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Thoughts on the new tobacco legislation?


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wow thats gay... some people like to have lights and mediums.. personably if i smoke a shit ton of malboro reds then i dont feel that great but if i smoke med or lights i can smoke alot more and still be fine.. and that bs on banning the candy and fruit flavored, there nice for a change everyonce in a while... its just like banning a type of beer out of the selection of beer

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Good article...The way it sounds to me, and I could be totally off, but it sounds as if they are just saying the smokes can't be labeled light and medium, not that can no longer be produced. Hell, I smoke and will continue to do so however they appear on the market. Maybe it's good they're banning shit...force us to be a bit healthier. Although everyone deserves to do whatever the heck they want with their bodies, so regulating it doesn't really seem fair, does it? And the flip side is if they start making us healthier then fewer of us will die and we will be overpopulated and they'll start regulating how many kids we can have for population control. There is no one right way to do anything anymore....(Forgive the lengthy post....must be the meds)

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It's a bunch of bullshit, so much for thousands of tobacco related jobs. I smoke and i know the risks they shoved it down my throat all through school along with the warning labels and commercials and non smokers lecturing me about smoking. It's a choice that I make, leave it up to me to decide wether something is too unhealthy for me. They should regulate McDonalds more than Marlboro.

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  Vulcan_Rider said:
It's a bunch of bullshit, so much for thousands of tobacco related jobs. I smoke and i know the risks they shoved it down my throat all through school along with the warning labels and commercials and non smokers lecturing me about smoking. It's a choice that I make, leave it up to me to decide wether something is too unhealthy for me. They should regulate McDonalds more than Marlboro.

OK, you want to try and slap the cuffs on this guy?


At least he'll be easy to catch.

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  Cheech said:
OK, you want to try and slap the cuffs on this guy?


At least he'll be easy to catch.

Seen one of those Mini Choppers about a week ago , lil larger than that one with two people about that size going down brookpark as i was leaving a store , all you heard was a LOUD moped scream ... and im pretty sure it had a Mid Sized v twin in it,could have been cosmetic covers though... can not remember who makes em , they are slightly smaller than a normal bike , it was hilarious. but i felt bad for it.

Edited by krzwhtman
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"This is a bill that will protect children and will protect America," said Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., a leading supporter. "Every day that we don't act, 3,500 American kids - children - will light up for the first time. That is enough to fill 70 school buses."

The Congressional Budget Office estimated that FDA regulation could reduce underage smoking by 11 percent over the next decade.

The bill, said American Heart Association CEO Nancy Brown, "provides a tremendous opportunity to finally hold tobacco companies accountable and restrict efforts to addict more children and adults."

Costs of the new program would be paid for through a fee imposed on tobacco companies.


This is not a shakedown, it's an offer you can't refuse, see it's a law, you don't want to argue about a law, do you?

And who will pay for those "fees forced on tobacco companies"?

Of course no citation for the statistics either from Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., a leading supporter.

Just remember it's not about the money, no really, not about the money...

Edited by Strictly Street
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Whenever someone says "protect the kids" i automatically assume they are full of bullshit and trying to screw ppl over. And reducing underage smoking by 11% how? Will 11% of kids listen to the NEW warnings? Will 11% of kids go "no more bubblegum flavored cigs? no thanks."

I wish ppl would stop trying to decide what other people shouldn't do. I get the public smoking stuff, but this is too much. This qualifies up there in stupidity with the states that have limits on beer alcohol % but still allow higher alcohol liquor.

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Welcome to the wonderful world of a Nanny State. Big Brother always knows best. I don't give a fuck if you smoke 5 packs a day. Everyone has the right to do what they want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. More laws make more criminals...

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