in fiction and your own closet racism. Also, you'd have to be pretty stupid to put those viewpoints out into the public discourse (like sharing on a message board) and not expect someone to point it out.

So I'm not entitled to share an opinion and point out live interviews that I've seen on CNN? Talk about squashing free speach.


honestly, I do worry about your mental health sometimes, the combination of living in fear of being a cultural outsider, and being gullible can't be good for your psyche.

I appreciate your love but I'm good. Just am not going to advocate we continue to leave our borders open and our own country and it's citizens to be exploited by outsiders who feel it's okay to circumvent our borders and laws to come live here.

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This is a pretty bold statement to make in a state famous for an event where the military killed people for the very same thing:





I mean, if you wanted me to lose respect for you, devaluing human life is a pretty good shortcut to it. I guess the good news was, it was on the decline anyway.


If you are advocating the military open fire against unarmed civilians, you are pretty much on the wrong side of history, regardless of national status. I should also point out that using the military to intentionally kill unarmed civilians is considered a war crime under the Geneva Convention. As much as I hate the guy even I don't want to see him tried as a war criminal, but because the massive loss of life it would take for that to happen.


Ok. You stand there and let a crowd of 4000 people throw rocks at you and tell me they're unarmed. Perhaps you should look into those laws again and what it says about what the military can do when they "poses an imminent threat of death or serious bodily harm".

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so the people in the caravan lie about what they intend to do? dude....


Intention and action are two different things. I intend to fly without the aid of an airplane someday, doesn't make my intention realistic. No other "caravan" of migrants in recent history has ever gotten through the border, and we didn't need the military to prevent it, being worried that this is going to be the one is like being worried about the taxes if you win the lottery before you bought your ticket.


So I'm not entitled to share an opinion and point out live interviews that I've seen on CNN? Talk about squashing free speach.


Come on tim, you and I both know that you aren't entitled to free speech on this forum - you, me and everyone else are subject to its rules because it is private property. It is a courtesy that we get to have our conversation and one which I think we should thank Anthony for. But way to feel entitled.


This is part of why arguing with you is annoying, I have to educate you first on the subject you have an opinion about before I can show you how you are factually wrong. Free speech only applies to action by the government - it doesn't protect you from other people thinking and vocalizing your opinion is shitty. Stop being a dumbshit. I am not joking literally. stop it. If you are going to be a constitutional "defender" - then for fuck sake know what the document actually says and stands for.




I appreciate your love but I'm good. Just am not going to advocate we continue to leave our borders open and our own country and it's citizens to be exploited by outsiders who feel it's okay to circumvent our borders and laws to come live here.


If our borders were "open" then this would be relevant. They are heavily regulated and for the most part, illegal immigrants make up 3% of the population - that's a very small number when you consider that it includes people that crossed in 1995 and people that crossed in January.




Also, I think you have the exploitation thing backwards there buddy. It's Americans that tend to exploit illegal immigrants by paying them less than minimum wage, working them longer hours than allowed, and in conditions that would be considered at best unsafe. And it's not just individuals, whole industries are built off this exploitation - esp farms in the southwest. It's more than dumb to complain about illegal immigrants exploiting Americans when you buy lettuce, strawberries, and grapes at the kroger for cheap on the sweat and lives of an exploited invisible workforce. And that is before we get into the human trafficking for sex and drugs.




exploit Americans - I dare you to say something dumber.

Edited by Geeto67
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Ok. You stand there and let a crowd of 4000 people throw rocks at you and tell me they're unarmed.


In a helmet and military or riot gear? sure. They are unarmed.


Perhaps you should look into those laws again and what it says about what the military can do when they "poses an imminent threat of death or serious bodily harm".


It's pretty rare for any case of stone throwing to be considered an imminent threat of death or bodily harm to justify lethal force. Federal Border Agents are allowed to respond to rock throwing with lethal force only as a last resort as of 2014.


However, The Hague has no such prohibition and as this is an international issue, involving the US military and foreign nationals, all bets are off.



By the way, have we talked about how it is illegal for the US military to deploy on US soil? because it is (Posse Comitatus Act). trump would have to beg the governors of bordering states to deploy the national guard, and the national guard isn't subject to his authority.



but let's not forget - this is a big nothing burger. This isn't a real threat, it's a racist dog whistle 1 week before the midterm election to scare people like tim into thinking they aren't going to be able to understand their vaguely brown waiter, but don't take my word for it:



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Intention and action are two different things. I intend to fly without the aid of an airplane someday, doesn't make my intention realistic. No other "caravan" of migrants in recent history has ever gotten through the border without the help of the military


well these people aren't walking 1,400 miles for nothing. they have purpose and you're welcome to believe what you want. tons of them try daily and tons to indeed get through. we wouldn't have so many dreamers if it was all bullshit.


Come on tim, you and I both know that you aren't entitled to free speech on this forum

You sure made it sound like not.

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well these people aren't walking 1,400 miles for nothing. they have purpose and you're welcome to believe what you want. tons of them try daily and tons to indeed get through.


