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For the Couple EEs Here


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Alright, I've done a lot of board designs so far in my career, but this one takes the cake for fill planes. This is complete copper pour insanity....

I thought a couple of you fellow EE nerds might get a kick out of this.


Edited by jarvismb
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you should see the trace routing....that cluster fuck in the lower left corner is an FPGA/CPLD/FLASH combination. 14 layer board.

This will be an interesting board to debug, considering it has analog, digital, and 300-500 watts of power all together. Should be a fun next couple weeks.


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it makes lots of independent precision-controlled power sources and uses compound analog and digital control loops for voltage servos. Carefully controlling ~100W power supplies to within +/- 0.05VDC is not a trivial task when the load is about 1400 individual MEMS thermal actuators. They make a lot of switching current noise.

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well, my image posting stupidity kinda overshadowed my original point, but since I got that figured out, I was just kind wondering if any other EEs have seen boards that have so many flood planes. I was kinda trying to get an opinion from you other guys to see if I've just been sheltered or if this really is a hot mess.

it's also just for fun to post some EE nerd porn....

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