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iMac repair?


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We have a 2013 iMac 21.5" home computer. The logic board took a shit in December 2016, thankfully Apple repaired it under warranty. Well, the graphics card took a shit...meaning the logic card needs replacement again.


Apple store wants $476 to repair the logic board. Has anyone repaired iMac's? Any good sources for new parts (MicroCenter), or will there be uploads and stuff that the Apple store has to make happen?


Wifey wants to buy a newer computer but I dont think we use it enough to get a newer computer. Advice/experience appreciated!!!

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My bad...it’s 2015.


Really just used for home emails, YouTube videos, my daughter does some artwork...


EDIT: also media server. Movies and stuff.


Replace with PC.


We can get the parts but to keep ASP status we have to buy them from Apple. If that board was $476 a few years ago it’s more now.

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We have 1TB of RAM in our existing iMac...if I get the computer from the link above, can I transplant RAM?


I'll gladly take 1TB of RAM off your hand Clay


but the 1TB HDD you're probably referring to cant be transplanted, pretty sure its a 3.5" drive that wont fit. The SSD in that one I posted would be a massive performance upgrade anyways.


What you CAN do is connect it via USB and transfer all your existing apps/accounts/etc. Pretty painless process.

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I'll gladly take 1TB of RAM off your hand Clay


I was thinking the same thing... 1 TB of RAM, Clay has a server farm in his basement CONFIRMED!!!


@Clay, Text me sometime and I would be more than happy to help you. I have done system builds for people all the time. I know that you can find a logic board for $150 - $100 for that thing. The only fear I would have with opening it, is that Apple commonly does not add shielding to the power supply inside the iMac systems. It can possibly be dangerous to open because if your not grounded, then the zap could hurt/kill.


As for the Hard Drive and it's contents, I would recommend a Time Machine Backup for your data. Someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the 2013 iMac could upgrade to Mojave, which means that you will need an "extended journaled" Format external drive. I think I have a few Orange Lacy drives laying around that you could use to make a copy of that system's drive... or transplant it into a new iMac... you have options. If you decide to repair the old system, then we can do a backup and then put the drive in. If you decide to get a new system, then there are plenty of ways to copy the ENTIRE system over. Time machine, Target disk, and others.


Let me know, I would be happy to help out anytime man. :)


iFixit did a good teardown for your iMac at this LINK

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iMac's are super easy to work on if you're even remotely handy... just google it, ifixit has tons of videos on how to do things.




Not that its the same but my 2009 Macbook Pro developed GPU panics and apple replaced the motherboard years ago under warranty. Few years after warranty ended it started doing the GPU panics again and after some google searching I found its just a capacitor that goes bad. After a bit more of google I found a better quality capacitor and after a quick swap my MBP was back to good health.

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didn't even read your comment, was just trying to tell him where to go and move on with my day. I also said that it's super easy to work on. Like the screen is held on by magnets and with suction cups it comes out.

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Not that its the same but my 2009 Macbook Pro developed GPU panics and apple replaced the motherboard years ago under warranty. Few years after warranty ended it started doing the GPU panics again and after some google searching I found its just a capacitor that goes bad. After a bit more of google I found a better quality capacitor and after a quick swap my MBP was back to good health.

People think for some reason there's magic happening under the hood of Mac's.. It's not. Not to be rude but most of the people who work at the Apple Stores aren't overly bright so that should tell you something.

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didn't even read your comment, was just trying to tell him where to go and move on with my day. I also said that it's super easy to work on. Like the screen is held on by magnets and with suction cups it comes out.




[emoji14] I’m just messing around [emoji14]



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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