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Political dumpster fire Part III Greg and Kerry Vs CR


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It's spelled peener you ingrate. We suck each other's big peeners, not "penors." Get it right.


You probably should start your own “probe” to get to the bottom of this. Maybe Geeto can be your special counsel. There won’t be any regulations on how far you two can probe either, you two can go as deep as you want to. Let us know if you two find sufficient evidence for your internet findings. I suppose I could change the name to Greg , that’s easier for me to remember and definitely better. Let’s try it out, Trump supporters have smaller Greg’s than non Trump supporters. That sounds much better!

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Kerry and I are going to Make America Gay Again by Making Anal Greg Adores.


I'm going to erect something South of Kerry's border and Mexico will pay to watch.


You can call me Stormy Daniels, because when Kerry fucks me with his mushroom dick I don't make him wear a condom.


I'm going to slather Kerry in Country Crock because I can't get enough of buttery males.


The thing I love most about Kerry coming over is him Putin his cock in my mouth.


My pecker is so small Kerry started measuring it in Mooches.


Kerry and I shouldn't drink so much when we get together because every time we do we end up spending the whole night boofing.


You can call my cock Michael Cohen, because when Kerry comes over it's going in the hole for 3-5 years.




If you're going to make Trump themed fag jokes about me and Kerry at least make a fucking effort.

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Kerry and I are going to Make America Gay Again by Making Anal Greg Adores.


I'm going to erect something South of Kerry's border and Mexico will pay to watch.


You can call me Stormy Daniels, because when Kerry fucks me with his mushroom dick I don't make him wear a condom.


I'm going to slather Kerry in Country Crock because I can't get enough of buttery males.


The thing I love most about Kerry coming over is him Putin his cock in my mouth.


My pecker is so small Kerry started measuring it in Mooches.


Kerry and I shouldn't drink so much when we get together because every time we do we end up spending the whole night boofing.


You can call my cock Michael Cohen, because when Kerry comes over it's going in the hole for 3-5 years.




If you're going to make Trump themed fag jokes about me and Kerry at least make a fucking effort.


That’s a little to much info, but I guess the truth will always come out. Thanks for all your transparency.

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Lots of regulations, from frivolous lawsuits


Do you know the current regulations regarding "frivolous" lawsuits? There are already lots of rules regarding these at both the state and federal level, but generally speaking a suit is frivolous if it is without legal merit, or brought by a party known that the claim is insufficient or to harass without presenting a question the law can address. What about this do you think needs more regulation?



to lawsuit regulation.


This isn't anything, like literally "lawsuit regulation" doesn't refer to anything specific. Do you think the rules of court during trial need to be addressed? the rules of Evidence? what part of the lawsuit do you think isn't being regulated enough? Please elaborate more.


Mostly common sense issues that attorneys seem to have lost. The law doesn’t follow the standard moral codes that most people grew up with.

Generally speaking I find that people that refer to "common sense" as a standard usually have no concept of what common sense is. 60 years ago common sense was that smoking was good for you, but I doubt you will find anybody today who will agree with that. So really "common sense" is a myth, It's this thing people apply to their individual code of morals that they assume they share with everyone else.


What you are doing is applying your moral code as a standard. I suspect you do this because you lack the theoretical nor practical knowledge as to how the codes of laws we are governed by operate. And that's ok, most people don't, the body of american laws has been growing for almost 250 years and while young as compared to Europe we have one of the oldest continuously function and still functioning representative democracies in the modern world. The longer it operates the more the blank pages of code get filled in through Jurisprudence, so in actuality as we move forward into the future the law becomes more clear as to its "morality", not less.


Like many Americans, I suspect you are frustrated with how the legal system works because of a lack of understanding and that manifests itself in a hatred of those who have knowledge and experience that you lack. I am sympathetic, truly, because as a kid I had that same frustration. The solution however is to seek out knowledge and let go of your anger. You have to accept you don't really have a good bead on the legal system and it's not anything to be ashamed of, and then move forward in obtaining that knowledge.


By the way, we haven't even discussed yet how lawyers are only advocates for their clients. You can't bring a lawsuit without a client. They are just technicians of the law, assisting and facilitating their clients wishes.

Edited by Geeto67
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Mad Dog Mattis is out, says the president deserves a secdef who shares Trump's hatred of NATO and love of Russia and China.


