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groomsmen gifts


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at $35 a piece these are a bargain and much more interesting than just an engraving.


etsy is a great resource for this kind of stuff.



Just had a friend serve as a groomsman and he got one of these. It's pretty cool.

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Thanks for all the replies fellas. We're actually doing blue suits for the wedding (which everyone except my brother owns) so that's a huge cost savings over renting a tux. I never really liked tux's, despite getting fitted and measured I always felt like they looked like shit on me.


The wedding is in town and only one groomsman is traveling but he's staying with his mom so no need for a hotel cost there.


I'd like to spend around 50-60$ per guy, 5 guys so that's going to run me 250-300 with tax. Anyone think this is too cheap?


I'm also looking at functional gifts that someone would actually value. Money clips are nice but none of them are "money-clip-guys" so not a lot of use there. I was thinking about these though ... https://www.etsy.com/listing/632643428/groomsmen-cooler-groomsmen-gift?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=groomsmen+gift&ref=sc_gallery-1-11&plkey=ff7ab783eb856fdba8cd408f4e55afcb064f815a%3A632643428&pro=1&col=1 seems functional, they all enjoy a cold beer so...

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I gave one of them a personalized wallet off etsy because his was shot and looked like cramers wallet. I got the other guy a Beckham jersey because he is a huge Browns fan. I got my dad a bottle of Wellers from one of the local liquor stores. I was over thinking it when I searched gifts at first and I wanted them all to get something they would use. I have got groomsman gifts before and never touched them again.


One other thing I did was I got them all their socks including the fathers to add to their gift.


So my recommendation is get something they would use or enjoy and don't over think it.

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Came here to say nothing with their name/engraved. :gabe:

Maybe it's just me, but that has always screamed that someone is trying too hard. I got an engraved decanter and glasses for the last one. I almost feel like I have to have them out for when my friend who gave them to me comes over. I'd actually really like them if they didn't have my name plastered on them. I think at some point I'll buy a really nice set and replace this one.

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