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that dude

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We wouldn't have to waterboard anybody if we just killed them all.

This 'war' could have been over a while ago if we'd allow our fine Marines to go in and take care of business.

that's what the hell I'm talkin' about. Need to stop pussy footing around and level the whole middle east. Give the Marines a weekend to wrap it up. Turn the whole continent into a nice golf resort and be done with it, already.

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I guess the first thing here is weather the captured soldier has information worth knowing. If there is a real target worth capturing they send in the big boys and what they do behind closed doors never makes it to the media. We have some really really smart people in this country and there are much better ways to get info out of people.

In Korea they would grab captured enemy and take a couple up in the helicopter. They would toss the first one out and then the second would tell them everything they wanted to know and then toss his ass out next.

So no, they should not use waterboarding because the people they use it on dont have any good info to tell anyways.

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I support whatever means necessary to preserve our way of life.

thats a realist perspective, and i can respect that. the mighty will do what they will and the weak suffer what they must kinda thing.

We wouldn't have to waterboard anybody if we just killed them all.

who exactly is "them"? arabs? terrorists? muslims? anyone who is not the USA? i would guess it could be any of those things.

IMO its really hard to win a war against an intangible. you can wage war against a state and you can wage war against al qaeda. in both cases you have a clearly defined enemy. however i dont think anyone will win a war against "terror". i just dont see a day where its "ok thats the last of em. we killed all the terrorists. good job boys!". that day is never going to come.

Edited by John
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take the press out of it , take our civilians out of it. give a weekly news reel . let us win the war. as long as people are involved with ohhhh the enemy is hurting or ohhhh were sending our boys to fight (THEY VOLUNTEER ) we cant win with reduced numbers , go back to pre Vietnam . wanna see why its just walk a mile in a Military Mans shoes that is defending his people from future harm. and can not collect any good info without exstreem tactics acording to everyone .. hell id rather be waterboarded than beheaded,burnt, or dismembered.

wake up people WAR IS HELL , not a video game or trip to the supermarket .

im staying off the topic though . last post on it. i have hard enough time as it is not ending up in the joint over the modern day tokyo rose's.

^^^^^ LOL guerilla style is WAR.what do you think USMC teaches

Semper Fi! :plus1: I couldn't agree more. Hell yes it's torture, but sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do! If that means you have to cut the testicles off some poor bastard to get info to prevent 100's from being harmed, then so be it.

Fuck the moral high road, give our boys over there a fucking chance to win or at least not be targets holding a gun.

War is no place for a fucking 'I was too much of a chicken shit to join the military' news man. Reporting on a war should just be simple Xs and Os.

"This week we killed X amount of the rat shit enemy, and we lost O amount of troops" Take the news out of the war and I guran-fucking-tee that our casualties would decrease greatly, and the opposition forces would be reduced to 10% of what it is now.

Now for all those bleeding hearts that are sad that we are sending men & women over to be killed, THEY volunteered for the military, the military fights our wars both on the books and off. They knew they weren't signing up for a cocktail hour (except maybe the Airforce:D). No one likes war, but as a soldier war is what you are trained and retrained and prepared to do from day one. It's like being a firefighter, you hate like hell that homes catch on fire and people get hurt, but it's your job and your passion to run into that burning building.

My rant is done.

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thats a realist perspective, and i can respect that. the mighty will do what they will and the weak suffer what they must kinda thing.

who exactly is "them"? arabs? terrorists? muslims? anyone who is not the USA? i would guess it could be any of those things.

IMO its really hard to win a war against an intangible. you can wage war against a state and you can wage war against al qaeda. in both cases you have a clearly defined enemy. however i dont think anyone will win a war against "terror". i just dont see a day where its "ok thats the last of em. we killed all the terrorists. good job boys!". that day is never going to come.

gsxrnurse won the war against my "fun"

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Just give our guys.. who happen to be the deadliest and most sophisticated military operation on the planet.. a shot at keeping us (civilians, at home) safe! let them go to wherever these terrorist asshats are and neutralize them. I don't see why it's so complicated. Just bury the bastards... better them, than tolerate another tragedy on American soil. the enemy doesn't give a crap about killing civilians, they proved that on 9-11.

I'm not saying we always need to give our military carte blanche to go destroying things willy nilly, but we are paying our tax dollars to have national and international safety, so let them do their jobs. the way they know how, and be done with it already.

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