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Political dumpster fire Part III Greg and Kerry Vs CR


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Again mr socialist...i looked at the past few pages and didn't see a post of yours pointing to proof of this...show me the packets not rubio saying theat russia is ready to change voter numbers....again I'm waiting for proof...


I'm a libertarian for the thousandth time.


Fine, Bob Mueller and Marco Rubio are lying about Russian's hacking voting systems in Florida because greg from CR wasn't privy to their boundary logs. I'm sure Trump has thoroughly examined the logs as well because nobody knows network security better than him, and that's why he's dismissed the evidence. You got 'em!


AND if the proof is there on trump begin impeachment...warren..waters..aoc et al having been talking it for some time..so shit or get off the pot


Call your representative, tell them to start impeachment then.

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the problem is alot of companies raised starting wages for any tater off the street and dumped incentive performance programs to make up for it.


Wages increased generally for all skill level workers because unemployment is low and there is starting to be a shortage of candidates, even at entry level positions. The wage increase isn't directly related to the tax plan though - just the general prosperity in the economy which the report shows the tax plan had little effect on.


The cutting of incentive performance programs is a more nuanced conversation. In the banking industry following Countrywide and Wells, there is a regulatory driven shift away from performance bonuses because it has the potential to give incentive bad behavior and wasn't really monitored well. A lot of other companies not affected by regulation are moving away from it because it doesn't give incentive to work harder at the actual job, but rather employees learn to game the incentive system in order to maximize compensation with the least amount of work. It also creates a high turn over situation as there is only so much an employee can be motivated externally by compensation before they begin to feel burn out and diminishing returns in quality of life, which is not what you want in an environment where candidates for jobs are getting scarce.


I think we are seeing a shift away from the traditional salesman commission compensation to a more stable structured incentive plan that reduces the long term stress of the old system. Still has nothing to do with the tax plan.










Bottom line: the tax plan made investors wealthy and pretty much did very little for everyone else. Plus it saddles the US with a growing deficit that is going to be pretty hard to ignore in by 2020.

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Let me blow on the embers of this dumpster fire...




So democrats are now trying to buy black votes via reparations. Taking notes from Zimbabwe and South Africa I see.


I wonder if I could claim free money for wrongs done to my ancestors. Probably not since black Americans were the only slaves ever in history, right?

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