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Political dumpster fire Part III Greg and Kerry Vs CR


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Beans are completely effective too.


where did you hear this about beans? the liberal echo chamber circle jerk of Reddit r/politics? It doesnt makes sense and it doesnt apply no matter how many times you say it.


Walls work and have since the beginning of time....its truly baffling that you cant admit this.

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where did you hear this about beans? the liberal echo chamber circle jerk of Reddit r/politics? It doesnt makes sense and it doesnt apply no matter how many times you say it.


Walls work and have since the beginning of time....its truly baffling that you cant admit this.


I think you have to define "work"


yes a wall works for a lot of things, just like an angle grinder works for a lot of things, but is it the right tool for the job?


If you job is to disrupt and reroute nature (animal migration patterns, plant natural proliferation patterns, water flow, etc) then the wall is pretty effective. It's also pretty effective for depriving people of their property rights through eminent domain.


If you are using a wall to stop illegal immigration? well that's like using an angle grinder to gap piston rings. Sure you can do it but it's wildly inefficient and you aren't going to get the desired result- more likely you'll just make a mess. The majority of illegal immigration isn't going to be stopped by a wall, it would be stopped by enforcement against overstayers and a well thought out plan of enforcement to address the hot spots. A wall isn't going to stop drug or human trafficking, the majority of which comes in smuggled through legal ports of entry. It isn't going to help US industry that relies on a migrant workforce and has already responded by moving some operations to mexico, and it's not going to help americans get jobs because those jobs will migrate with the companies. It's also not going to help american companies like the big box stores and grocery chains which have both made significant investment in mexico while improving it's standard of living. It's just the wrong tool for the job. I don't want illegal immigration as much anybody, but I'm not stupid enough to fall for some dipshit saying "lets take an angle grinder to the problem" when the problem requires more finesse.


And that is before we talk about the cost over runs, the natural barriers, maintenance, etc.


Forget the "liberal echo chamber", the CATO institute is literally a conservative think tank. If there was even a smidgen of factual evidence to support the wall over the downsides they would have found it, instead they published this:



read it, the whole thing, so at the very least we can have an informed and intelligent conversation.

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where did you hear this about beans? the liberal echo chamber circle jerk of Reddit r/politics? It doesnt makes sense and it doesnt apply no matter how many times you say it.


Walls work and have since the beginning of time....its truly baffling that you cant admit this.


"Walls work" is mindless jingoism. Allow me to demonstrate this by

of people climbing over a wall. Having thus demonstrated that walls do not work, will you stop pretending like this is a persuasive argument?


Perhaps you meant to say "Walls can be an effective part of a comprehensive security strategy." Is that what you meant? If so, would you want to see a comprehensive security strategy before forking over $20B for a wall? I sure would.


What would this comprehensive security strategy include? Things like where the wall will be built, how they intend to deal with the eminent domain issues, how it will be monitored, how it will be maintained, yes?


Will you admit that this comprehensive security strategy that includes a $20B wall DOES NOT EXIST?


Until an actual plan exists that we can debate, the wall is about as pointless as talking about magic beans.



(And I came up with the magic beans myself, I'm clever like that. You're welcome to use it though.)

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As an A-10 Warthog lover, I'm happy to see refreshed fighter platforms being ordered instead of that stupid F-35. Long live the F/A-18 and F-15 variants! <3

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"Walls work" is mindless jingoism. Allow me to demonstrate this by
of people climbing over a wall. Having thus demonstrated that walls do not work, will you stop pretending like this is a persuasive argument?


Perhaps you meant to say "Walls can be an effective part of a comprehensive security strategy." Is that what you meant? If so, would you want to see a comprehensive security strategy before forking over $20B for a wall? I sure would.


What would this comprehensive security strategy include? Things like where the wall will be built, how they intend to deal with the eminent domain issues, how it will be monitored, how it will be maintained, yes?


Will you admit that this comprehensive security strategy that includes a $20B wall DOES NOT EXIST?


Until an actual plan exists that we can debate, the wall is about as pointless as talking about magic beans.



