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City to pay for Blue Jackets stadium?


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I heard about this on the radio yesterday.... I think it's BS, but It's been happening like this all over the country.... the current administration said no tax increase for the middle and lower classes, but here we are getting taxed at every junction.... new income taxes for the city, or no police, new sales tax, or no hockey team, Where does it end??? and yet I see all kinds of local, city and county leaders living alot better then I am.... the mayor is talking about laying off 300 people, WHERE did the "stimulus" money that Pres. Obama gave the city go??? that was supposed to help pay salaries for a year.... I say BS if they pass a sin tax I'll just buy my beer and wine in a different county... I don't drink that much anyway... so UP yours GOV'T!!!

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seriously, the police say this isnt a scare tactic but gimme a break. you telling me we've cut everything else unnecessary we can that now we have to threaten "not pursuing minor crimes as much" if the city doesnt approve more taxes? that's fucking extortion.

"Give us more money or we won't protect you anymore." How is that any different than mob shit?

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IIRC, nationwide and the dispatch built and sponsored it. Well now guess who's not making money anymore and wants out. So now it will be taxpayer owned and operated. Also this will not be voted on. The commisioners get to make this decision. Gotta luv gubment.

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All the "stimulus" monies given to Columbus went to finishing that "historic" jazz theater downtown that nobody will go to or cares about. That restoration was something like $50million!!! Even after we were clearly in a recession, the mayor & governor still opted to have it finished on schedule instead of funding the police and other necessities.

That whole "we're not gonna tax the little guy" always ends with the little guy getting fucked by "the man" taxing anything and everything the little guy utilizes to make their life a little less stressful.

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