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Political dumpster fire Part III Greg and Kerry Vs CR


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Former US Vice President Joe Biden has announced 2020 Democratic presidential run.



Would love to have a beer with the guy but his video is over the top dramatic to the point it's LOL Funny. ZERO optimistic tone to the campaign launch. He's basically entering the race with gloomy music and the fact that he's not Trump vs upbeat and "Hey I'm Joe Biden!!" Not the besting sales pitch IMO.


That to me is Biden's downside.....he's far less authentic today that I thought he would be. He's pussied out IMO. Nothing he said inspired me to think about voting for him. I sure as fuck don't want the US of A that was around during his time as VP. No way.

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holy shit... this cnn writer must be getting ready to be fired and wrote an article that praised trump:



It's an opinion piece, meaning this is not a staff writer but an outsider who wrote well crafted opinion prose that CNN decided to publish. CNN actually does this all the time, so does the NY times, the WSJ and you know...real news outlets. Hell even Fox news does it on their website once you get past the double large banner opinion pieces of Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson.


you kind of higlight part of the problem with "media" and how it is consumed. Op Ed sections have been around since there have been newspapers, but lately consumers of news are not seeing the distinction between "educated opinion" and factual reporting. It hasn't helped that outlets like Huffpo, Fox News, Breitbart etc have blurred the line - often passing off opinion pieces as informative reporting.



Creepy Uncle Joe running is a smokescreen. He's in it as a decoy to shield from criticism and delay a case being forged against the real presumptive Democrat candidate. That or the party is really stupid for letting him run.


This is a little out there. I will give you that some political strategy does seem Machiavellian but you have to remember here, we haven't even had the primaries yet. This is the part of the process where anybody can run for the support of the party and it makes sense once you consider the selection process: The primary vote determines who will be the representative party candidate, and then they vote in the election





Although the parties (both Democrat and Republican) can "lean" one way or the other behind a potential candidate, typically they don't have that much control over who within the party wants to throw their hat in the ring for primary. When the party does meddle, it's usually pretty obvious because...well..the more people you involve the less of a secret you can keep:




Does Joe Biden want to be president? well he has run before and now his credentials and stock are better than before and this could be his best and last chance. Historically speaking Vice presidents are often favored to be presidents because it's the closest thing to prior job experience there is. So yes Joe is running because he wants to be there.


Is the Democratic party conspiring to have them out there as a decoy? that's a little far. This year has a large field of people running and a lot of them are more left of center than usual, so if anybody in the Democratic party asked him to run it would be to be the moderate choice in a field of potential candidates that are more progressive than moderate. However, I highly doubt they would have even needed to ask him since most VP's end up running after they serve their time as VP (Teddy Roosevelt, Truman, Coolidge, Nixon, Ford, Johnson, and GHW Bush were all VP's that became president and the presidents that weren't VPs were usually running again the incumbent party's VP like Hubert Humphrey or Al Gore). I don't think the Party could stop him if they didn't want him to run, that's not really how it works.


Biden's in it to win it, same as everyone else in the field. the DP isn't going to really flex too much until we get closer to the primary in feb-june 2020, and will just let the field weed itself out right now through candidate action and scandal. After 2016 the DP revised it's primary process so it's more transparent and open (hence the large field). Any serious meddling at this point would be both premature and obvious.


If there is a "credible" conspiracy theory - it's that the Democratic party is still pushing for a woman candidate, so the recent "creepy joe" allegations are the democratic party pushing his dirt into the light so the #meetoo friendly base would shift focus back to Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobucher, et al. It's still out there but it is plausible since the party can't make someone not run, but they can and have in the past dug up a bunch of dirt on someone and leaked it to the public as a way of "discouraging" that person from running or keeping them from getting the primary vote.

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Creepy Uncle Joe running is a smokescreen. He's in it as a decoy to shield from criticism and delay a case being forged against the real presumptive Democrat candidate. That or the party is really stupid for letting him run.


So is he the new Bernie?

