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Is "thanks Biden" the new "thanks Obama"?


Wayment...that's not the same guy?


Ohio is not one of those 4, so no its not mandatory for STATE OF OHIO employees.




Holy shit, we need to give some of you a character limit.


I agree, but also look at what Trump was able to do on Twitter. :lol:

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I'm ok paying the gas tax to repair roads and bridges..so I don't know where you got the idea i don't.


You still bounce around the main thought..if the feds place a vmt it will adversely affect those who can least afford it..whether it's the least of your thoughts is neither here nor there..it will tax those who make less than $400k...does this sound familiar .."no new taxes"..but it wasn't the reason he wasn't re-elected


I bought a $13k used car 5 years ago and the Republicans in Ohio are hitting me with the same sort of "double tax" that you're complaining about here. And I make less than $400k a year. Some poor pizza delivery guy buying a $3000 2004 Prius is going to get hit with an additional registration tax as well.


Is this an issue you're actually passionate about?

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what did you buy that's being 2x taxed??


Ford C-Max. I pay a gas tax every time I fill up, and I had to pay an additional fee when I registered it this year because it's a plug-in hybrid.


the ohio republicans never said they weren't going to tax ppl making lt 400k..sleepy did.


don't confuse the situation


Just trying to figure out your chief complaint here. Is it the (potential) tax itself, or is it the "broken promise" of a politician you didn't vote for and never planned on voting for in the future?

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the broken promise..potential..


FiveThirtyEight and others did some reporting over the last few years that shows that politicians do better at keeping their promises than voters tend to think, but at the end of the day they're all going to break promises. Most famously in my lifetime, "Read my lips."


Trump did worse than most, but that's mostly because he winged his entire presidency and was willing to make outlandish promises with absolutely no plan or hope of ever executing them (still waiting for that Obamacare replacement).


Did you run to CR every time Trump failed to execute on one of his promises? Did you vote for him anyway? Did you expect me and Kerry and the handful of other democratic voters to be so crushed by this revelation that we'd rethink our life choices? What was the point of all of this? Why are we still talking about it?


and i thought you said you were in IT..we all know you do better than $400k.. :)


Damn, I didn't realize I was suppose to be making that much. Need to have a talk with my boss :)

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kerry you are the pot calling the kettle black..talk about a political simp..you are the worse.


Where's DJ (Orion)? We could use a 30 page back and forth about the racist implications of that comparison right about now.


trump had a lot of bad points but joe has him beat by a mile on how bad he is


By what metric? Do you have any data on this? When I hear people repeat this republican propaganda talking point they never have any actual information to support it other than "it's just how they feel". Please explain, in detail.


Again, I've voted for both partys but have leaned more to the pubs as they are more like the dems of the 60s.


So have I, a fact which you conveniently like to ignore.


If you mean republicans are more like democrats of the 60's in that they are subservient to the military industrial complex and pushing war and colonization, then you'd pretty spot on. However issues like Civil rights, education, military benefits, Social programs to address poverty and inequality etc...they haven't really waivered on. I guess if none of those things are important to you....


But I feel you vote straight blue no matter what and will defend that vote with exhausting diatribes talking around subjects trying to wear the reader out.


I have stated ad nauseum that I have been and always will be an independent voter devoid of party. I have also self identified as politically progressive, and focused more on issues than candidates and policy drawn from data and facts. Seriously go back and actually read anything I've written on politics over the years on this forum and you will find that a consistent theme.


Also, since I just feel I am going to have to address this: being a progressive is not the same as being a "liberal". They can look similar at times because well, caring about other humans is going to look the same regardless of party or political ideology. The main difference between a modern political liberal and a progressive in the US is that liberalism seems to be focused on equality and opportunity through budget policy, where as a progressive approach is focused more on writing efficient and meaningful regulation.


It is undisputed historical fact that those looking to preserve white supremacy manipulated the laws of this country for their benefit and to preserve an institution of inequality of opportunity and to create a wealthy defacto ruling class, and not enough has been done to undo that harm in the body of the actual legislation. That's where I am coming from.


