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Best 4wd RC for around $100


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Wags, do you know anyone that does repairs on brushless motors and esc’s? I bought a brushless for my sons rig from eBay and it was haggard. Wires to the esc are pretty tore up and they “fixed” it with some goop mess. Unfortunately the seller pulled a disappearing act and I’m stuck with it and a sad 11 year old.


Edit: as for the connectors, you can buy traxxas ones on eBay but I recommend switching them to deans or Anderson power poles (or other quality connectors)


A local hobby shop might be able to. Post a picture and I might be able to walk you through how to do it on your own depending on what's going on.

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I almost bought one of those for my son but the parts availability was questionable at the time. Has that cleared up? My boy is 11 so he breaks his.... A LOT.


EDIT: If parts are available i'd rock one of them for myself so me and the boy can bash in the yard.


EDIT 2: I was looking at this guy: https://www.towerhobbies.com/cgi-bin/wti0001p?&I=LXLFWTNL&P=C


Havent had any issue yet my other 2 biys have 2wd trucks. Parts wise i have looked online and they are out there. There is a shop local to me that can find anything I cant find.

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