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Just another PSA


Recently got to talk to some old timer. Those that lived thru MLK time. And they said we have not seen the worst yet. Just wait until July 4th.


Time to stock up on ammo and plywood


what are they going to protest about on July 4th? Minneapolis/ other major cities will dismantle their police departments. They will get what they want and can test this new way of life for the rest of us. I suspect it wont go well, but lets allow them to be the guinea pigs.


Im not sure if they forgot that American is full of guns literally. You think a glorified mall cop is going to protect you or keep any type of order in a bad neighborhood riddled with guns and drugs, with him only having pepper spray and a billy club (if hes even allowed to carry that)?

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If recent history in our lifetimes is a guide....then the shit will hit the fan after the trial. Especially if the officers are acquitted.
I don't think these guys will be getting acquitted.


I'm sure many here like me remember the case of Rodney King. The difference is back then they waited until after the trial to protest and riot.


Sent from my SM-G988U using Tapatalk

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On behalf of Chubby White dudes with facial hair, can you militia types stop showing up armed to the teeth and dressed like you lost a bet with both a hot topic and a cabela's at the same time. You are totally killing the non menacing, teddy bear/santa claus vibe that took years to cultivate.




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I don't think these guys will be getting acquitted.


I'm sure many here like me remember the case of Rodney King. The difference is back then they waited until after the trial to protest and riot.


Sent from my SM-G988U using Tapatalk


Murder 2 in Minnesota might be hard to prove. I think the jury can knock down to Murder 3 or manslaughter however. A lot (most? all?) of the idiot protestors are saying should be Murder 1 which is ridiculous.


Might not even convict on manslaughter as the the kneeling on neck chokehold was in their training. And Floyd was already having a medical issue and had collapsed twice already before Chauvin was on scene. Plus the autopsy showed meth and fentanyl in his system, a large amount of fentanyl.


Not that anything matters to the mob at this point.

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what are they going to protest about on July 4th? Minneapolis/ other major cities will dismantle their police departments. They will get what they want and can test this new way of life for the rest of us. I suspect it wont go well, but lets allow them to be the guinea pigs.


Im not sure if they forgot that American is full of guns literally. You think a glorified mall cop is going to protect you or keep any type of order in a bad neighborhood riddled with guns and drugs, with him only having pepper spray and a billy club (if hes even allowed to carry that)?


Dude, I’m not really into conspiracy and shit, but if you can’t connect the dot you’re pretty blind.


Coronavirus -> mask and prisoners released from jails


Minnesota -> protest with masks ->riots and looting (who, very good chances are those that released from prisons)


Now, disbanded of the police and dropping charges for those that got arrested during the protest. Who will protect the city and normal citizens and those protest won’t obey the laws because they don’t have to, no consequence from breaking the laws. Well, that’s just from my simple minded observation.

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I don't think these guys will be getting acquitted.


I'm sure many here like me remember the case of Rodney King. The difference is back then they waited until after the trial to protest and riot.


Sent from my SM-G988U using Tapatalk


I don’t think the primary officer who was responsible for his death will be acquitted, but the other 3?...not sure how that will go. If there’s only one officer going to jail will the masses be content with that? I’m doubtful and I see that being a likely scenario.

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I think chavin will go to jail on m3 or manslaughter

The other 3 will be accomplices in whatever the charge is.


Will it be enough to sooth the masses I don't know.

As far as the dismantling the police force..I've never heard such a stupid statement in my whole life...let the criminals run the prison ..glad I'm armed if gither and the columbus city council tries it.


I know I spelled the names wrong..you'll get the gist of it

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Libertarians have been screaming for years about dismantling the militarized police state in this country, people only listen when its their ox getting gored. Ruby Ridge or Breanna Taylor, two sides of the same coin.


I don't think anyone expects police departments to go away but there's no reason that traffic enforcement requires a gun and full-on arrest authority. There's no reason to send the same people as first responders for someone having a psychotic episode as we send for armed robberies in progress. End the war on drugs, scale way back on bullshit "tough on crime" laws, mandatory minimum sentencing, zero-tolerance policing and make the police departments work for the common people instead of the powerful elites.

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wanna know the stupidest thing i've heard in my whole life?


