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Cops on 315


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+1 on the Heads up! A co-worker of mine found out about them the wrong way. She got a ticket wednesday for 12 over. She was lucky he didn't double the fine due to the construction zone. Be careful out there!

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i saw one about an hour ago by the 161 exit clocking northbound traffic

That's Worthington PD. There is almost always someone there. Personally, I stay out of the Worthington jurisdictional limits on the bike whenever possible.

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Radar detector paid for itself three times today as I went through small towns in western Ohio today. All three just sitting in pull offs with the radar pointing down the road in poorly marked 25 and 35 zones.

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I'm with BMMW on the old post but here is a funny for you.

I have been to OSU James and Riverside several times in the last few years and have not seen any LEOs west of New Albany more than twice. It is probably a good thing because the last time I was over there in November I was headed east on 161 and my friend said swing into Bob Evans so I turned north onto 710 in the south bound lane closest to Bob Evans. I turned the ol mini van into a 4x4, crossed the center divider and hoped I didn't plow someone who was driving correctly. If I cut any of you guys off that night I'm sorry but me and my friend still get a kick out of 4 wheeling the van.

Edited by bandit12
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Heads up 270 is fucking covered with them, hell I even saw 2 on 71 yesterday, it was unreal. They were within a mile of each other.

Also pot holes all over, Im still not down to ride in this shit, I saw 1 car with the front wheel facing the wrong way, and it had been drug after hitting the pot hole.

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I can vouch for the northern portion of 270 from the water towers to 315. Got pulled over by OSP heading south on 315. He was very professional, told me I was +10 and checked for obligatory endorsement and insurance. Bonus came in the form of no ticket, a "be careful" and a compliment for signaling a lane change with left arm when I wasn't sure the radio-changing teen saw me. He said to pass word along that a step up in checking for temps/endorsement AND insurance is in effect.

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He said to pass word along that a step up in checking for temps/endorsement AND insurance is in effect.

can they stop you to check your license, assuming you did nothing else wrong?

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can they stop you to check your license, assuming you did nothing else wrong?

They can figure out your license status from your plate. I got popped in Worthington 3 years ago for not having an endorsement and riding at night. Cop pulled out behind my roommate (Nighthawk 1100) and I, ran both our plates and just pulled me over. We were NOT speeding.

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