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Political dumpster fire Part III Greg and Kerry Vs CR


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So the new house today is likely going to pass a spending bill to end the shutdown without funding the wall. I assume this is going to be essentially the same spending packaged that passed 100-0 in the senate last month, the one that Trump said he would sign and then at the 11th hour said he wouldn't sign after Sean Hannity called him a cuck. On Monday Mitch McConnell said he wouldn't send anything to the president that the president wouldn't sign, even though he already passed this exact spending bill, again, 100-0.


Any bets on whether or not this spending package will get a vote in the senate?


I have to wonder about this....the republicans normally love Trump because he's a fantastic distraction while they execute their agenda undetected and unopposed, but what do they do with a situation where he's fucking it up for everyone? and do you think Trump will bite the hand that elected him once they find their end run around him.


I am fascinated by the political strategy of it right now. Republicans have unequivocally caused a shutdown, but are crafting a narrative it is the democrats fault because the balance of power in the house shifts today in favor of blue. So the republicans can sit back and blame the other side for a shutdown they caused and prolong and the optics of it for the conservative media outlets allow them to push the narrative that it's all the democrats fault because they control the house because it is technically partially true.


It is both amazingly sneaky and a pretty big fuck you to the collective intelligence of America...and what's worse is they aren't wrong that some people will fall for this. But will it be enough and can it carry in 2020?

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I genuinely have no idea what will happen in the senate and it's pretty exciting, as far as politics goes. If I HAD to bet I'd say Trump takes his 1.3B in "security updates," claims victory, and signs it, but we'll probably looking at another week of shutdown until he breaks.


But who knows!? It's crazytown.

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I genuinely have no idea what will happen in the senate and it's pretty exciting, as far as politics goes. If I HAD to bet I'd say Trump takes his 1.3B in "security updates," claims victory, and signs it, but we'll probably looking at another week of shutdown until he breaks.


But who knows!? It's crazytown.


A lot of records coming out of this too...but not the good kind of records.


- First time a shutdown has spanned 2 congressional sessions

- First time that a chamber of Congress changed power in the middle of a government shutdown.

- Second time a president's party has controlled congress during a shut down

- 4th longest shutdown at Day 13 as of today. 21 days is the number to beat to claim the record spot set in 1995-1996.



and let's talk about that 1995-96 shutdown for a second. Ostensibly Clinton shutdown the government in 1995-96 because human trashcan Newt Gingrich had pitched this comically harmful spending bill. In theory it was supposed to look bad for Clinton and it did initially - he took an awful beating in the press, but by the end of it he had his highest approval ratings to that point and it partially secured Clinton his second term in 1996. Clinton went into the debacle as moderately liked president and came out the other end a really well liked president, where as the republicans wrongly bet the farm on his popularity tanking.


I wonder if, in that twisted stale cheeto brain of his, DJT thinks he's pulling a Clinton and this is going to make him "popular" enough to wipe out the last two years and carry a second term in the white house.



In other news....this is Satire, but I am starting to worry that life is imitating art that is making fun of it:


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Props to DJT for a great run since 2016 in the stock market. Will be interesting to see how he spins the Trump Slump...


Wasn't Mexico paying for the wall? Why are we still in gubmint shutdown?

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OK, let's try this then. Two pages ago you said you didn't agree with the shutdown. This is good, because it means (hopefully) that you realize (unlike Trump) that we don't actually "save" any money during a shutdown -- it's just flushing taxpayer money down the drain.


But worse, "billionaire" Trump has shut down the government because he wants to spend more taxpayer money than congress will let him.



I don't get it, this should be an issue that we can agree on, but you're still making snarky comments, trying to catch us in some kind of liberal hypocrisy (I saw your post before you edited it), and making "orange man bad" jokes. Why can't we call a spade a spade on this one?

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OK, let's try this then. Two pages ago you said you didn't agree with the shutdown. This is good, because it means (hopefully) that you realize (unlike Trump) that we don't actually "save" any money during a shutdown -- it's just flushing taxpayer money down the drain.


But worse, "billionaire" Trump has shut down the government because he wants to spend more taxpayer money than congress will let him.



