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oh snap! experienced flamers only...no n00bs


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this thread is fucking gay.. FAIL.. fucking gay.. had to say it again.. GAY AS FUCK.. fucking gay... FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK.. GAAAAYYYY! taint.

I swear I laughed five minutes after I read this.

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Yup...once its off the front page no one seems to care anymore :D

I think these threads seem to die after the people arguing realize that they've become entertainment for the other hundred people reading the forum too. :D

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I think these threads seem to die after the people arguing realize that they've become entertainment for the other hundred people reading the forum too. :D

Hey now, I wasn't arguing with anyone. Just making some statements, asking some questions, you know.

Face it - entertainment is why we're all here. Doesn't matter if I'm being entertained or doing the entertaining.

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Hey Todd,

Maybe i wouldnt have gone down if you hadnt parked it. I crashed trying to avoid running into you. And you couldnt keep up with me on my 600 with a liter bike. Oh and by way, are you racing because i saw you like 5 yrs ago for like 3 races. So stick to what you know which is pretty much being a whiney little girl! I like how you still tote the # 43 as your avitar... living in the past much?

Hmmm....interesting. Still blaming your misfortunes on the actions of others.

Three races 5 years ago? You must have been stoned. Seems to me we won an Endurance Championship four years ago. Of course I could be wrong.

Not racing this year. No time for it - too many other things going on.

About what I'd expect from you though. Nothing like a chick that acts and talks like a dude.

Still bangin married guys, or did you give that up?

I was actually hoping to hear more rebuttal from the shemale slut who can outride the whiney old washed up has-been on a 1000cc when she's rocking a 600cc.


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I was actually hoping to hear more rebuttal from the shemale slut who can outride the whiney old washed up has-been on a 1000cc when she's rocking a 600cc.


Finally a good one from you. :D

I'm not sure about the whiney, but I'll go with washed up has-been. Its much better than a "never-was".


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