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You say I attack people and sling shit. Is that reasonable in your eyes?


If it's honest I believe it is.



I think my posts reflect frequent nuance. Do I see the irony in saying all Trump supporters are gullible rubes while bemoaning a lack of nuance in politics? From a certain point of view, yes. From another point of view, this is a message board and I'd rather save my nuance for things that require more nuance, and I'm not going to lose sleep about painting Trump supporters with a broad brush. I'm only human, and I'm sure you make generalizations from time to time.


I have my shortcomings. Hypocrisy is something I try to avoid but I'm sure I don't do that all too well from time to time. I just chuckled at the irony of lambasted ALL Trump supporters then complaining that it seems like that happens to you in this thread. :lol:

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2017 - 2.1%

2018 - 2.4%

2019 - 1.8%

2020 - 1.2%

2021 - 4.05% (first 9 months, last 5 have all been over 5%, highest since 1991)


Gas Sept

2017 - $2.64

2018 - $2.83

2019 - $2.62

2020 - $2.18

2021 - $3.17

Yes, some things cost more now, but what did Biden do to create this? What would be different if Trump were president right now? I guess I'm left wondering how much of this is COVID-related (supply chains tightened during shutdowns, the recovery happened faster than they predicted, and now they are over stressed and still understaffed) vs permanent inflation.


In many cases it comes down to supply and demand. Many things are in short supply, so they cost more.


In other news the S&P 500 and Dow hit another all time high today. I wish Trump were still on Twitter so he could tweet to his followers about how great the economy is right now.

This... doesn't seem to support your theory that corporations passed their tax savings on to the consumer.


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I just chuckled at the irony of lambasted ALL Trump supporters then complaining that it seems like that happens to you in this thread. :lol:


I get that, I really do. :) But I'm not millions of people, I'm just one poster. I even use my real name here. There's no need to paint me with a broad brush, I'm actually on the skinny side.

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Anyone who believes cnn,msnbc, or fox are true news channels are idiots.




They all create commentaries for their respective parties, if you don't believe it you are truly deaf, dumb, blind or just stupid.

Oh yeah, Newsmax all the way.




Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

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It's really stupid. It's like they want investments to go overseas even more so.


Interestingly enough, investments in production go overseas. Investment in housing more recently has been huge coming into the US. China especially has been buying whole sub divisions the day they launch.

Investment in consumption ie retail etc has been from overseas for a very long time. I see it everywhere as I do work business to business and most of the owners are not US citizens.


The housing thing is really odd and not sure what to think. We've been having it happen here as well as in the news. Texas was moving to been the practice. Charlotte is an issue. My mom just sold her place and tons of foreign entities were trying to buy to rent it out.

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Interestingly enough, investments in production go overseas. Investment in housing more recently has been huge coming into the US. China especially has been buying whole sub divisions the day they launch.

Investment in consumption ie retail etc has been from overseas for a very long time. I see it everywhere as I do work business to business and most of the owners are not US citizens.


The housing thing is really odd and not sure what to think. We've been having it happen here as well as in the news. Texas was moving to been the practice. Charlotte is an issue. My mom just sold her place and tons of foreign entities were trying to buy to rent it out.


I did qualify even more so, but yes those are all good points. I'm generally against regulation and only for it when necessary. Foreign ownership of our housing I think I'd support a ban on - at least at the massive rate it's happening now.

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Anybody read more than the headline? Seems like perhaps not?


If so, anybody have better suggestions?


Doesn't seem like something the government can actually do anything about. The ports are already working overtime trying to get everything unloaded, they're the busiest they've ever been. The container ships are sitting there bleeding money because they're not able to take their next contract. The people who own the goods are bleeding money because they can't sell what's in the containers.


The federal government coming in and financially leaning on people to do what they're already desperately trying to do seems idiotic.


About the only play the government could make here is to maybe throw out a bunch of customs checks in order to speed the process, but I'm guessing that's not even the bottleneck right now. So I don't think there's anything Biden could be doing to help, but this certainly isn't going to help.