I don't get it, this should be an issue that we can agree on, but you're still making snarky comments, trying to catch us in some kind of liberal hypocrisy (I saw your post before you edited it), and making "orange man bad" jokes. Why can't we call a spade a spade on this one?


I think both the left and the right are hypocrits in regards to the shutdown.



Take the guns!!! tHe PoLiCe WiLl PrOtEcT uS

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Yeah no idea.


I don't think anybody actually knows. Maybe on the surface but do you really? They have to justify their spending somehow.


With the exception of spending that is of a classified nature essential to national security (which is pretty broad), the government publishes it's spending as part of the public record. It does require a bit of research beyond just typing "federal budget" into google and you'll have to pull Authorizations, Appropriations bills, and budget resolutions separately and read them - but the info is out there and available for the public to read if they wanted to.


It was part of my old job to look at the government spending around agency enforcement to see what had been allocated for the CFPB or the OCC. Lean years and the agencies tended to be more aggressive with their reviews, fat years and they were more cooperative and progressive.


I will agree that most people, including myself rarely take the time to read the whole thing in detail, but it still follows basic accounting principles. If there is a budget shortfall the government agencies that have the shortfall may have to furlough or layoff employees, but it isn't like a small business - those furloughs and layoffs cost money too. Not funding the government or having a shutdown doesn't make the government smaller - it just stops the essential services that need to be done from being done, while continuing to rack up costs.


Here is a good example: as former military you get a pension. If you are eligible to collect that pension (that you earned) that means there is a government employee processing your payment. If that office and employee is affected by the shutdown, then there isn't anybody to process that payment. The gov't still owes you the money you earned, but how are you going to collect? You can't sue the federal government for collections in this case, and the process didn't go away or the government get any smaller, it just ceased to do it's job. the costs still racked up for that agency (power bill, salaries, etc), and you are still owed your money, but the only one who ends up screwed are the beneficiaries of the work that didn't get done - which are little people like you and me.


Government shutdowns don't save money or make government smaller - that happens through acts of congress and budget allocations and bills - it just screws the american taxpayer who relies in part on the gov't.

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Trump got elected by a bunch of rubes after saying that Mexico would pay for his wall.


But Mexico didn't pay, so Trump wanted congress to pay for his wall. But congress refused to pay. Even after Trump shut down the government for 35 days to try to get his way.


So now he wants the US military to pay for the wall. What a leader, this guy is. Loves the troops.

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I figured this was something we could all agree on.


At least until some trumpkin strolls in here and screams MAGA!, because in their head it's more important to troll liberals than it is to take care of victims of wildfires, Veterans, active military, or the american taxpayer in general.

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Maybe they should have taken the 3.5 billion they received from the federal government to build their failed high speed rail they quit building, and concentrated on fire control and prevention. Just like this small group of shitheads here, it always somebody else’s fault or problem. No real solutions, just snowflake liberal thinking.
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I’m glad he did it - I’ve seen 8 billion spent on a lot of shit that is far less important. Emergency funding isn’t new, it’s been used by past presidents dem and rep.


All in all it’s a drop in the bucket for a part of the solution to secure out border. No issues with immigration. We are still the best country in the world. You just have to come in the right way. It isn’t rocket science. If we can slow the stream of drugs and illegal human trafficking, illegal immigration at the same time it’s a no brainer.


If I wanted to migrate to the UK, there is a process I need to go through to do that. I wouldn’t and shouldn’t expect I can do it illegally.

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If Trump wanted to buy $8 billion in magic beans to curb illegal immigration and drugs and human trafficking you could have written the same post. That's essentially what we're doing now. Congress wouldn't give him the money because they realized the Wall was magic beans.


Oh well. Fuck the troops. It'll be worth it when Trump gets his beans somehow.

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If Trump wanted to buy $8 billion in magic beans to curb illegal immigration and drugs and human trafficking you could have written the same post. That's essentially what we're doing now. Congress wouldn't give him the money because they realized the Wall was magic beans.


Oh well. Fuck the troops. It'll be worth it when Trump gets his beans somehow.


I dont think you understand how barriers, updated technology and added man power works.

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