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Political dumpster fire Part III Greg and Kerry Vs CR


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Kerry..I think you are splitting hairs..democrats no matter what they were before formed the KKK.

But it all flipped in the 60s with LJB and Goldwater.


You have a source for this? Because it would be news to the six confederate soldiers who formed the KKK that they were democrats 10 years before the Klan became politically active.




Yes the KKK had a mission to suppress republican liberal voting in southern states, but largely from 1868 to 1870 they were disavowed by the Democratic Party because of more criminal elements and lack of a formal structure. After the election of wade Hampton in South Carolina, the Klan was seen as a militarized arm of the conservative Democratic Party and fearing another civil uprising the federal government began suppression efforts from 1871 to 1915.


Why is it important to split hairs? Because while it had interests that were aligned with the southern Democratic Party (and not the northern Democratic Party) it was not founded by any political party. These were the same men who had succeeded from the union as part of the civil war trying to fight against the federal government's grip on a post civil war south. The party didn't form it, people with conservative ideologies who also supported white supremacy formed it. It was in some ways the civil war continuing to be fought as Union army veterans in the south became "klan buster" regiments. Most of the federal anti klan legislation was equally supported by northern democrats and southern liberal republicans.


Saying the democrats formed the KKK, is compression of history by the current Republican Party as part of their whataboutism propaganda. History is rarely ever that neat or uncomplicated, and to pretend that is just so morons can say "well what about the Democratic Party, look how horrible they are" insults the intelligence of us all. Especially when the one consistent theme here is people who call themselves conservative (and again not representative of all conservatives) continue to support white supremacy regardless of political affiliation.


It's interesting that you bring up LBJ, as that wa the start of the third repositioning of conservative ideology in the Republican Party and the exodus of the church support from the Democratic Party. It's also interesting to note that at each pivot point there is also a major Klan uprising. Yes the Democratic Party had a strong affiliation with the first generation of the klan, but the Republican Party had a strong affiliation with the klan during the 1950s-1970's. To say one or the other is the party of the klan is facetious, but to say the Klan ever alingend with anything other than conservative political ideology would be historically and factually inaccurate.


Nobody understood this better than William F Buckley, by the way, who waged the good fight of pushing out racists, Nazis, the John Birch Society, and George Wallace. His brand of classic conservativism and classic liberalism was the standard for conservatism in the 1980's as exemplified by Goldwater and Reagan. He also hated Ayn Rand. It's a shame that his version of intellectual conservatism is unpopular now and that ultimately he lost the fight against purging white supremacy from conservatism (and also Ayn Rand).

Edited by Geeto67
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what a moron. he was so bent out of shape that no one know who the fuck he was that he has the attackers call him "Empire faggot" and "Empire N*****".....why would anyone attach "empire" to the slurs when half the cast is gay and all of them are black.......


yet another hoax by the liberal left made up by orange man bad slack jawed pussies. This makes the gay, POC, liberal left look worse every day they try to come up with new ideas to whip up outrage on twitter.

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"What's most upsetting is that when the Chicago PD arrested the two Nigerians they called Jussie and said “we arrested the attackers will you come to the station and ID them” not telling him who they had arrested. Jussie said yes and went to the station to ID them. When he saw the Nigerians he backtracked and refused to speak anymore.

But if the PD had found two random white guys he was ready to ID them and consequences be damned.

Our sources say early on they asked Jussie if he'd sign complaints against the 2 men who attacked him and he was clear that he would. But, when he found out the 2 brothers were the ones in custody we're told he said he knew them, felt bad for them and declined to sign the complaints."


This is fucking terrifying...Smollet and his blue wave were ready to ruin 2 innocent lives because they were white.... let that sink in. Pure evil. Pure racism.

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Gregory Bush murdered two people in a Kroger in Jeffersontown, KY because they were black. When a bystander shot back as he was leaving the store, he said, "Whites don't shoot whites." A former friend said that his hateful rhetoric became increasingly vitriolic during the 2016 presidential campaign. Pure evil. Pure racism.


Robert Bowers murdered 11 people in a synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA because they were Jewish. Among his social media posts were such gems as "There is no #MAGA as long as there is a ^^^^ infestation." Pure evil. Pure racism.


