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who has put her down during a darwin moment?


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i was messing around with a aprilia about 7 years ago on State road in hinkley , did not know the road past a certain point . about 2 to 3 miles north of 18 is a pretty nice turn ,right at the crest of the hill . i see the aprilia slowing as im armpit peeking,(& passing dangerous curve signs without seeing em) . i was moving fast enough to loft it a lil on crest and realized i was in the wrong lane by the time i was able to react. i tried taking it , sort of blind .... so i said f it stood it up and went into the grass . needless to say i was humming slowed down to about 70 or so . as soon as i hit the grass i bit hard. my darwin award i lived through.

Edited by krzwhtman
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I dropped my bike on its side while doing the U-turn to get my license. Not only did I crush my leg, but it proceeded to start PORING rain on me while I was under my bike. Ahhh, the memories.

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I did not drop it but heres a good one,

I had changed my front brakes on my old yamaha and after getting done I did not pump the brakes back up and I took off(in the back yard)and went to use them and by the time I got fluid back to them I hit my garage,luckily i had only started to go.

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One of my first little bikes, I put the rear (drum) brake torque bar on without cotter pin. I figured it would be ok, for a while, I figured wrong. It came off when I hit the brakes, spun the rear drum plate, broke it, tore the cable off and sent metal pieces flying. I'm aimed right at the back end of a stopped car. Max front drum brake, and my first stoppie. Stopped with the tail way up in the air. I exchanged my Darwin award for a lesson on cotter pins and carried on.

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