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Impeachment / 2020 Theories


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so he's been charged but that really doesn't mean shit unless they act on it right? did we really need to go through all that BS to know the dems hate him and don't approve of his actions?


It means what it means. It's like the mayor's son getting charged with shoplifting even though the arresting officer knows the charges will be dropped because daddy is friends with the DA. It's the closest thing people without a lot of power have to saying, "This is not OK."


You know, I get that you don't think it's a big deal, what Trump did. I'd like to think that we'd be a different place in this country politically if instead of turning this on the Dems, or turning this on Hunter Biden, or all the other things you did in your post, if you and other Republicans would just take 5 minutes to say, "I get it. Trump shouldn't have done that. It was a bad thing, and I can see why you're upset, I just don't think he should be impeached over it." Because your long post really just says, "I don't understand why Democrats impeached Trump so I'm going to assume it's because they're bad people who just hate him," and that's flat not true, and acknowledging that will go a long way.


Trump is a divisive fuck, don't take after him. Find the common ground here, man. Presidents shouldn't act like he acts, and I don't want anyone to "just get over" that.

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It means what it means. It's like the mayor's son getting charged with shoplifting even though the arresting officer knows the charges will be dropped because daddy is friends with the DA. It's the closest thing people without a lot of power have to saying, "This is not OK."


If it makes haters feel better then good for you. IMO it's a waste of time, money and loads of other negatives, especially given it was split down party lines.


You know, I get that you don't think it's a big deal, what Trump did. I'd like to think that we'd be a different place in this country politically if instead of turning this on the Dems, or turning this on Hunter Biden, or all the other things you did in your post, if you and other Republicans would just take 5 minutes to say, "I get it. Trump shouldn't have done that. It was a bad thing, and I can see why you're upset, I just don't think he should be impeached over it."


I do get the opposing view but I dont think it was a big deal even if they had proof. He's been fucked over from day one of the Russia bullshit that morphed into like 5 different attempts to fuck him over again and again only to result in nothing.


After all that no fucks are given by many any longer. The opposition pretty much removed any and nearly all sense of the integrity and Presidential and congressional respect let alone the media's integrity that was ever there. In other words the gloves are off on both sides and no I no longer care or have faith in Washington until the fucktards on both sides stop the BS. Time to play dirty since thats how the other side is playing.


[Quite]Because your long post really just says, "I don't understand why Democrats impeached Trump so I'm going to assume it's because they're bad people who just hate him," and that's flat not true, and acknowledging that will go a long way.


I don't know if they are ALL bad but without a doubt the flat-out fucking hate trump and his policies and have proven they will do anything to try and stop him and for that I will much like you feel, will never back down nor accept that behavior.


Trump is a divisive fuck, don't take after him. Find the common ground here, man. Presidents shouldn't act like he acts, and I don't want anyone to "just get over" that.


I don't like many on either side and don't need to approve of their manners or behaviors as I look to them for solid policy that supports our country and our people. I don't vote with their personality in mind. I don't care about that part of who they are.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah, pretty sure we didn't end shit.


Nobody on either side of the aisle is shedding a tear over this guy being dead, but strategically his assassination was a horrible decision.


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  • 4 weeks later...
Talking of subpoenaing Bolton to testify to the House. Maybe we'll get impeachment 2.


In a world dominated by instant-access to information and social media dominates most American's intake of "news"....

The actual legal process is slooooowww and BORING. Sad to say that unless Bolton has emails, texts, notes to corroborate his claims, no one is going to care much aside from how they already feel about Trump.


Which also bothers me about the whole Trump Impeachment process over the last 3 years - how is it that our entire U.S. government is run without any paper trails or data traces? Is Trump calling executive privledge over everything? Talks a lot of bluster about his opponents but quietly ExecPriv's against any REAL incriminating evidence?


Otherwise, are Trump's cabinet members and trusted advisers really just doing everything Trump says without any backup in writing? For all the crowing about Hillary's emails years ago, where is anything that Trump tells someone else to do in writing?

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The thing is, he hasn't actually claimed Executive Privilege over anything. He blocked all documents and all officials from cooperating with the investigation (most likely because he knew documents existed that would incriminate him that he couldn't claim privilege over), which is the definition of obstruction of justice. Executive Privilege can only be claimed over very specific things.


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All in all - very destructive for the democrats. I don’t see a way in which this is bad at all for Trump.


Either they send it to senate and he’s acquitted, or they stall and it looks like they don’t even believe in what the articles say. I honestly don’t know what’s worse.


I do know they just fired up one of the most reliable political bases in the world to go out and vote red down the ticket no matter what. Also, every President from here on out will get impeached if the opposing party rules the house. Impeachment just doesn’t mean anything unless it goes to the senate.


Win win?




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