Trump loves China and Russia? I thought Trump was forcing tariffs on China causing their market to drop 27% in the last 4 months. Interesting.

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Trump loves China and Russia? I thought Trump was forcing tariffs on China causing their market to drop 27% in the last 4 months. Interesting.


I think Greg meant Trump loves N.Korea...

You know, from the meeting with Kim Jong Un where he told us no more nukes....but KJU is building/testing them anyway.


It's a "$130k-to-keep-quiet-on-the-bad-things" kinda love Trump shares for many people around him. :lol:



If China's hurting from the tariffs, OUR economic numbers tell a different story. It's not working if we're still losing the trade war.


Be Brandon: never left the Midwest, claim to know something about Communist China's GDP.

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I think Greg meant Trump loves N.Korea...

You know, from the meeting with Kim Jong Un where he told us no more nukes....but KJU is building/testing them anyway.


It's a "$130k-to-keep-quiet-on-the-bad-things" kinda love Trump shares for many people around him. :lol:



If China's hurting from the tariffs, OUR economic numbers tell a different story. It's not working if we're still losing the trade war.


Be Brandon: never left the Midwest, claim to know something about Communist China's GDP.


Actually I just got back from Thailand. Nice try though!


Be Clay: Make stupid assumptions then look stupid in the process

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I think Greg meant Trump loves N.Korea...


no he was right, Trump loves china because China loves him. The Chinese government loves DJT because he's a great example of how democracy fails and their propaganda machine loves to exploit that. Also the people of china kinda love him in general because he is big and blustery and talks out of his ass and overpromises, something they are used to with their own leaders.


it's a pre tarriff article but it covers it pretty well:


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So pulling out of Syria was a bad idea?


maybe, we don't know yet. Time will tell. All the indicators are saying it's pretty good for ISIS who is facing less opposition and counting it as a victory. It's also good for Iran and Russia whose influence we don't really want to grow in that region.




I think we may be aligned on this - my comment wasn't a jab at Mattis, as blood thirsty as he is he's still a pretty good tactician, it was more a dig at trump for being the guy who doesn't know what he was doing.

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Be Clay: Make stupid assumptions then look stupid in the process


There's only on person looking stupid on this page, and he just got back from Thailand.


^*Grasping for straws*


If Trump is such a smooth operator, how can so many people HE PICKS be abruptly leaving their posts under his administration?

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Yes but I think it has more to do with him not agreeing with Trump pulling out of Syria than it does what you mentioned.


You're right, based on the timing Syria may have been the last straw but the letter doesn't mention Syria at all (nor did I in my post, so I'm not sure why you claim I mentioned it). edit: Nevermind, I see what you're saying, your sentence structure is confusing there.


One core belief I have always held is that our strength as a nation is inextricably linked to the strength of our unique and comprehensive system of alliances and partnerships. While the US remains the indispensable nation in the free world, we cannot protect our interests or serve that role effectively without maintaining strong alliances and showing respect to those allies.


Similarly, I believe we must be resolute and unambiguous in our approach to those countries whose strategic interests are increasingly in tension with ours. It is clear that China and Russia, for example, want to shape a world consistent with their authoritarian model - gaining veto authority over other nations' economic, diplomatic, and security decisions - to promote their own interests at the expense of their neighbors, America and our allies.


My views on treating allies with respect and also being clear-eyed about both malign actors and strategic competitors are strongly held and informed by over four decades of immersion in these issues. We must do everything possible to advance an international order that is most conducive to our security, prosperity and values, and we are strengthened in this effort by the solidarity of our alliances.


Because you have the right to have a Secretary of Defense whose views are better aligned with yours on these and other subjects, I believe it is right for me to step down from my position.


It's a short letter but he talks at length about treating allies with respect, that doing so gives us strength. Trump has a pattern of disrespecting our allies and allowing the strategic interests of "malign actors" like China and Russia to advance at the expense of the US and its allies. This is why he is resigning. It's all right there in the letter, which I'm starting to think you didn't actually read.

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There's only on person looking stupid on this page, and he just got back from Thailand.



Says the guy who just made a terrible assumption. Nice try, Clay. You've become a cuck like your friends Kerry and Greg. Congrats. How does it feel to have a mental illness? Need someone to fuck your wife for you?

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