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CC&C update!


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Guys, I'm happy to share some details that have come up in the last couple of weeks:

- Paul Milligan with the "other" CC&C broke off ties with Lindsay Acura and Byers Auto to partner with MAG.

- I've been working with the Marketing Director at Byers this past week, and am excited to let you guys know we've got our first event in June with a few more planned to come!


Without going into too much detail, I'll leave cryptic messages of: You Don't Burn Bridges, and Everything Happens for a Reason. Paul's decisions are providing me a partnership and support to add crazy things like COFFEE, and COPS, and a LOCATION to what we've been doing in the past. If you think that Paul put together all of these events himself...Byers and Lindsay did all of the heavy lifting and I am more than happy to pick up where they left off with lots of ideas and enthusiasm for the future.


No Lennox for now - first meet on June 5th will be at the Whitehall park across from Byers' dealerships - but we are open to new ideas and new locations.


I've always been a straight-shooter with CC&C and this continues: We are open to all makes, all people. I'm not getting a penny from Byers or some other partnerships: it's gravy to me that they can/want to use their resources (time/people/money) to make these events happen for the Central Ohio car community.


I've already spoken to a few trusted partners that more will come where we'll be all-hands-on-deck, but this was the shot in the arm I needed after March 28th happened, and I couldn't be happier.


THANK YOU to everyone through CR who has supported CC&C over the years.





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Fuck sponsors. This is the same commercialized stuff we have made fun of for years. Now we just copy what the other group already did? I go to Hilliard C&C now


You mean the one that's sponsored by Honest Speed Shop? :dumb:

You mean the one that can fit like a dozen cars in their lot...maybe.




Also in what way are we copying anyone? Byers reached out to us. There's literally no monetary gain here.


Edit: According to your reddit history, you also REALLY liked going to meets put on by that "other group."

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Fuck sponsors. This is the same commercialized stuff we have made fun of for years. Now we just copy what the other group already did? I go to Hilliard C&C now


For complete transparency, I offered to Clay to help sponsor our C@C. I do not foresee this ending well for you. lol

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If you think about it, Lenox CCC was also sponsored, initially by Cup O' Joe and then by the Property Management Company that continued to host. The difference is that nobody directly profited from "sponsorship" because Lenox CCC was not a for profit enterprise and technically it still isn't as I doubt Clay is taking once cent from Byers for his own pocket. If all Byers is bringing to this is the space as did Cup O' Joe did years ago, what's the problem?


I've been to the other Cars and Coffee (Exotic Cars and Coffee?), and I didn't like it because it was a for profit enterprise. The organizer was def making money off it and from that it created an artificial atmosphere with too loud music, "curated" parking, and looking the other way at misbehavior when leaving the lot. The problem wasn't that it was sponsored, the problem is that the organizer was making money and let his financial interest dictate the meet rather let it happen holistically.

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