It's a bunch of grown ass men calling "dismantling" or "de-funding" the police "stupid" because they think lawlessness will instantly set in, as if these organizations didn't have continuity, transition, and coverage plans for just this situation. Like all of a sudden all the police and prison guards are just going to turn the lights off, lock up, and go home. :dumb:


There isn't even an agreed definition of what de-fund means right now, so cool your panties, it's not going to suddenly become Beyond the Thunderdome just because people want to take away the money the cops use to buy tanks. Even if they don't call them police officers, I can guarantee you if you call 911 someone will still show up, to do that job.


I don't think anyone expects police departments to go away


I dunno, based on the chatter out of the conservative media - someone is buying that bullshit line. I mean tucker carlson isn't screaming about it to an empty room.

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greg think about it. one of your children or family has a crime commited against them. according to your logic, the perpetrator stopped for a traffic violation shouldnt be arrested or the police wouldnt be allowed to carry to help with arrest since its "traffic enforcement".


Ironically I do agree with you on other points you made.

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greg think about it. one of your children or family has a crime commited against them. according to your logic, the perpetrator stopped for a traffic violation shouldnt be arrested or the police wouldnt be allowed to carry to help with arrest since its "traffic enforcement".


What if the perpetrator goes to the BMV to renew their driver's license? Should the guy behind the desk be allowed to pull his sidearm and detain him? There's all kinds of interactions between the state and its citizens that don't carry the risk of escalation that "routine" traffic stops do. Most code enforcement for municipalities is not carried out by armed agents, including parking enforcement. Traffic enforcement in other countries is done by unarmed enforcement officers and things work fine. Used to be that way in this country too. But then cops figured out how convenient it was to use traffic stops as a pretense and America just seems to have kind of accepted it.


Of course, nothing about the above precludes a BMV employee from calling actual police if it will help bring in a dangerous suspect, and nothing would preclude an unarmed traffic enforcement officer from doing that either. I think it would just be reserved for a certain type of suspect. Traffic stops shouldn't be "let's make sure you don't have drugs in your car" stops, traffic stops shouldn't be "let's make sure you don't have warrants for driving on a suspended license" stops. Keep it simple. Traffic stops should be for traffic code violations only and then nobody has to worry about getting shot during them.

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Not suggesting that everyone protesting is sharing the same agenda...but unless you want to truly fight the protesters, you'd better understand the social structure we're all living under.

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SO the unarmed traffic enforcement agent..no longer a policeman, makes a traffic stop..but wait the traffic stop is a wanted felon who is a murderer , the poor guy goes up to the car asks a few questions.

The felon jumps out of the car with a gun, there's a struggle as the agent no longer has a weapon to pull to defend him or herself.

Bang..Bang..Bang ...the agent is dead or dying on the ground and the felon drives on.

What happens when that same felon now emboldened stops for gas and money, the same station you are in gassing up your vehicle...your wife and kids are inside getting some snacks when he/she walks in to rob the places and begins shooting...with your defunded scenario you have placed your family directly in harms way...


I had some libturd talk about the cops don't need to go to a call with a tank and an ar15 with them...what a dumbass statement

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That's quite a ridiculous scenario you've invented. What I would say to that is we all gotta go sometime, do you know how many people the flu kills every year?


Too good.


Everybody should consider walking in other people's shoes a bit. Try empathy. Try thinking through the concerns and complaints of others, even if they may not directly affect you just yet. As we all eventually learn when we grow up, everybody eventually has their own concerns and issues that they want heard and considered.


So you say you're concerned about the safety of you and your family without having cops around. Now consider having similar fears of interactions WITH cops.


Maybe neither is a perfect solution, somewhere in the middle's the truth... The answer isn't do nothing, as should be obvious.

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Im curious what type of man/woman would want to take on these "non-armed" public safety jobs? There is already a problem with recruiting in most areas. Along with people calling for defunding the force which 90% covers salaries, etc (from what I read). So now we have less money to hire quality applicants and less money to properly train them.


Im not saying one way is better or right Im just talking out loud here.

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Im curious what type of man/woman would want to take on these "non-armed" public safety jobs? There is already a problem with recruiting in most areas. Along with people calling for defunding the force which 90% covers salaries, etc (from what I read). So now we have less money to hire quality applicants and less money to properly train them.


Im not saying one way is better or right Im just talking out loud here.


It's a concern. Decoupling traffic court revenue from police funding needs to happen regardless, though. That's always been fucked.


I think most cities and states would have a hard time finding qualified applicants to pull people over all day for less than a cop makes. It sounds like a shit job. But I dunno, as someone who's been pulled over like 30+ times in my life, I'd be OK with a big reduction in the number of traffic stops in general.

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