(And I came up with the magic beans myself, I'm clever like that. You're welcome to use it though.)


Stupid Chinese with their barrier, stupid chain link fences people buy for security, stupid garage doors for buildings, stupid locks, nothing but magic beans are effective. You have a poor argument period.

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That's what you're going to tell people as you steal their land? I'm sure they'll be thrilled.


Well, I suggest you surrender all of your belongings to the native Americans, all of it, and let me know when you do that, probably the right thing to do. Maybe you can walk to Mexico and climb over the wall and live there.

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When Liberals use “the troops” for political posturing. Fucking LOL. You guys don’t give a fuck about military personnel or veterans


Progressive politicians gave you the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, GI Bill, Social Security Disability Insurance extension to military members, and Retired pay for U.S. Armed Forces among other things.


Why are you so bad at history? Actually why are you so bad at current events too? As recently as 2008 Senator McCain and other Conservative politicians lobbied for limiting and reducing veterans rights.


here is a book review for a book I think you should read:



They only one "USING" veterans are conservative politicans, who routinely use veterans as a talking point to signal that they care while actually doing nothing. Maybe the word exploited works better.

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I'm in the military you twat.


Uh huh and you only ever make the “why don’t we help homeless vets” argument if Trump spends any money. What about Trump pulling us out of 2 wars? Will that save us money? Did you say “Obama doesn’t give a fuck about the troops” when he failed to pull us out of Afghanistan like he said he would?

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Progressive politicians gave you the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, GI Bill, Social Security Disability Insurance extension to military members, and Retired pay for U.S. Armed Forces among other things.


Why are you so bad at history? Actually why are you so bad at current events too? As recently as 2008 Senator McCain and other Conservative politicians lobbied for limiting and reducing veterans rights.


here is a book review for a book I think you should read:



And democrats started the KKK but I’m sure you won’t acknowledge that

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Uh huh and you only ever make the “why don’t we help homeless vets” argument if Trump spends any money. What about Trump pulling us out of 2 wars? Will that save us money? Did you say “Obama doesn’t give a fuck about the troops” when he failed to pull us out of Afghanistan like he said he would?


Yes, I was pissed. And yes, I said that at the time. Do you remember when Republicans ripped Obama for pulling out of Iraq?

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And democrats started the KKK but I’m sure you won’t acknowledge that


Again, bad at history.


Confederate Secessionists started the KKK. After the war they became Democrats because that was THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY at the time. Republicans were Liberals during and after the civil war. The parties started the first of three realignments in 1896, and really transitioned the bulk of ideology during the new deal in the 1930's. Even today there are still liberal republicans and conservative democrats - the political parties are not mutually exclusive of progressive and conservative thinking.....but.....


Conservatism has always exploited racism, oppression, and the military. Doesn't matter if they were donkeys, elephants, or moose - conservative ideology isn't typically on the right side of history. There are a couple of things they used to get right, ecology, foreign trade, national security, but they haven't gotten any of those things right in a long time.

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"Walls work" is mindless jingoism. Allow me to demonstrate this by
of people climbing over a wall. Having thus demonstrated that walls do not work, will you stop pretending like this is a persuasive argument?


Perhaps you meant to say "Walls can be an effective part of a comprehensive security strategy." Is that what you meant? If so, would you want to see a comprehensive security strategy before forking over $20B for a wall? I sure would.


What would this comprehensive security strategy include? Things like where the wall will be built, how they intend to deal with the eminent domain issues, how it will be monitored, how it will be maintained, yes?


Will you admit that this comprehensive security strategy that includes a $20B wall DOES NOT EXIST?



Until an actual plan exists that we can debate, the wall is about as pointless as talking about magic beans.



(And I came up with the magic beans myself, I'm clever like that. You're welcome to use it though.)

Warm them to go back and if not shoot them as they come over the wall illegally ..I'll bet that would slow them down..

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Warm them to go back and if not shoot them as they come over the wall illegally ..I'll bet that would slow them down..


You're going to find tens of thousand of agents willing to be stationed in the middle of the desert to do this job? Sounds expensive. What's your plan exactly?

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