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Political Fart Noise Part II


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I mean shit, even Geetoo said I was racist against Blacks even though I'm Black.


This is the liberal agenda and proves this without question. Everybody but geeto and his liberal friends are racist. Geeto says that even you are racist because he doesn’t agree with you. Pompous ass describes him exactly.


At this point I will admit that I have not read but maybe 2-7 posts in this God-forsaken thread (or any other pol thread), I do not vote along political party lines, I did not vote for Trumplol or Hillarylol, but what I can say without a doubt or any ragerts is this made me fuckin' lol hard as all get out and I just so happened to see it after sharing the vids above. Cheers, mates.

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At this point I will admit that I have not read but maybe 2-7 posts in this God-forsaken thread (or any other pol thread), I do not vote along political party lines, I did not vote for Trumplol or Hillarylol, but what I can say without a doubt or any ragerts is this made me fuckin' lol hard as all get out and I just so happened to see it after sharing the vids above. Cheers, mates.


It made me lol too because it didn't happen. IIRC I said he was supporting a racist policy, which is pretty much true if you are talking about any socially conservative policy in the last 100 years.

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So...what do the pocket contitutionalists that support trump think of this?



I think Trump was an idiot for calling on him that day. but he must have wanted to banter that day. Reality is they both wanted a public scene and both got one.


Personally, I don't think they should have removed his security pass I think they should just let him sit there and be ignored and if anyone tries to pass their turn to him just ignore him and move on.

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I think Trump was an idiot for calling on him that day. but he must have wanted to banter that day. Reality is they both wanted a public scene and both got one.


Personally, I don't think they should have removed his security pass I think they should just let him sit there and be ignored and if anyone tries to pass their turn to him just ignore him and move on.


You realize that intentionally ignoring is functionally causing the same free speech constitutional violation, right?

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You realize that intentionally ignoring is functionally causing the same free speech constitutional violation, right?


No it's not. If he's a super here reporter then he can formulate questions for his peers to ask if they deem them valid and him a team player. He's not and his questions are typically stupid. Trump is perhaps the most open and accessible person we've seen stand on that podium. He stops and takes questions just about every time he pops his head outside the White House. He just did the same thing early this morning as he heads out to CA too.


All we're seeing is a personality conflict. That room has a ton of people packed in there with complete access. There's no freedoms being squashed. They all ask away every day and Trump turns and spends time with them far more than anyone ever expected. He loves that shit, he knows it, they know it, etc. He/the administration is free to ask whoever they want questions. Perhaps instead of asking dumb questions and acting like a dick and pissing people Jim should figure out how to be the one they want to ask questions. Lots of reporters in that room get asked questions all the time. There's a reason why Jim gets flack and IMO he brought it upon himself.

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It made me lol too because it didn't happen. IIRC I said he was supporting a racist policy, which is pretty much true if you are talking about any socially conservative policy in the last 100 years.


You need a bigger ladder to get yourself out of that hole, the LOL isn’t going to do it. If you pulled your head up from out of your ass, you may be able to peer out. Pretty wealthy of a white man to call a black man prejudice against himself. A+ for your ability to expose your real ignorance.

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