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They should take it to the Ring. Fight it out like the men each of them thinks they are. No weapons, just a cage match until one of them is knocked the fuck out. Prolly both die then it will move to Pence and Bernie to duke it out. LOL!
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  • 4 weeks later...

So it looks like those GOP tax cuts were pretty much lies and smoke to the regular american people.





Although investment grew significantly, the growth patterns for different types of assets do not appear to be consistent with the direction and size of the supply-side incentive effects one would expect from the tax changes. This potential outcome may raise questions about how much longer-run growth will result from the tax revision.


Real wages grew more slowly than GDP: at 2.0% (adjusted by the GDP deflator) compared with 2.9% for overall real GDP. Such slower growth has occurred in the past.


While evidence does indicate significant repurchases of shares, either from tax cuts or repatriated revenues, relatively little was directed to paying worker bonuses, which had been announced by some firms
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the problem is alot of companies raised starting wages for any tater off the street and dumped incentive performance programs to make up for it.
That's also in part to how new hires see things as value. We have perhaps the best bonuses, retirement and benefits out there and our annual survey showed the majorly of new hires less than 3 years in saw little value in them vs higher pay scale rates overall.


Stupid no matter how one slices it bit if that's what people report back then it's no surprise when they get it what they asked for.


Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

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People still talk about this?


seriously, start the impeachment process or lets move on.


I suspect they know they wont be able to get the support to make it stick, thats why they keep talking about it instead of fucking doing it.

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People still talk about this?


seriously, start the impeachment process or lets move on.


I suspect they know they wont be able to get the support to make it stick, thats why they keep talking about it instead of fucking doing it.


It's been all of 6 weeks since a 400 page report covering all of this was released. How quickly do you think impeachment should happen? Should people rush it or should they talk about it for more than a few weeks? How short is America's attention span that 6 weeks is too long to still be discussing a bombshell report detailing a concerted attack on our democratic process by a foreign power? Yikes!


MFers on here take 6 months to hem and haw about what car to buy.

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It's been all of 6 weeks since a 400 page report covering all of this was released. How quickly do you think impeachment should happen? Should people rush it or should they talk about it for more than a few weeks? How short is America's attention span that 6 weeks is too long to still be discussing a bombshell report detailing a concerted attack on our democratic process by a foreign power? Yikes!


MFers on here take 6 months to hem and haw about what car to buy.


this whole thing has been beaten to death for 2 years. I understand what your mean by having the report out for 6 weeks, but in the eyes and minds of a lot of people the release meant little to nothing.


If the dems impeach they lose 2020. They know that. The progressives in the party and trying to force the hand of the old guard Pelosi, but she may be they only thing that guys the dems a fighting change in 2020.

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I understand what your mean by having the report out for 6 weeks, but in the eyes and minds of a lot of people the release meant little to nothing.


I mean, you're not wrong but it's depressing as fuck. We should be better than that as a country.


I take it since you came in here saying "People are still talking about this?" that you'd put yourself in the depressing pool of voters who is too exhausted with politics to examine a serious issue for more than a few weeks? I think you're better than that.

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All the talk is about outside/overseas influence.

Aaaaaa...where did the russian report begin...a british agent paid for by a dem pac THEN the hilary campaign continued to pay for.

Why didn't the obama/goverment deal with it when it all began?

Again, it's a lot of sour grapes the hilary lost and the dems are pissed off.

I relate it to bill having sex in his office, the pubs hammered on it and bush wins in 2000


Washington needs to get on with more pressing subjects like student loan debt, immigration, saving ss and get off this petty shit

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All the talk is about outside/overseas influence.


Yes. And Trump doesn't seem interested in dealing with it. Russians are hacking our election systems and Trump tried to shut down the investigation that was looking into it. He's looked Putin in the eye and believes him.


Aaaaaa...where did the russian report begin...a british agent paid for by a dem pac THEN the hilary campaign continued to pay for.


You forgot the part where the dossier started off being paid for by Republicans. But your facts are wrong, the Russian investigation didn't start with the dossier. Despite Republicans constantly repeating this lie it's just not true.


Why didn't the obama/goverment deal with it when it all began?


