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well what do you expect?


A lot of people felt that even if he was defending himself he was still reckless and they wanted to see him held accountable for that.


no the assholes who attacked him were reckless he was defending himself..only liberal dicks see it any other way

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Yes he was reckless by only hitting the people attacking him and none of the many bystanders. 6 out of 8 shots landed and the 2 at jump kick man don't appear to have errantly hit anyone else. Truth is, the AR-15 is highly precise and easy to aim making it an excellent self defense weapon. Compared to NYPD cops with their "safer" 15lbs trigger Glocks where they tend to hit more innocent bystanders than perpetrators.
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well what do you expect?


A lot of people felt that even if he was defending himself he was still reckless and they wanted to see him held accountable for that.


Those same folks seem to have no problem with the folks chasing him/the three he shot who were pursuing/threatening/harming him, who they were, what they've done or that they were reckless and should be held accountable.


They just be like...




The hypocrisy is laughable.

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Those same folks seem to have no problem with the folks chasing him/the three he shot who were pursuing/threatening/harming him, who they were, what they've done or that they were reckless and should be held accountable.



The hypocrisy is laughable.


1st: please let me know how you are going to hold the dead accountable? I'll wait.


Those same folks like whom? seems like you are making a lot of assumptions on your part.


If KR had been the active shooter that some of those people had mistaken him for and those unarmed people had stopped him, I would be willing to bet you would be lauding them as a hero. So you are right, as long as we are both making assumptions about people your Hypocrisy is laughable.


If you want drag in the history of the people attacking him, can we also talk about how all this was over defending a buy here pay here car lot that the owners never asked him or anybody else to "defend"? Is damage to a couple used Hyundai's really worth deadly force and extra-judicial killings over?

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1st: please let me know how you are going to hold the dead accountable? I'll wait.


Those same folks like whom? seems like you are making a lot of assumptions on your part.


If KR had been the active shooter that some of those people had mistaken him for and those unarmed people had stopped him, I would be willing to bet you would be lauding them as a hero. So you are right, as long as we are both making assumptions about people your Hypocrisy is laughable.


If you want drag in the history of the people attacking him, can we also talk about how all this was over defending a buy here pay here car lot that the owners never asked him or anybody else to "defend"? Is damage to a couple used Hyundai's really worth deadly force and extra-judicial killings over?



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The pakies that owned the lot said that didn’t asked anyone to guard the stores, but there’s at least 4 people with direct contact to them that say otherwise. The pakies just don’t want any liability and want to stay away from this whole situation. Of course they now say that never asked anyone to be there.
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1st: please let me know how you are going to hold the dead accountable? I'll wait.


Those same folks like whom? seems like you are making a lot of assumptions on your part.


If KR had been the active shooter that some of those people had mistaken him for and those unarmed people had stopped him, I would be willing to bet you would be lauding them as a hero. So you are right, as long as we are both making assumptions about people your Hypocrisy is laughable.


If you want drag in the history of the people attacking him, can we also talk about how all this was over defending a buy here pay here car lot that the owners never asked him or anybody else to "defend"? Is damage to a couple used Hyundai's really worth deadly force and extra-judicial killings over?


The keyword there is "active". KR was running to where the police were, saying he was running to the police [to turn himself in] and the mob chasing him attacked him. Within sight of the police line. They were in no danger from him and were not stopping an active shooter fleeing a scene attempting to escape justice.



Look at what happened with Gaige Grosskreutz. Gaige comes running basically besides Kyle, asking him "You shot someone?" Kyle replies "I'm going to the police". So what does Gaige do next; he drops back a bit behind although still perusing Kyle and starts drawing his illegally carried pistol out of his backside holster. This all before Kyle had stumbled (after being hit twice in the back of the head) and shot at Jump Kick Man (that we now know the identity of, and apparently the prosecution knew the whole time of the trial but with held the identity), and then shot Huber after being hit with his skateboard and Huber attempting pulling the rifle away.




That said however I'm not 100% against the "stopping an active shooter" and give some credence they may have believed that at the time in the heat of the moment. With benefit of hindsight and all the recorded evidence it doesn't fit but in a chaotic environment like it was some benefit of doubt is granted. However that doesn't remove Kyle's self defense right. Said before that self-defense is not zero-sum or mutually exclusive; two parties can both be acting in self defense against each other depending on circumstance.

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1st: please let me know how you are going to hold the dead accountable? I'll wait.



I think the point he's making is we should hold others just like them who were NOT held accountable by Kyle that night to the same standard. Let's see if the DOJ uses that same technology, drone video and vigor that they are using for Jan 6th to go after the ilk that burned Kenosha that week.



Is damage to a couple used Hyundai's really worth deadly force and extra-judicial killings over?


No but he didn't use deadly force to stop people from damaging vehicles. He used the fire extinguisher for that.

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Remember when everyone got pissed off that I called people snowflakes and dolts?


Mean words hurt. Sometimes. I think. I guess it depends. Someone explain the rules to me. Can I call people names again?


who said people got pissed. you just called out for being a hypocrite as the norm. keep sticking up for pedos since thats your thing.


it's funny as shit watching blm protesting over a pedo white guy who called people "nigerians" and killed by a white guy. liby mental gymnastics at it's finest. lol.

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Remember when everyone got pissed off that I called people snowflakes and dolts?




Mean words hurt. Sometimes. I think. I guess it depends. Someone explain the rules to me. Can I call people names again?

I'll break it down for you:


Ashli Babbitt; rioter killed in the act of destroying federal government property that was the last barrier between a crowed that was chanting "hang Mike Pence" and members of congress: HERO and victim. We must have the name of the man who shot her so he can be harassed by the mob.


Protesters killed or shot in the street after potentially feeling threatened by Kyle Rittenhouse brandishing an AR15 near them: scum of the earth, got what they deserved, not victims. Kyle is a hero.


If you think otherwise you are a libtard snowflake. There are no shades of gray here.


Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

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straw purchase..it's illegal..all they should be able to get him on is that..unless they try to over-prosecute


That'd be a federal charge I think, but that charge hasn't been brought (yet). He's been charged with 2 counts of supplying a firearm to a minor in WI, up to 3 years each.


He's very fucked.

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Especially since he confessed on the stand that he and Kyle had talked about how they knew it was illegal.


Someone get that poor kid at least a state rep internship.


As I understand it's the same law (different section) that Kyle was charged with and the same conditionals apply. A half decent lawyer should be able to get it dismissed relatively easily.

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As I understand it's the same law (different section) that Kyle was charged with and the same conditionals apply. A half decent lawyer should be able to get it dismissed relatively easily.


I don't think it's going to be that easy. The problem is that the law Kyle was charged with was contradicted by another law that described the type of weapons minors were allowed to have. You can't very well have a law that says "Minors can't own guns" and then another section that describes the type of guns that minors are allowed to own without leading to confusion.


But there's no law contradicting "Minors aren't allowed to purchase guns", nor is there a law contradicting "You are not allowed to give a gun to a minor."


Now a lawyer may argue that having a law saying minors are allowed to have a certain type of gun, but they can't purchase or be given said gun, is nonsense, but that would just be the the way it is -- minors could posses a type of weapon that they have no way of legally acquiring. And that seems to be the case.


But I'm not a lawyer, so who knows. Regardless, the feds have him dead to rights on the straw purchase if they ever want to charge that, and it's certainly not any moral absolution that Dominick and Kyle both thought that what they were doing was illegal and they did it anyway. Hopefully Kyle is a good bro and lets some of his Tucker Carlson money trickle down to his dumbass friend.

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