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More Race Car Work Fun..


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So I was given the opportunity at work to be the on air talent for our broadcast of the biggest radial tire race of the year and I jumped at it. I've never done anything like this before and let me tell you it was INSANE, fun, but just a whole new level of work.


I got about 4 hours of sleep on Friday going into saturday and then had to be "on" during our 18 hour broadcast anytime I had to do interviews.


Here is one of the most insane things that happened during the event. We were on the starting line when this went down, had to jump on a golf cart and haul ass to the top end to get the interview and then sprint back about a 1/8th mile to get this highlight uploaded with the interview....


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I was standing a ways back from the starting line and saw it happen, it was scary to see the car go that high in the air.


When I went to interview him he had to pry his grandaughter off because she was in full meltdown mode over it. The next morning he posted a picture of himself doing cardio at the gym hotel and he was fine. It shows how important safety gear really is for sure.

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Pilot's license earned!


Great vid...tough to ask the guy to explain what had happened:

1) He's shook


2) That's an expensive flight for a car

3) You can tell he's stressed about what the damage is going to cost him.


That's part of the job and what makes for great TV.


I'm glad he was okay, that could have ended really bad on many levels.

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