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Corner entrance confidence


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Well stated. If you are one, looking down to adjust the speed to "double the limit", you are doing it wrong.

The only way to get better is to really do track days. Street riding will get you faster on a set number of turns YOU KNOW. However, when you think you are a super fast street guy? Come to the track and you'll see that a BIT of that ability will help you, but it won't make you a super fast track guy.

Track days help you understand the bike and what it does vs. just riding faster through a particular turn. Things like body position, looking up road, acceleration, braking, trailing, etc all come into play.

Most people that crash in corners - especially the street - usually get in too hot and cannot make adjustments to compensate and get out safe. They will tuck the front from braking and trailing too much or roll off the throttle and load the front and crash. Typically, you never see a rider that crashed coming out under acceleration. It's usually entrance or mid corner that causes issues.

There will be a lot of people telling you "how to". Just come to a track day and let us help you. Trust me when I say it will make you a MUCH better street rider...


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i really do wanna track day badly. but that's gonna take a while to get the investment in boots and leathers (pants anyway), and gauntlets (i've only got 3/4 gloves). but why are all the mid-ohio days on mon/tues? i do have a job too... :(

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I understand the track is a good place to learn...But it's not the answer to evolution...

Be a little more open-minded with suggestions. Not everyone wants to do the track, not everyone can afford the track.

If a person is asking how to improve their corner speed and cornering ability then yes they are looking to go to the track. They may not know that because they have no experience with it but thats what it is. As far as affording the track goes, you can pick up boots, leathers, ang gloves fairly cheap. as in boots for under $100, Gloves for $20 and yo could get a used suit for $100. All of these deals can be found if you look for them. If your out hitting the twisties trying to improve, you should be wearing this gear anyway. Your first crash on street twisties is more then likely going to cost you way more then buying all of the gear and the cost of a track day combined. And actually, YES it is the answer to "evolution" as you can only learn so much on the street and to "evolve" more then that, you need to hit the track.

Edited by flounder
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i really do wanna track day badly. but that's gonna take a while to get the investment in boots and leathers (pants anyway), and gauntlets (i've only got 3/4 gloves). but why are all the mid-ohio days on mon/tues? i do have a job too... :(

I think, and I could be remembering wrong, they rent gear up there for STT days. In any case boots and gauntlets are definitely a worth while investment and I'd say a track day is one of the best investments you can make in yourself as a sport rider.

Did you do the MSF?

I understand the track is a good place to learn...But it's not the answer to evolution...

Be a little more open-minded with suggestions. Not everyone wants to do the track, not everyone can afford the track.

... but when talking building corner confidence it's probably the best single answer, not to mention one of the safest.

Outside of that, you just ride and do everything you know you're supposed to do and the confidence will come with experience.

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you dont need to do track days if you dont want to,but if you want to learn handle your bike better then is good choice to go least one day .it is a school with STT not just open track day .everybody who did track day get better rider.i start ride last year,and i ride with guys who ride over 10 years.i did few track days and now im more comfident and faster in corners then my friends.they come and watch us last month at midohio and they admit they cant ride like us ,and they ride for that long.

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as far as gear, if i'm gonna shell out for stuff like that i'm not the type to look to get it on the cheap. i've already got my heart set on some A* SMX-Plus vented boots. the other bit is getting time off from work to do one, since they're basically all on week days.

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always up for it. how far is coshocton from grove city?

i dont kwow?? where is grove city??? haha i know ironpony, ross's apartment and my buddy cory's apartment. and johnstown and new albany (just cuz i pass them on my way to the pony haha)

ross, elliot, blake, john or greg would prolly be able to answer ur question better haha.

i know were about and hr or 1.15hrs from the pony

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I'll agree to disagree. I'm not arguing that the track is not the place to learn, just that it's not the universal answer to everything motorcycle. That is all.


The topic was cornering and confidence. Not everything motorcycle. I can prove to you that a person can learn at a higher rate and even become a better rider if they do track days via what we offer vs. if they do it on their own on the street via practicing and learning as they go.

It's really simple math... You are not going to learn to hit a baseball w/o being pitched to at speed. You can learn the swing, the technique via a tee, but being pitched to is something that will net faster results than doing it by yourself...

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It's really simple math... You are not going to learn to hit a baseball w/o being pitched to at speed. You can learn the swing, the technique via a tee, but being pitched to is something that will net faster results than doing it by yourself...

greg should use this math in reguards to his getting laid by women.... :wtf:

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The topic was cornering and confidence. Not everything motorcycle. I can prove to you that a person can learn at a higher rate and even become a better rider if they do track days via what we offer vs. if they do it on their own on the street via practicing and learning as they go.

It's really simple math... You are not going to learn to hit a baseball w/o being pitched to at speed. You can learn the swing, the technique via a tee, but being pitched to is something that will net faster results than doing it by yourself...

I haven't argued that.

I'm only saying the track is not the only option.

Myself, for example, I picked one road and rode it day in and day out. I gained a lot of confidence, picked up a lot of speed, and exponentially increased my riding skills by doing that.

That carried onto other roads and other corners. I'm without a doubt not the fastest rider (no where close really), but I'm happy with my riding abilities and confident with my riding skill.

I'm sure I could have picked up those skills "quicker" on the track, but I would have spent a lot more money and not gotten near as much riding time. I ride because that's who I am. I don't want to go fast and drag knee in every corner, I like to go 55mph sometimes. I also like to power through corners sometimes.

For me it's not about how quick I can become confident/fast in a corner, it's getting out and riding around for a couple hours and slowly gaining that speed/confidence.

The OP stated in his first line and I quote "so how do/did you all," well it took me a few months of riding the same road. Slowly at first and I worked myself up a point I am happy with.

I scroll through the posts and you and flounder are saying the track that's it, that's the only way. You said, and I quote, "The only way to get better is to really do track days," that is simply not true. It's one way to get better, it's the quickest way to get better, but it's not the only way to get better.

My point is there are other options besides the track. You push the track because you're an instructor and you race. Others push the track because they've done it. And yeah it's a great thing, but it's not the only answer to how to get better at this particular topic, or anything else motorcycle for that matter.

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I loved the trackday I had, but I wouldn't trade street riding for any of that. I'm a rider and a real rider rides the streets more than anything. A racer is a totally different lifestyle and doesn't make you a rider; it makes you a racer.

Although I gained lots of experience from my past track time, I have to agree with what Dustin is saying. His post pretty much narrows it down to what riding is about. :cheers:

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^ you guys are goofs...

back on track here!!! I practiced corners in a nice clean parking lot... you can go as fast or as slow as you need & want, and can make the turn whatever you want it to be. I'm still not super confident around the corners, but I think i'm doin alright.

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back on track here!!! I practiced corners in a nice clean parking lot... you can go as fast or as slow as you need & want, and can make the turn whatever you want it to be. I'm still not super confident around the corners, but I think i'm doin alright.

I forgot about that! I love doing that! you can create the best corner known to man in a huge, clean, open parking lot. You can get as low as you want doing that.

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