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No Gear


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I've seen atleast 20 sportbikes out today while at work without wearing gear.


Northgate Mall area huh? :)

I used to go to that mall a lot as a teenager.

Yep Northgate.....

Today saw one with a white t shirt shorts sneakers and sunglasses on going past the mcdonalds on springdale.

Passing other cars and did a wheelie, of course on an older gsxr blue/white

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YEah, seen several the other day... two bikes, one guy on one and two up, guy/girl on the other. No helmets, shorts and short sleeve shirts............. damn stupid. I got a leather armored jacket that has mess on the lower parts of the sleeves and center to allow air flow. when I went down last septmeber I was damn glad I choose to wear gear. I'll sweat a little over the major possibilies of road rash and a hospital stay.

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I really like my GSX-R, but when I went to Chicago the guy asked if I wanted the Blue/white one instead. That blue/white combo just gives me shivers.......

Love my blue/black though.

I feel bad enough riding in my jeans though.

I won't go out unless I have on the helmet, gloves, jacket, and boots.

I need some dang pants though.....

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I only wear jacket, gloves, long pants and a helmet. I'd feel like I would be looked upon negatively, if I was wearing less.

I am okay without a jacket, but I can't be going out for more than a quick local trip or else I feel naked. (I know, its just in my head.)

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I admit -- I rode without gear today.

In fact I rode in shorts, tank top and running shoes.

Yes - it's true. Sadly enough I'm a few blocks from the metro park I run at and I chance it on way there. Simply don't want to have to change out of jeans and leather boots and jacket, lock it all up on the bike somehow.

I know if' I'm that close i could run there - I'm running anyway - Right?

Well, I'll claim laziness and shin splints so no running on pavement.

Flame away.....

Sorry all - just being honest.

Though anything more than that ride to the part and it's as much gear as I have - though I sadly need a decent pair of boots for a wider foot - - size 11.5-12 HINT HINT!!!

And much to the disagreement of a lot of folks I don't classify a squid simply by lack of gear.

A squid can be fully geared wearing leathers - it's the lack of respect, any concern for anyone but their reckelss riding and attitude on the public streets that classify a squid - not simply a lack of gear - though they more times than not go hand in hand.

I would not consider myself or anyone else a squid for riding 15-20 mph in the neighboorhood being respectful and caustious simply because they were wearing less than full gear.

But like anything else everyone has their own opinion.

Ride sensily and safe - not a squid - regardless of what they're wearing.

That's personal choice.

Ride like an arse - pulling a wheelie on the public roads, passing on the shoulder, stoppies and burnouts = squid


Edited by Sal Paradise
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A squid can be fully geared wearing leathers

I, for one, have never seen it. Not saying it can't happen, but that would be a first for me. If someone isn't wearing gear and is on a sportsbike it's basically an automatic squid designation. You're right, it is the mentality, but if you're not geared you're either masochistic or delusional.

That Dude, this isn't Gixxer.com, get used to it. :violin:

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Towne? Anywho, if you did I would be :lol:.

+1 Papa

It's a personal choice, but be prepared be stereotyped. Oh, and I'm not going to ride anywhere near someone without at least basic gear. I see/read enough nastiness working my Auto Claims job, I don't need to see it in person too.

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i rode around towne yesterday in sandals and a sock over my dick

I'm going to continue this thread because ThatDude LOVES it so much.

Saw a 250-pound female passenger with a tube top, skirt and flipflops on the back of a cruiser yesterday... she looked... comfortable. The way a pile of fluffy white mashed potatoes looks comfortable on a plate...

(*note to self.. NEVER borrow a pair of socks from thatdude)

Edited by ChickOn2
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I'm going to continue this thread because ThatDude LOVES it some much.

Saw a 250-pound female passenger with a tube top, skirt and flipflops on the back of a cruiser yesterday... she looked... comfortable. The way a pile of fluffy white mashed potatoes looks comfortable on a plate...

(*note to self.. NEVER borrow a pair of socks from thatdude)

i love muffintops...

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I wear leather pants with textile armored jacket, full length boots,gauntlet gloves and full face helmet. I don't feel right with out it on. I get comments all the time about gear and why I wear it. Lately I have been answering with "Why do you not wear gear?" and walk away. It's seems pointless to argue gear with people who have already made their decision.

I look at it like this-

If your moving, like your supposed to be when you ride a motorcycle, the heat doesn't bother you.

If you ride a bike to be cool and stand around sure gear would be pointless.

I feel wearing gear is preventative maintenance for the body like checking tire pressure, changing oil, and chain maintenance is preventive maintenance for the bike. I would rather go through the extra work to have everything covered than to just take off and have an issue when I need the maintenance and gear the most. When you least expect it.

But you all do what you want. It's you life, skin bones and bike. And I will still stop to help you out if you go down or brake down. No matter how messy it maybe.

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