Tons really? is it tons? Border patrol claims an 81% success rate in apprehending illegal crossings - so either they are lying or you and I have very different definitions for "tons". Even if we take the lower independent (and possibly baised estimated) of a 40-55% success rate for border patrol, that's still not a lot of people overall considering the geography.




we wouldn't have so many dreamers if it was all bullshit.



so many? it's less than 1% of our population, doesn't sound like "so many" to me.





You sure made it sound like not.


Also I am not the government, you and I have equal right to not be arrested for the things we say in a public place. That's it. You aren't free from criticism.


Do you need a safe "judgement free" space honey so you can rant about how the sub textually racist thing you say aren't racist? because I think you are pretty against safe spaces if I remember correctly.

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Tons really? is it tons? Border patrol claims an 81% success rate in apprehending illegal crossings - so either they are lying or you and I have very different definitions for "tons". Even if we take the lower independent (and possibly baised estimated) of a 40-55% success rate for border patrol, that's still not a lot of people overall considering the geography.


The number of people crossing the southern border increased significantly in 2014 to 68,445. Then, it dropped the following year to 39,838, before increasing again in 2016 to 77,674. The figure was similar in 2017, and it’s on track to again top 70,000 this year.


Using your numbers if 81% apprehension rate that still leaves roughly 13,300 this year alone that will make it in. That's fucking lot of them yes.


At roughly 150lbs ea. and I think that's low, that's roughly 998 tons of body weight coming across this border. ;) 2.73 tons per day if you look at it daily.


so many? it's less than 1% of our population, doesn't sound like "so many" to me.
Then bleeding hearts like you should easily be able to take up a go-fund me page to pay for them.


You aren't free from criticism.
This is the kitchen section on CR.....not one single person here likely thinks that they are free from criticism. Edited by TTQ B4U
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A rock isn't a weapon... huh....let me make a reference David vs. Goliath.

Let me make another reference for those of you who have never been in a fight. I've had half a brick..just like a rock, thrown at my head and for the grace of God it missed by about 2 inches. If it had hit me it would have been devastating.


Also what kills me is they all say they want to get away from gang violence but where will 99.999 end up...in the ghetto where there is gang violence, but where they will get government monies to help survive???...thank you mr and mrs tax payer that's where.

Where will they get medical care..in the er taking up resources they have no entitlement to.


Oh you don't want illegals here you are a racist..really..really!! That is the cry, like was mentioned, why don't you sponsor them and let them live in your home until they are self- sufficient. Why because it's easy to preach benevolence but it hard to practice it.


Lastly, and i have been guilty of this, PLEASE let's stop the name calling and direct attacks on someones family...Y'all know who you are

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In Chattanooga, before a packed stadium of hooting supporters, he began an animated, 45-minute oration this way: “This is one of the most important elections of our time. This is a big one. It will decide whether we build on the extraordinary prosperity that we’ve achieved for our nation or whether we let the radical Democrats take control of Congress and take a giant wrecking ball to our economy and our future.” And then came the misinformation:


1. “They want to raise your taxes by double and even by triple;”


2. “They want to take away your health care [and] they want to impose socialism on our country;”


3. “They want to erase America’s borders;”


4. “Democrats want to invite caravan after caravan of illegal aliens to pour into our country;”


5. “That’s an invasion of our country;”


(Here, the crowd in excess of 10,000 people in the McKenzie Arena at the University of Tennessee Chattanooga began chanting: “Build that wall, build that wall...”)


6. “The Democrats want to abolish ICE and turn America into a giant sanctuary city for gang members and MS-13 killers.”


7. “If Democrats gain power on Tuesday, they will try to raid your Medicare to fund socialism, you know that.”


8. “The Democrat health care plan would obliterate Medicare and eliminate Medicare Advantage for more than half a million Tennessee seniors.”


9.“The Democrats’ plan to destroy health care also includes giving away your benefits to illegal immigrants, you know that.”


10. “As we speak, Democrats are openly encouraging millions of illegal aliens to break our laws, violate our borders, and destroy our nation in so many ways, and they want to sign them up for free welfare, free health care, free education and, most importantly, the right to vote. They want them to vote. Come on in and vote. They love them voting.”


11. “And Republicans will always protect patients with pre-existing conditions. Please remember that.”


Truly, this is a man who wants to bring our country together.

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7. “If Democrats gain power on Tuesday, they will try to raid your Medicare to fund socialism, you know that.”


this one has to be my favorite one because it it literally a collection of words where in the context of the sentence actually make less sense then each of the words individually.


Medicare is a single payer health care program administered by the federal government. It's literally the thing "conservatives" describe as the bogey man when they talk about health care "socialism"....and yet here it is framed as the thing that needs saving from socialism....WTF?

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I agree. Let's push for a free market healthcare system. Fuck the feds.


Do you just hear/read something and attach the word "free market" to it and think that is somehow vaguely libertarian?


read this.


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This caravan is largely young/middle aged, able bodied "asylum" seeking males. Mexico offered it to all of them and they said fuck you Mexico.


The funny thing about this is Mexico would actually fit these people's needs much better than America considering the political, social and cultural climate in the US.


The question I have is WHY did they walk through multiple countries that would have taken them in and protected them. Something about this whole this isn't right. The timing, the excuses, the demographic in the caravan...everything is fishy.

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