Dylann Roof murdered 9 people in a baptist church in Charleston, SC because they were black. In his manifesto, Roof said he became "racially aware" after reading coverage of the Trayvon Martin shooting, saying George Zimmerman was right and he couldn't understand why it was a national story. He then became obsessed with reading about black on white crime. Pure evil. Pure racism.



Panduh, I hope your newfound concern about racism and dangerous political rhetoric gets channeled appropriately.



Oh, and after NPR's coverage on Smollett this morning I heard about this great guy named Chris Hasson, a white nationalist who was stockpiling weapons and had planned a "hit list" of democratic politicians. A long history of skinhead, alt-right, and neo nazi associations, this asshole wrote about the need for a "white homeland." Pure evil. Pure racism. I wonder how much time the Daily Wire is going to spend on this guy versus talking about Jussie Smollett.

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"What's most upsetting is that when the Chicago PD arrested the two Nigerians they called Jussie and said “we arrested the attackers will you come to the station and ID them” not telling him who they had arrested. Jussie said yes and went to the station to ID them. When he saw the Nigerians he backtracked and refused to speak anymore.

But if the PD had found two random white guys he was ready to ID them and consequences be damned.

Our sources say early on they asked Jussie if he'd sign complaints against the 2 men who attacked him and he was clear that he would. But, when he found out the 2 brothers were the ones in custody we're told he said he knew them, felt bad for them and declined to sign the complaints."


This is fucking terrifying...Smollet and his blue wave were ready to ruin 2 innocent lives because they were white.... let that sink in. Pure evil. Pure racism.


So lets see....literally 100's of years and thousands of examples where white people wrongfully accused black people of crimes they didn't commit, set them up for crimes that never happened, and then often lynched them for those fake crimes before they ever got to trial, and it's only "terrifying" and pure evil now that some random fame whore black dude tried to wrongfully accuse "white america"? Get over yourself.


yes this was dumb, and racist, malicious, and evil - but it's a little telling that you are outraged over this and not say... Emmit Till, Issac Woodard, Louis Allen, Ossian Sweet, Trayvon Martin, Kendrick Johnson, Michael Brown, Terrance Williams and Felipe Santos, and thousands more killed or beaten extra-judicially for the "crime" of being black. Perspective is everything, and if this really outrages you then maybe you should be on the side of it not happening to everyone, and not just when it's an attack against your team.

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This is fucking terrifying...Smollet and his blue wave were ready to ruin 2 innocent lives because they were white.... let that sink in. Pure evil. Pure racism.



Now imagine this happening for hundreds of years. Crazy right? Disliking someone just because of the color of their skin. </sarcasm>

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So lets see....literally 100's of years and thousands of examples where white people wrongfully accused black people of crimes they didn't commit, set them up for crimes that never happened, and then often lynched them for those fake crimes before they ever got to trial, and it's only "terrifying" and pure evil now that some random fame whore black dude tried to wrongfully accuse "white america"? Get over yourself.


yes this was dumb, and racist, malicious, and evil - but it's a little telling that you are outraged over this and not say... Emmit Till, Issac Woodard, Louis Allen, Ossian Sweet, Trayvon Martin, Kendrick Johnson, Michael Brown, Terrance Williams and Felipe Santos, and thousands more killed or beaten extra-judicially for the "crime" of being black. Perspective is everything, and if this really outrages you then maybe you should be on the side of it not happening to everyone, and not just when it's an attack against your team.


Michael Brown the black man who robbed a convenience store and didn’t listen to the cops and grabbed for their gun while not listening. You should give up everything you have to a black family for reparations, Poor gay black man not getting enough money, I would consider this a hate crime it definitely fits . Don’t worry you won’t hear much more from all that backed him, as you can see above he has a pass for his bigotry

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Michael Brown the black man who robbed a convenience store and didn’t listen to the cops and grabbed for their gun while not listening.


Yeah, because fatally shooting someone before they can get to trial and testify against you and then tampering with evidence in your own civil rights violation trial is always the appropriate response by a police officer for petty theft. :dumb:



You should give up everything you have to a black family for reparations, Poor gay black man not getting enough money, I would consider this a hate crime it definitely fits . Don’t worry you won’t hear much more from all that backed him, as you can see above he has a pass for his bigotry


Nobody is giving Smollett a pass, dude did a shitty illegal thing and needs to pay for it. But nobody is buying the conservative's fake outrage over it either, when America has a brutal and bloody history of doing much worse to black people that continues into today.