And before I have to listen about libertarianism and the GOP, The last libertarian in any meaningful role in the GOP was John McCain and he's been dead for years now. Once the GOP sold out to an evangelical platform it pushed any socially progressive libertarians out of the party and any libertarian agenda into a false promise. For as much as I respect William F Buckley, he always said that the role of conservatism was to to critical of progress through legislation - which in reality means conservative ideology is dependent on progressive ideology to balance it out, and when left unchecked is harmful to the american public and democracy as a whole. This is why I think the modern GOP in the era of trump has nothing of value to offer the american people except loss of equality and opportunity - because it serves to at best preserve manipulated systems and at worst remove legislation that creates and protects equality.



I will agree we don't know how vmt will play out but if it's a mileage charge it will affect everyone...but you can't even admit that


Federal Government policy affects everyone in this country, whether they realize it or not. If you look back at what I actually wrote, you'll see I've spelled out who and how possible scenarios will affect people, so saying "I can't even admit" that a mileage charge will affect everyone is basically telling that you didn't read what I wrote or didn't understand it.

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Ohio is not one of those 4, so no its not mandatory for STATE OF OHIO employees.


I never said State of Ohio employees. This falls under the mind set of



First they came for the Communists

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Communist


Then they came for the Socialists

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Socialist


Then they came for the trade unionists

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a trade unionist


Then they came for the Jews

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Jew


Then they came for me

And there was no one left

To speak out for me


If it is happening in other states, it will happen here unless it is fought early on.

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Oh, yes, Newsmax. I trust that. :rolleyes:


Everything I've read says that what was approved is a pilot program to study the viability of a mileage tax that will be made up of volunteers who will carry GPS monitors in their vehicles. These types of pilot programs happen all the time for other things, like V2X communication, driver monitoring tech, AEB, etc. This is not an approval to implement a mileage tax.


There has been no proposal from the gov on how much to charge per mile, if everyone gets charged the same fee, or if this completely replaces the gas tax because those are the questions the pilot program is supposed to answer. IMO, this Newsmax story is just fear mongering, and it appears to be working. Stop living in fear.


P.S. They used 26,000 miles a year? Isn't the average more like ~12,000?

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Oh, yes, Newsmax. I trust that. :rolleyes:


Everything I've read says that what was approved is a pilot program to study the viability of a mileage tax that will be made up of volunteers who will carry GPS monitors in their vehicles. These types of pilot programs happen all the time for other things, like V2X communication, driver monitoring tech, AEB, etc. This is not an approval to implement a mileage tax.


There has been no proposal from the gov on how much to charge per mile, if everyone gets charged the same fee, or if this completely replaces the gas tax because those are the questions the pilot program is supposed to answer. IMO, this Newsmax story is just fear mongering, and it appears to be working. Stop living in fear.


P.S. They used 26,000 miles a year? Isn't the average more like ~12,000?


First what is there to not trust? 26,000*$0.08=$2,080 Simple math. No there is not a proposal but to begin the discussion and look at numbers, you have to start somewhere. With out seeing the actual story, I would have to guess the story was something along the lines of "if this than that".


Yes it is a pilot study. As far as I understand, it is a study of any viable method. They will start looking into what works and what doesn't. As far as GPS, they will start looking at cost of the system, acceptance, installation, ways it can be defeated *cough* faraday cage *cough*, etc. However, they are also looking at other methods of implementation.


As far as the 26,000 miles per year, you (12,000) + spouse/domestic partner (12,000) = 24,000. So not far off when you look at what would need to be paid at tax time or vehicle registration, etc. In addition, pre-pandemic the mileage average for 2019 was 14,263 according to the DOT FHA. The number creeps up a little bit most years as we as a nation sprawl out, it becomes more economical to live farther from work, etc.

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First what is there to not trust? 26,000*$0.08=$2,080 Simple math. No there is not a proposal but to begin the discussion and look at numbers, you have to start somewhere.


What's not to trust is, even as you said, there is no proposal on how much per mile to charge, there's not even a proposal for whether everyone would pay the same rate (based on type of vehicle, where you live, what roads you drive on, etc), or whether this would completely replace the gas tax or be in addition to it where implemented. Yet this "news" station is presenting this (and people here are too) as if it's a government estimate going into this trial. People on here are even acting like it's a done deal and there's a new tax on every citizen, while this is a study using volunteers where no one is being charged anything. These studies typically take years before presenting any findings, so a decision will most likely not even fall under this current administration.


I like my news to be FACTS, not made up bullshit that's only meant to rile up a base. If there is a source for this 8 cents per mile estimate, then I would like to see it. So far I haven't found anything.


Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

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