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interesting quick read regarding corona's impact on wealth distribution:



That's the biggest impact on COVID-19...most industries are affected. You can't go from say retail sales to being a bartender or waitress in an economic downturn.




Starting to see Fauci and other gov't officials talking more about softening the quarantine where possible.




WHO is touting work on vaccines. Scroll down the Bloomberg article for regional/international updates.

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We need to get some goals in line for us to start to reopen. Even if thats 1-2months from being realized (the start of), we still need to get it on paper and have conversations about it.


This virus isn't going away, so we have to figure out a way to live with it but still be able to have an economy, a life and the freedoms we expect to have in America.


America was always going to have a hard time with something like this. We are a country based on freedoms that people are willing to die for. I fully understand its a balancing act and not everyone is going to agree, but we cant keep this country in limbo for another 6-12 months. We will see more people kill themselves over ramifications of this than the virus.

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Do you watch any of DeWine's daily conferences? You're not suggesting anything that they haven't already discussed at great length. Right now one of the big limfacs is testing -- there just aren't enough tests, antibody or otherwise, to do contact tracing and/or to figure out who's "probably immune" and can go back to work. The federal government really could have gotten ahead of the curve here on producing tests but they didn't.


Anyways, yes, plans to "reopen" are on paper, and people are having conversations about it, and here in Ohio they're even keeping us citizens briefed on some of those details.

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We need to get some goals in line for us to start to reopen. Even if thats 1-2months from being realized (the start of), we still need to get it on paper and have conversations about it.


This virus isn't going away, so we have to figure out a way to live with it but still be able to have an economy, a life and the freedoms we expect to have in America.


America was always going to have a hard time with something like this. We are a country based on freedoms that people are willing to die for. I fully understand its a balancing act and not everyone is going to agree, but we cant keep this country in limbo for another 6-12 months. We will see more people kill themselves over ramifications of this than the virus.


Something we can agree on. I can see people getting stir crazy and when warmer days hit, all hell is likely to break loose.


EDIT: What do you think would be worse though, setting a date then pushing it back possibly more than once or leaving it open ended in limbo. I could see picking a date then pushing it back multiple times being overall worse as people would get frustrated and stick to the original date no matter what.

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Do you watch any of DeWine's daily conferences? You're not suggesting anything that they haven't already discussed at great length. Right now one of the big limfacs is testing -- there just aren't enough tests, antibody or otherwise, to do contact tracing and/or to figure out who's "probably immune" and can go back to work. The federal government really could have gotten ahead of the curve here on producing tests but they didn't.


Anyways, yes, plans to "reopen" are on paper, and people are having conversations about it, and here in Ohio they're even keeping us citizens briefed on some of those details.


Thats good to hear - I live in Nashville, so I dont see DeWines briefings unless it hits CNN/Fox or some major news source.

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Thats good to hear - I live in Nashville, so I dont see DeWines briefings unless it hits CNN/Fox or some major news source.


Ah, copy. It's on YouTube but I've taken to reading the summaries on r/Ohio. I think it was last Wednesday there were a bunch of protesters outside wherever they're doing these daily briefings, I guess all upset about the government tyranny here and demanding the lockdown be lifted. IIRC DeWine didn't attack them directly but did address some of the growing dissent.


The tough thing is we're flying blind at the moment, the models say we've peaked or will peak soon but you don't know when you've peaked until it's in the past and you can look back and say "Yup, 2 weeks ago we peaked." The models say Ohio is going to peak earlier than other states, and so it's not even our peak we need to be worried about -- opening up travel when Kentucky and Indiana are exploding in cases is problematic. So their message for right now is basically, "We have an exit strategy, we're constantly revising it, we need tests in order to execute the exit strategy and we're still working on procuring them, but at the moment and until 1 May y'all just need to relax and keep doing what you're doing.


That's the cliffs notes version at least.

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Ah, copy. It's on YouTube but I've taken to reading the summaries on r/Ohio. I think it was last Wednesday there were a bunch of protesters outside wherever they're doing these daily briefings, I guess all upset about the government tyranny here and demanding the lockdown be lifted. IIRC DeWine didn't attack them directly but did address some of the growing dissent.




The tough thing is we're flying blind at the moment, the models say we've peaked or will peak soon but you don't know when you've peaked until it's in the past and you can look back and say "Yup, 2 weeks ago we peaked." The models say Ohio is going to peak earlier than other states, and so it's not even our peak we need to be worried about -- opening up travel when Kentucky and Indiana are exploding in cases is problematic. So their message for right now is basically, "We have an exit strategy, we're constantly revising it, we need tests in order to execute the exit strategy and we're still working on procuring them, but at the moment and until 1 May y'all just need to relax and keep doing what you're doing.




That's the cliffs notes version at least.

Weren't some of those "protestors" not even Ohio residents? I thought I heard some drove from KY.


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Don't misconstrue the 1 May day as anything other than the expiration date for the current lockdown. DeWine has given no indication that that's when he's going to let "things start to get back to normal." All he's saying is we're on lockdown until 1 May, and he'll reassess based on new information as that gets closer.