It's like when Roger Stone was arrested and Fox news suddenly criticized the police for being too brutal in this country and the rest of america just sighed and said:



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Kerry... I finally remembered what street my parents have their remaining remodel home and it's State street. It's off the main street that runs to the Home Depot downtown. Basically between Earnheart and Fountainbleau. I would recommend finding the disc that was just put together by St. Augustine alumini about their football program during the end of segregation and being the 1st black football school to play against white schools to learn more about how standards can lead a small minority group to excel when facing odds against them. There is a much deeper success story of minorities in New Orleans than what the media wants to know because it doesn't fit the victim agenda.
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Kerry... I finally remembered what street my parents have their remaining remodel home and it's State street. It's off the main street that runs to the Home Depot downtown. Basically between Earnheart and Fountainbleau. I would recommend finding the disc that was just put together by St. Augustine alumini about their football program during the end of segregation and being the 1st black football school to play against white schools to learn more about how standards can lead a small minority group to excel when facing odds against them. There is a much deeper success story of minorities in New Orleans than what the media wants to know because it doesn't fit the victim agenda.


Chris, I will take a look for it. It sounds interesting.


However, there is no media "victim" agenda, and small singular success stories don't make up for the massive amount of horrible things that happened, continue to happen, and in many cases are baked right into the laws and systems under which the country operates. I get why it can feel like an agenda, it's hard to believe that Americans could lynch thousands of other Americans and not face any judicial repercussions, and that the practice could still exist today, and that institutions like police forces, prisons, and schools haven't changed as much as we would like to believe, because these are horrible things, but they did happen, they do continue to happen, and propagating bullshit conspiracies like "the victim agenda" hurt progress in fixing that.


Yeah so maybe the "media" isn't reporting on a success story in high school football in the south, but it also isn't reporting on the literal hundreds of schools that ignored desegregation orders in the 1960's and continue to do so, or that the problem is getting worse. News is still an entertainment business, and there is only so much that can be reported on at any given time by any one source.


Even if there was a "Victim Agenda", and there really isn't - it's some shit Ann Coulter made up to sell books, the facts still bear out that some pretty horrible shit that happens to people of a certain color because of circumstances beyond their control that were created at a time when it was socially acceptable to be racist and hasn't been corrected. There are Jim Crow laws that are still in effect that have been on the books so long people have literally forgotten those laws were written specifically to destroy black industry. hundreds of state and local laws. It's not victim mentality to want to fix that. But it is harmful to be dismissive of wanting to fix that by saying "its the victim's fault, they just need to work harder".

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I get it that the news is an entertainment business. I was using the football program as an example that there are successful minorities in the south that didn't demand a hand out. If you can't find it, I can ask my dad to borrow it. It's like $200 bucks. I do agree that there is an issue with the criminal justice system in making money of imprisoning minorities. I can't remember the parish prison system name for New Orleans, but there are more african americans in prison in that parish than african americans in college in the state of Louisiana. Thats mind blowing


I agree that the prison system needs to be reformed, but there needs to be more focus on personal standards of excellence even when facing crappy odds.


Have a good one, I have to get to work.

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Chris, I will take a look for it. It sounds interesting.


However, there is no media "victim" agenda, and small singular success stories don't make up for the massive amount of horrible things that happened, continue to happen, and in many cases are baked right into the laws and systems under which the country operates. I get why it can feel like an agenda, it's hard to believe that Americans could lynch thousands of other Americans and not face any judicial repercussions, and that the practice could still exist today, and that institutions like police forces, prisons, and schools haven't changed as much as we would like to believe, because these are horrible things, but they did happen, they do continue to happen, and propagating bullshit conspiracies like "the victim agenda" hurt progress in fixing that.


Yeah so maybe the "media" isn't reporting on a success story in high school football in the south, but it also isn't reporting on the literal hundreds of schools that ignored desegregation orders in the 1960's or that the problem is getting worse. News is still an entertainment business, and there is only so much that can be reported on at any given time by any one source.


