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Mice, rodents, assholes that chew through shit.


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They could be using a frequency above the hearing range of dogs, but still in rodents hearing range.



And 19khz (or 20khz) for humans is pretty optimistic, based on healthy and young ears. I'm just assuming the same is true for the other animals, that this is probably typical top and bottom of the range of hearing. So if you have an older dog, the top # is probably lower.


But also this.


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I was skeptical that the devices would do anything. But multiple mice in the first weeks and then 1 over the course of a year leads me to believe they do work. And that one was over the July week where my cameras were reporting temps at 115 degrees during the day. We were gone on vacation and had caught one in a trap. We do still use glue traps around the edges, so if any mice try to come in, they get caught. I did not close off the entry point (the ones I found), so these were the only change. :)
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I bought these for the garage due to the fucking mosquitoes that are all over the place (yes, no standing water). As soon as I got them (I have two in the garage), the temp dropped and no more mosquitoes. Go figure.




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Cats can work but don't let hem roam the neighborhood. They kill Billions, yes, with a "B" of native birds every year in the US.


Don't use poison. Poisons make their way through the food chain. You kill a rat with poison, it's a slow death, does and dies somewhere else, predator eats said rat, predator dies, vultures go to eat predator, vultures die. I recently picked up a screech owl in the road in front of my house that basically looked really drunk. Was actually dying from pesticides.


Try traps. The guy that runs Mousetrap Monday's youtube channel has hundreds of videos about all different kinds of traps.

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Cats can work but don't let hem roam the neighborhood. They kill Billions, yes, with a "B" of native birds every year in the US.


Don't use poison. Poisons make their way through the food chain. You kill a rat with poison, it's a slow death, does and dies somewhere else, predator eats said rat, predator dies, vultures go to eat predator, vultures die. I recently picked up a screech owl in the road in front of my house that basically looked really drunk. Was actually dying from pesticides.


Try traps. The guy that runs Mousetrap Monday's youtube channel has hundreds of videos about all different kinds of traps.


Honestly thought you were gonna tell me to get my own falcon. Which admittedly is not the worst solution. Like a trunk monkey, but more raptor-y.


But seriously, I wouldn't use poison, and a cat roaming around out here is probably a coyote snack. I'd rather not kill, just deter.

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I was skeptical that the devices would do anything. But multiple mice in the first weeks and then 1 over the course of a year leads me to believe they do work. And that one was over the July week where my cameras were reporting temps at 115 degrees during the day. We were gone on vacation and had caught one in a trap. We do still use glue traps around the edges, so if any mice try to come in, they get caught. I did not close off the entry point (the ones I found), so these were the only change. :)



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It really looks like there is a ton of birdseed on the ground in his video. I'm guessing that a food source that abundant will get any animal to ignore or put up with whatever to get that much food.


I will say that my spaces are very clean with no food source for animals. Cardboard is kept to a minimum in the garages and the basement.


I could just be lucky, but I just ordered additional units to have them on hand for when the ones I have stop working (light goes out). Have only had that happen to one (and it happened to be the one where we caught the single mouse in the last year. For ~$25 bucks - I'm happy with my purchase. :)

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It really looks like there is a ton of birdseed on the ground in his video. I'm guessing that a food source that abundant will get any animal to ignore or put up with whatever to get that much food.


I will say that my spaces are very clean with no food source for animals. Cardboard is kept to a minimum in the garages and the basement.


I could just be lucky, but I just ordered additional units to have them on hand for when the ones I have stop working (light goes out). Have only had that happen to one (and it happened to be the one where we caught the single mouse in the last year. For ~$25 bucks - I'm happy with my purchase. :)

I don’t doubt that but if they are desperate enough to come in for food in the first place, they’d be desperate enough with or without this thing blasting is my thought.

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I was in a racoon battle, not with switched to a mole battle. Wonder how effective some of these ultrasonic mole repellers are?


Ultrasonic repellers work fantastically.





Cats can work but don't let hem roam the neighborhood. They kill Billions, yes, with a "B" of native birds every year in the US.


Don't you hunt using a falcon?


Don't use poison. Poisons make their way through the food chain. You kill a rat with poison, it's a slow death, does and dies somewhere else, predator eats said rat, predator dies, vultures go to eat predator, vultures die. I recently picked up a screech owl in the road in front of my house that basically looked really drunk. Was actually dying from pesticides.


Never thought about what owls eat but our food is sprayed with pesticides. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


When I was working on the farm the HMFIC always said, "you aren't what you eat. You are what you eat eats."


Errthing gon' die. I do agree that poison isn't the best answer though. I don't use it. I also don't have these issues. I guess I'm not much help. Par for the course.


Honestly thought you were gonna tell me to get my own falcon. Which admittedly is not the worst solution. Like a trunk monkey, but more raptor-y.



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