Relevant paraphrased commentary from today's briefing:


We have been working in both the public and private sector to decide exactly what our next step is. This is not going to be like flipping a switch. We're still on-call constantly with our partners in order to move on but keep us safe. Don your masks and don your capes.


2:39 PM: Who will be making the decision to open the state back up?


Governor: Whatever rules I put in place, people will still have to feel safe enough to actually go out. I have tried to get the best information from the best experts. I have gotten advice from my medical advisory group along with our business advisory group. They both give me the information I need to make decisions that are good for everyone in the state. We are speaking to the federal government and other state governments to make sure the process is coordinated correctly. It is a work in progress but I think you and everyone throughout the country will find our plan to be rational and well-informed.


Lieutenant Governor: I think it's very clear that our actions have been good for the state.


2:50 PM: More and more Ohio lawmakers are calling for easing of restrictions and opening up of the economy. Have they gotten in contact with you? There has been a recommendation that the less hard hit areas be opened. Are you planning on doing that? How close are you to being able to do widespread testing?


Governor: I welcome their comments and thoughts. My line is always open either online or over the phone. The Lieutenant Governor has also been fielding calls from businesses throughout the state. We take that into consideration. We have to do all of this safely and without allowing for hot spots to develop.


As I said, we are looking into these recommendations but with our current testing ability, I cannot see it happening soon. When we get improved testing, more actions can be taken. We know we have community spread throughout the state and none of the state is safe from that.


We're getting closer to widespread testing every day.



There must have been some spicy exchanges as reporters tried to get DeWine to talk shit on Trump. He (wisely) never takes the bait.


2:54 PM: As we look to reopening many of the states, do you believe that it will be federally led or at a state by state basis?


This is in reference to Trump talking like HE'S going to be the one to open the country back up, even though he hasn't done shit to close it and therefore is in no position to reverse anything. There are 50 lockdowns right now and Trump is in charge of 0 of them. Anyway, DeWine's paraphrased response:


Governor: Our relationship with the federal government has been very good. Our calls can last hours and they constantly listen and exchange information with us. We're currently looking into moving our Battelle machines throughout the country. We're all in this together and this is something we have not seen before. As medical knowledge about this virus continues to evolve, plans can be better developed with collaboration with the federal government. Each state will have to have its own plan, tailored to its situation.


In other words, I know if I talk shit on Trump he'll do dumb stuff like withhold PPE and make me deal with Jared Kushner's dumb ass, so I'm going to talk about how great the federal government has been even though they still aren't giving us enough fucking tests.


Later, someone tried to be more direct:


3:03 PM: Can the president reopen the state without your consent?


Governor: I'll leave that to the lawyers. I don't think this is a confrontation. I think that whatever plan we put out that the White House will have no problem with it. This is a collaborative process.


3:09 PM: The president tweeted recently that the president has the final say on reopening the country. How does that make you feel?


Governor: We've had very open and candid discussions about getting back open with the federal and state governments. Each state needs to make its own plan. Ohio will be making ours based on the latest science and expert advice. We won't be able to get fully back to normal until we get a vaccine. our goal is to make everything as normal as possible, keeping in mind that there's monster that is killing people around every corner. We all want to get back to normal but we must make our decisions based on mitigating the risk to our citizens.


In other words, No, he cannot, but we all recognize this for the toothless bluster that is Trump's MO. We're going to keep doing what we're doing and following the science.

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Stick with the May 1st date to start getting back to normal. If you're in that group that's going to be at risk, then you get to stay home for a while longer.


Will those who aren't 'at risk' be signing some sort of waiver refusing any medical treatment should they need hospitalized if they should contract it after the orders are lifted?

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What about those “at risk” being told to get back to work? I can see this boiling over and there’s too much grey area. Going to cause further problems. What about those who believe they are not “at risk” then suddenly die? Who’s responsible there?
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I think the idea that only the unhealthy are the only people dying from this needs to be addressed. It's not just the old, sick, fat, multiple comorbidity people that are dying. Predominantly? Yes. But there are still a fair number of younger healthy folks who are getting wrecked by this. I know everyone is itching to get out of the house and get back to work, but we really need to let this settle down a bit first. Its going to be really hard to support your family if you're dead.
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With about 80% of cases being mild and that number definitely higher do to under-reporting and asymptomatic cases I don't see the problem. CDC confirms around 60 million people got swine flu so I would expect a similar number will get this at some point over the next year or two.


With that in mind I can't see the world being put on hold until sometime in 2021. If we did the world as we know it wouldn't be here to come back to and there would be a long road to rebuild.

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With about 80% of cases being mild and that number definitely higher do to under-reporting and asymptomatic cases I don't see the problem. CDC confirms around 60 million people got swine flu so I would expect a similar number will get this at some point over the next year or two.


With that in mind I can't see the world being put on hold until sometime in 2021. If we did the world as we know it wouldn't be here to come back to and there would be a long road to rebuild.


The world will already be different at this point, we're just rolling for bonus damage at this point. It's only a matter of time before people really start to turn against the restrictions and the real trouble starts.

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