The media is absolutely biased, but only to your “team” so you can’t see it. That is ignorance, and there are many examples of this in the last 2 months. The prime example being high school kids waiting for the bus to pick them up, while bigots yell racial slurs at them. A 15 year old nervously smiles in front of a media camera that somehow missed all the proceedings, and calls it a taunting of a Native American. Death threats from

Liberal fucks like yourself and the kids phone numbers and addresses were given. You people love to hide behind a veil of righteousness, but are definitely not well informed, but believe you are. The whole story comes out and any apologies given? Nope,not many from the mainstream media that persecuted them for their MAGA hats. Bigotry again at its best, keep up the ignorance!

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Gregory Bush murdered two people in a Kroger in Jeffersontown, KY because they were black. When a bystander shot back as he was leaving the store, he said, "Whites don't shoot whites." A former friend said that his hateful rhetoric became increasingly vitriolic during the 2016 presidential campaign. Pure evil. Pure racism.


Robert Bowers murdered 11 people in a synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA because they were Jewish. Among his social media posts were such gems as "There is no #MAGA as long as there is a ^^^^ infestation." Pure evil. Pure racism.


Dylann Roof murdered 9 people in a baptist church in Charleston, SC because they were black. In his manifesto, Roof said he became "racially aware" after reading coverage of the Trayvon Martin shooting, saying George Zimmerman was right and he couldn't understand why it was a national story. He then became obsessed with reading about black on white crime. Pure evil. Pure racism.



Panduh, I hope your newfound concern about racism and dangerous political rhetoric gets channeled appropriately.



Oh, and after NPR's coverage on Smollett this morning I heard about this great guy named Chris Hasson, a white nationalist who was stockpiling weapons and had planned a "hit list" of democratic politicians. A long history of skinhead, alt-right, and neo nazi associations, this asshole wrote about the need for a "white homeland." Pure evil. Pure racism. I wonder how much time the Daily Wire is going to spend on this guy versus talking about Jussie Smollett.



Terrible racist people as well - Should all be put to death. no room for this kind of bullshit in a modern society. White/black/green/yellow.

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Terrible racist people as well - Should all be put to death. no room for this kind of bullshit in a modern society. White/black/green/yellow.


And what about your "blue wave" comment? Have you been equally concerned about the alt-right media and #MAGA riling up these racists as well?

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The media is absolutely biased, but only to your “team” so you can’t see it. That is ignorance, and there are many examples of this in the last 2 months. The prime example being high school kids waiting for the bus to pick them up, while bigots yell racial slurs at them. A 15 year old nervously smiles in front of a media camera that somehow missed all the proceedings, and calls it a taunting of a Native American. Death threats from

Liberal fucks like yourself and the kids phone numbers and addresses were given. You people love to hide behind a veil of righteousness, but are definitely not well informed, but believe you are. The whole story comes out and any apologies given? Nope,not many from the mainstream media that persecuted them for their MAGA hats. Bigotry again at its best, keep up the ignorance!


It's one thing to say that the media is biased. All media has some bias, it's generated by human beings, so even the reporting that adheres strictly to the journalism code of ethics is going to have some inherent bias. But that cuts both ways: For every New York Times there is a Wall Street Journal, for every Atlantic there is the National Review, For every Huffington Post there is Fox news, for every Alex Jones I am sure there is a liberal version of a dumpster fire (I just can't think of the name of one). There is a wealth of options if maintaining your opinion bubble is more important than being informed and looking at things objectively. If you are worried about your new source being biased, the correct action is to fact check it against real sources, not just buy into the crazy, batshit loopy opinions of the other side because they sound more pleasing to you.


It's another to say that "victim agenda" conspiracy is real and the agenda of all media. Is there a kernel of truth to it? maybe at it's heart there is in the sense that political popularity is made, on both sides, from finding a victim and exploiting their situation to parlay more votes. Both sides do it, and the news reports on it. Currently the democratic "victim" are immigrants, and the conservative "victim" are white males (which always seem to be their victim - the white way of life has been under attack since the end of the civil war).


Anyway, I didn't understand the stream of consciousness nonsense that followed your first sentence, something about liberals fucking your mom or some shit, so I am just going to ignore it.

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Virtue Signaling. Kerry is a great person because he calls out white supremacy on an Internet forum. I’m sure Kerry has done his part to help out the black community. He’s a great guy, this message board says so! Good job, Kerry!


I'd claim you aren't doing anything different, but then again considering the threat you made against me and my family on this forum a while back we all know you lack any shred of virtue to signal towards.

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