Obama fucked up, bigly. He thought Clinton would win anyway and he didn't want to taint her victory with accusations against the Trump campaign.


Why is Trump continuing not to deal with it, though? If Obama fucked up in the last year of his presidency, Trump has continued that fuck up for over 2 years now.


Again, it's a lot of sour grapes the hilary lost and the dems are pissed off.

I relate it to bill having sex in his office, the pubs hammered on it and bush wins in 2000


Washington needs to get on with more pressing subjects like student loan debt, immigration, saving ss and get off this petty shit




Pogo stick, I tells yeah. See the forest for the trees, man. This isn't just petty political bullshit, Mueller did actual counter-intelligence work.

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When Trump tweets about something, it’s because he’s concerned about optics, making him look bad. I’ve also noticed it’s when he DID do something, and he’ll lie thinking it absolves him.




That’s a bonafide bitch move right there. Wouldn’t need to happen unless 1) he specifically requested it, or 2) WH knows he’d be a whiny bitch if McCain’s Name shows up in a pic so someone had it covered.


Older family members of mine are quick to email-chain forward me a pic of Obama not holding his hand over his heart for the national anthem...but I’m pretty sure there won’t be some snarky meme about servicemen having to cover the name of a commissioned ship instead of having to move it because of someone’s sensitivity...

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Unless the russians are hacking into each state they really can't get to the machines.

I deal, well when i return to work from surgery, with attempted break-ins to a product i support. I shows IPs and then that info get turned into our security for examination.

I've seen other reports from security on attempted break-ins on other sites.


What the russians did to influence the election was use social media to drive their agenda.


What trump did through either ignorance or on purpose was an attempt to stop the investigation. It was an investigation on russian collusion which there was none.


We agree every poll said hilary was going to win and only a miracle could let trump win, she was cocky and had a piss poor message that's why she lost.


Again, the dems need to get over it and govern

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Unless the russians are hacking into each state they really can't get to the machines.


Guess what they're doing.


What the russians did to influence the election was use social media to drive their agenda.


They did that too.


What trump did through either ignorance or on purpose was an attempt to stop the investigation. It was an investigation on russian collusion which there was none.


Your facts are wrong again, it was an investigation into Russian interference. First paragraph of the order authorizing the special counsel. It should bother everyone that Trump tried to shut it down "through either ignorance or on purpose." Either is a nightmare scenario.


We agree every poll said hilary was going to win and only a miracle could let trump win, she was cocky and had a piss poor message that's why she lost.


Again, the dems need to get over it and govern


Get over continued attacks on our democratic process? Smart move, comrade.


Why are you so dismissive of this?

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Again, show me proof where they are breaking in to the states..show me the wireshark or solar winds or another packet sniffer showing this. I'll wait for concrete evidence...go..


So you don't thing that congress should govern but hold hearings to no end...good call ..not


OK..russian interference.. yeah they did through social media..so charge facebook and the other social medias with the interference


BUT don't govern dems we will pay you for doing nothing but whining

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Again, show me proof where they are breaking in to the states..show me the wireshark or solar winds or another packet sniffer showing this. I'll wait for concrete evidence...go..


I already linked to an article on this, do you not believe republicans Bob Mueller and Marco Rubio on this one?


So you don't thing that congress should govern but hold hearings to no end...good call ..not


I think they can do both.


OK..russian interference.. yeah they did through social media..so charge facebook and the other social medias with the interference


BUT don't govern dems we will pay you for doing nothing but whining


Why are you always trying to change the subject? Are you not concerned about this topic, comrade?


"I am concerned about ongoing efforts by Russians to interfere with our elections and hack our voting systems, I am dismayed by Trump's dismissal of such concerns, and I applaud those who continue to investigate these matters."


^^^ apparently this is an extreme liberal position now. Gah.

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Again mr socialist...i looked at the past few pages and didn't see a post of yours pointing to proof of this...show me the packets not rubio saying theat russia is ready to change voter numbers....again I'm waiting for proof...


AND if the proof is there on trump begin impeachment...warren..waters..aoc et al having been talking it for some time..so shit or get off the pot

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