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you mean folks who create hundreds of thousands of jobs that create tax revenue. sure the focus on increasing taxes, regulation, and climate change is working wonders so far with 0 states in lock down currently for us economy growth.




folks paying a lower tax rate or no taxes for politicians to dick off with the money isnt a problem. the folks who are the targets tax wise of the biden regime paid anywhere of 23 million to 1 billion dollars in taxes... folks can lecture then when they can drop that much money towards taxes.

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you mean folks who create hundreds of thousands of jobs that create tax revenue. sure the focus on increasing taxes, regulation, and climate change is working wonders so far with 0 states in lock down currently for us economy growth.




folks paying a lower tax rate or no taxes for politicians to dick off with the money isnt a problem. the folks who are the targets tax wise of the biden regime paid anywhere of 23 million to 1 billion dollars in taxes... folks can lecture then when they can drop that much money towards taxes.


Looking at that ProPublica article, Elon Musk paid $0 in taxes in 2018. If you take his 2021 yearly income and tax it at 14% (the median tax bracket), that is $17,708,142,023.60. The median taxpayer makes $70,000 and pays $9,800 in taxes (at 14%). It would take 1,806,953 taxpayers to equal his one tax bill. If you can spend the time going after 1 non-payer or going after 1.8M non-payers and yield the same result, who would you target? If you tax him at 37% (the bracket for over $628,300), it would take 4,775,519 median non-payers to equal just him. All of his companies combined only have 110,000 employees. At what point is it okay to not pay any tax because you created jobs that create tax revenue? 10? 100? 1000? The upper 1% pay more dollar wise but it is supposed to be an equal proportion. It is supposed to be more equal that way. Much like the guys on Super Speeders laugh at tickets meanwhile a single parent family may not eat that week because monetarily they are equal but proportionately they are drastically different. (Hence why some other countries make fines percentages instead of $ amounts.)

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Looking at that ProPublica article, Elon Musk paid $0 in taxes in 2018. If you take his 2021 yearly income and tax it at 14% (the median tax bracket), that is $17,708,142,023.60. The median taxpayer makes $70,000 and pays $9,800 in taxes (at 14%). It would take 1,806,953 taxpayers to equal his one tax bill. If you can spend the time going after 1 non-payer or going after 1.8M non-payers and yield the same result, who would you target? If you tax him at 37% (the bracket for over $628,300), it would take 4,775,519 median non-payers to equal just him. All of his companies combined only have 110,000 employees. At what point is it okay to not pay any tax because you created jobs that create tax revenue? 10? 100? 1000? The upper 1% pay more dollar wise but it is supposed to be an equal proportion. It is supposed to be more equal that way. Much like the guys on Super Speeders laugh at tickets meanwhile a single parent family may not eat that week because monetarily they are equal but proportionately they are drastically different. (Hence why some other countries make fines percentages instead of $ amounts.)



Is any of this english? Seriously I don't get your point.



At what point is it okay to not pay any tax because you created jobs that create tax revenue? 10? 100? 1000?


You may think this is a simple question but it isn't because it depends on a huge amount of factors.


If you want a simple answer though it is - never. It should never be a personal exemption for an individual to be exempt from paying taxes because that person is the head of a company that created jobs. The COMPANY gets that tax break, often on a case by case basis because they actually create jobs and usually tied to some incentive (like location or expansion).

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If you want a simple answer though it is - never.


I agree 100%. This was in response to the comment the people that create hundreds of thousands of jobs are being targeted for paying little or no tax. It was stated until we have millions or billions to be able to pay comparable taxes, that we shouldn't have an opinion on those people not paying.


The point is, they are being targeted because they are such "big fish". The time/money investment has a much larger return compared to targeting a lot of median tax evaders. It was also the point that they should never be exempt. I also don't feel that companies should be exempt but, that is a whole different topic and reasoning.

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