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What's not to trust is, even as you said, there is no proposal on how much per mile to charge, there's not even a proposal for whether everyone would pay the same rate (based on type of vehicle, where you live, what roads you drive on, etc), or whether this would completely replace the gas tax or be in addition to it where implemented. Yet this "news" station is presenting this (and people here are too) as if it's a government estimate going into this trial. People on here are even acting like it's a done deal and there's a new tax on every citizen, while this is a study using volunteers where no one is being charged anything. These studies typically take years before presenting any findings, so a decision will most likely not even fall under this current administration.


I like my news to be FACTS, not made up bullshit that's only meant to rile up a base. If there is a source for this 8 cents per mile estimate, then I would like to see it. So far I haven't found anything.


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It clearly states to put this in perspective. It doesn't say estimate or plan or anything. It is simply IF the tax was X and you drove Y, this would cost Z. It is simply a way to look at a final result. If you say tax is $0.16/mi it is put into perspective for how much it costs yearly by putting miles to it and calculating it out. It is merely food for thought... year end total... shows how quickly even a small tax multiplies.

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As far as replacing the gas tax..do you really feel any current tax plan would be revoked?


Not by either party would that EVER happen.


I thought I heard somewhere the federal income tax was to pay for a the civil war.. greg will correct me if I'm wrong ..so why wasn't it stopped after the war was paid for??

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As far as replacing the gas tax..do you really feel any current tax plan would be revoked?


No, I don't think the gas tax will ever go away, and it will most likely need to increase as fuel economy goes up and we try to shift to renwables.


But I also don't think it's a guarantee that every bro dozer out there will get double taxed. There definitely has to be a solution in place before mass adoption of EVs takes place. Maybe it will still end up being higher registration fees. Maybe not. That's what the study is for.


Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

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I thought I heard somewhere the federal income tax was to pay for a the civil war.. greg will correct me if I'm wrong ..so why wasn't it stopped after the war was paid for??


The first Income tax was levied in 1861 to help ease the burden of the civil war debt. it was 3% on any income over $800 per year (the top 3% of the population at the time - $23,000 per year in modern money). It was repealed in 1862 and replaced with a progressive rate tax as part of the same act that created the IRS.


The Income tax was repealed in 1872.


In 1894, the income tax was reinstated to make up for a shortfall created by repealing tariffs. It was repealed in 1895


The next time the income tax was reinstated was in 1913, to help with US government funded investment in industrialization. It was further expanded to pay for WWI debt in 1918. The great depression, WWII, the Vietnam war, and various government programs like the space race insured the need for an income tax.


By the way Lincoln wasn't the first to propose a US federal income tax, that happened during the war of 1812, and even earlier by the states and colonies.


..do you really feel any current tax plan would be revoked?


Not by either party would that EVER happen.


Yes Mace, Taxes get repealed all the time as tax policy changes. I feel like your distrust on this comes from the fact you just aren't researching it/paying attention. Cynicism is a form of intellectual laziness.

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kerry shouldn't you use quotes and cite your work??


Isn't this plagiarism??..you and sleep joe..it cost him in '88


"Cynicism is a form of intellectual laziness"-herny rollins


Rollins, Peggy Noonan, Teddy Roosevelt, etc... It's not the work of one person but a long observed psychological phenomenon going back over a century. It's a form of dismissive blindness that masquerades as intellect when it is the opposite. You can't plagiarize an observation. You would know this if you weren't trying so hard and maybe weren't so cynical.

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Nearest I can tell the quote from Herny [sic] Rollins is: “Cynicism is nothing but intellectual cowardice," which is different from what Kerry said, although similar, but it's not like that's an original thought by Rollins either, so... I'm not seeing the plagiarism.


Score your point, though. I'm just here to google stuff for y'all.

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gets called out ..then tries to cover it up..with a repetitive statement


to quote the guy above me oof


give it a rest guy, I can't feel MORE sorry for you than I already do.


I'm just here to google stuff for y'all.


Pretty shocking, and more than a little telling that the conservative voices in this thread have really strong opinions that are easily debunked with less than 30 seconds of googling, and yet they still can't be bothered to do it. must be a conspiracy by those liberal search engines to hide information from conservatives to intentionally embarrass them. I mean what else could it be?

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gosh kerry ..I'm glad you feel for me...but you seem to be the one who is in semi poor health..take care of yourself and watch your blood pressure and possible type 2 diabetes


greg I agree i haven't seen it in the news..is it ev only?? maybe it isn't being covered as closely because it's a state only issue and not in the national spotlight..imho

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gosh kerry ..I'm glad you feel for me...but you seem to be the one who is in semi poor health..take care of yourself and watch your blood pressure and possible type 2 diabetes


greg I agree i haven't seen it in the news..is it ev only?? maybe it isn't being covered as closely because it's a state only issue and not in the national spotlight..imho



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did the cr libbies all of sudden get anti tax?


I know this is hard for you to understand but nobody "likes" taxes. Also the world isn't black and white or anti-tax vs pro-tax.


The overwhelming majority of Americans tolerate taxes on a spectrum because they mostly understand that they pay for common and shared services that they need (roads, schools, military, justice system, etc...). Also the majority of citizens are curious and critical of new taxes because also the majority of people don't like waste. Being interested and asking questions about how something is going to work doesn't mean you are suddenly anti-tax, but it does mean you are pro-information.


There are Anti-tax people out there. They are a small cadre of extremists that say stupid things like "Taxation is theft" (which literally like waving a flag that says I don't understand how any of this works and I don't care to learn) and spout off cynical nonsense rather than understand tax policy. It's just closed minded nonsense that is only there to frustrate progress and advocate for a feudal state. Don't trust the opinion of anybody who says "taxation is theft", they are not smart or well informed about government or tax policy.

Edited by Geeto67
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